With a strong effort, Steven retracted the tentacles, and at the same time brought these islands to his front.

"Core...core..." It was burning with anxiety, its mental power spread, and it scanned the life reactions in circles on the island.

There is not much time left for Steven!

The black-haired ghost below is coming soon!

The floating island is tilted.

bang bang bang bang


Otto spat out a mouthful of bruised blood, clutched his chest, and struggled to get up from the wall that turned into the ground.

At this time, he looked extremely embarrassed, his face was covered with blood, and his prosthetic eye had been lost in the battle just now.

And the last one left was also severely damaged to a certain extent.

His vision was blurred, and those thin black and white lines fluctuated back and forth in front of his eyes, just like the black and white lines when the TV screen was blurred.

"Huh—huh—" Otto squinted his eyes. Although it was extremely difficult to see things, his sight stayed on a certain white-haired girl.

After a few seconds, he barely recognized that the other party was fine, so he opened his mouth with difficulty and smiled.

"Grandpa?" Until now, Teresa was still a little at a loss: "What the **** is this..."


As soon as the girl finished speaking, there was a sudden change.

Tentacles as hard as steel pierced through, opening another wall, and a large amount of light poured in from the gap.

"Hmm..." Due to living in the dark for a long time, Teresa subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her red agate-like eyes.

Otto, on the other hand, sternly stared at the tentacles tearing apart the metal wall.

Looking at those weird things, his right hand trembled slightly, and black blood dripped continuously from between his fingers.

In Otto's eyes, the blurred and ferocious tentacles in front of him gradually coincided with the Honkai Beast that destroyed the entire world.

At this moment, there seemed to be a fire in his eyes.

His palms gradually clenched into fists, panting heavily, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Honkai...Honkai...I hate Honkai!"


"Get out... get out of here!"

buzz buzz

The red light radiated, and the god-killing armor was activated again. Otto struggled to get up, bent down, and was just about to lift the giant Judas on the ground.


A tentacle shot towards Teresa.

At this moment, the girl was still covering her eyes, and when she finally noticed the weird tentacle, her face turned pale with fright.

Listening to the continuous sound of breaking the air next to my ears.

Teresa already knew she couldn't hide.


There was another sound of gold and iron colliding, and the tentacle was smashed out of the expected track, rubbed the girl's cheek, and sank deeply into the wall.


Just then Judas fell, and the ground trembled from the impact.

"Go! Get out of here! There is... no hope here!" Otto yelled without looking back.

"Grandpa?" Theresa stared blankly.

This seems to be different from the scene she imagined?

"Let's go..."

But Otto hadn't finished speaking.


The blood is flying!

At this moment, the old man's eyes widened, trembling, and his gaze slowly moved down.

I saw one of Steven's tentacles piercing through his chest, and the dark black semi-coagulated blood was constantly oozing out from the wound.


Otto's body, which was already close to the critical point of death, trembled for a while, his pupils were dimmed, and the power in his body was also constantly passing away.

His legs softened, and he fell to his knees.

"Grandpa!" Teresa finally came to her senses, and she screamed in disbelief.

Steven roared angrily: "The guy who got in the way... If it weren't for you, I would have absorbed the core of the world bubble long ago! Damn it, really **** it!"

He should have killed this old guy first!

It's a good thing to break it again and again!

It's unbearable!

Steven stuck out his tentacles again, Teresa suddenly realized something, gritted her teeth, quickly got up from the ground, stumbled, and rushed out of the passage.

She understood it!

The guy in front of me was trying to kill her!

But what Teresa didn't know was that outside the passage... was an empty, huge square with no shelter.

At this time, because the entire floating island was turned over.

The ground of the square is no longer suitable for people to stand on.

Under the feet, is the altitude of 10,000 meters!

As long as you run out of the passage, you will fall!

The girl stood at the exit of the passage, shivering, her face as white as paper.

There is no way!

There are tentacles chasing after me, and a cliff in front of me...

How to do?

Is she really going to die here?

"Escape...where to escape?!"

Seeing this, Steven was overjoyed, just as it was about to absorb Teresa and the world bubble roots in her body.

My heart suddenly beat wildly.

It secretly has a bad idea.

The next moment, as expected, a dangerous aura rose from behind him.


It's the guy who has arrived!

As Steven's thoughts arose, Ren Yu drew his sword and cut it. The bright light of the sword pierced half of the sky, and suddenly grew to tens of meters long!


Those invincible sword lights, which were highly condensed from the energy of the badge, slashed towards Steven's head like sword energy!


The skull cracked at the sound!


Amidst the shrill screams of pain, the knife light kept on falling straight towards Steven's chin, where the core was located.

"No, no, no! I cannot die yet! I must not die here!"

Steven's meat rained down.

In the passage, the girl held her breath.

He froze in place, licked his dry lips, and looked at the scene outside in disbelief.

Although she didn't know what happened, but this bad guy who killed Grandpa Otto and wanted to take his own life seemed to be beaten to death?

"Who is he..." Teresa murmured softly, staring at the black figure without blinking her eyes.

Afraid of missing any details.

But at this moment.


Ren Yu raised his eyebrows suddenly, and found that his sword light seemed to hit a hard barrier, and it just stopped a few inches above Steven's core. No matter how hard he tried to inject energy, he just couldn't move forward.

"Huh? Can't be destroyed?!"

While Ren Yu was thinking, Steven couldn't maintain his huge weight, and was pulled by the gravity of the world bubble, and quickly fell down.

Even the Floating Island with Destiny is the same.


Ren Yu gave up his plan of chasing Steven, swiped his knife again, cut off the tentacles that were pulling the floating island, and supported the floating island to slowly fall downwards.

After landing, Ren Yu found Otto's body and Teresa who was terrified from the ruins.

"Grandpa..." The girl looked at the white-haired old man in despair, with a complicated expression.

Looking at the harsh environment around her, she couldn't figure it out no matter what.

Obviously, he was still in the brightly lit London city last second.

But why, it changed in the next second?

And why did Grandpa Otto come to save himself?

Shouldn't he... wish he could die?

Also, who is this black-haired man?

Countless questions linger in the girl's mind.

Ren Yu frowned and looked at the elderly Otto, pondered for a moment, then shook his head:

"I'm sorry, he... is your Grandpa Otto. He probably won't survive. His consciousness is no longer here."

"Grandpa..." Teresa looked sad.

is talking.


A silver-white square block fell out of Otto's god-killing armor and fell to the ground.

"This is?" Ren Yu thought, bent down and picked it up. After feeling it carefully for a while, his expression moved: "These inside are all independent consciousness?! Ten thousand... million, no, There are more than 10 million conscious bodies in it!"

Ren Yu was shocked by this.

With an independent consciousness of 10 million levels, it's no wonder Otto would carry such a small box!

Just why is he carrying this thing?

Just when Ren Yu couldn't figure it out, not far from where the Floating Island of Destiny landed, Steven let out another mournful cry.

"The omnipotent Honkai God... where are you? If you don't perform miracles, I will not be able to hold on!"

Steven's voice was pathetic and he shouted hoarsely, looking extremely miserable.

Falling from a high altitude, its huge body smashed out a huge crater more than ten meters deep, and Steven was paralyzed inside, unable to move.

Tentacle fire spread and still burning.

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