Of course, Qiyana still has a certain degree of vigilance.

For example, she has a device that can send signals to the outside. Once Ren Yu really does something to her, Qiyana will send a signal without hesitation to summon Teresa.

Just as she was thinking, Qiyana suddenly noticed a gray-haired woman gradually walking out of the woods.

so familiar...

The moment she saw this figure, a very familiar feeling suddenly surged in Qiyana's mind.

It was as if I had known her for a long time.

But he couldn't recall any information about the gray-haired woman.

Bella walked all the way to Ren Yu's side before stopping.

She looked at Qiyana, who was wearing two long white braids, and doubts kept rising in her heart.

This is Her Lady Queen?

No... It seems that something is wrong!

Both appearance and temperament gave Bella a strange feeling.

At this time, Ren Yu took the initiative to introduce:

"This is the person I want you to meet. Her name is Bella. Kiyana, do you still have any impression?"

Kiyana shook her head in confusion, and the two braids followed suit.

"do not know."

"I seem to have a little impression of her, but I don't remember where I saw her. Assistant teacher, you said that Miss Bella is looking for me. Is there something wrong?"

At this time, Ren Yu glanced at Qiyana, but found that her eyes were still blue, showing no signs of transformation at all.

He thought suspiciously.


Seeing that her only friend is willing to come out, this is not Xilin's style.

Could it be that she is still sleeping at this time?

Just thinking about it, Qiyana's body suddenly mutated.

I saw that she suddenly bent down, holding her head in her hands, muttering something constantly, and her eyes turned golden.

"Come again! I've already asked Master to exorcise ghosts, but you, a lingering fellow, are still here! You really are a lingering ghost, go away! I've said all the things I don't want to hear from you..."

As she spoke, Kiyana's voice became smaller and smaller.

Instead, an inexplicable aura gradually emerged from her body.

It was as if something was waking up from a deep sleep.

At this time, Bella rubbed her eyes, looked at the position where Qiyana was squatting, and murmured in disbelief: "The Queen...it's really you, Your Lady Queen!"

Chapter 207 You Are Still So Kind

"It's really you, Her Lady Queen."

Bella was too excited for words.

This breath is unmistakable, it is a breath that she will never forget in her life.

This is her only friend and the benefactor who bestowed her mind.

Here, even though Kiyana was struggling with her head in her hands, she still couldn't resist Sirin's request to take over control of her body.


That **** actually brought Bella back to him!

Sirin was also very happy.

Bella is not dead?


I have to go out to meet her quickly, even if this guy in the way tries to stop me, I have to go out!

Thinking of this, Sirin's pressure on Kiyana became stronger.

The latter's protests became smaller and smaller, gradually becoming inaudible.

"You... you evil ghost, I absolutely want to..."

After saying this sentence, Qiyana's eyes suddenly went blank, and her consciousness completely passed out.

Instead, a certain girl named Sirin took over the body.

"Bella, you're finally here!"

Sirin manipulated Kiana's body, stumbled towards this side, and hugged Benares who was standing beside Ren Yu tightly, as excited as if she had found some lost treasure.

"My Lady Queen, it's really you!"

Benares also stretched out his hands, boldly embracing 'Qiana' tightly.

Or they have been separated for too long. When the two meet, they have a lot to say and want to confide in each other.

"My lord queen, I really didn't expect you to be alive! Ever since you were severely injured by those guys on the moon, they captured me to the earth and drove me to use it as a tool of war."

"But what they didn't expect was that when they opened the cage that night, I escaped from that ghostly place. Immediately afterwards, those guys chased me for a long time. When I finally got rid of them , the body is already full of wounds, and it is difficult to maintain flight by itself, and even going to the moon to find you has become a luxury."

At this moment, the years of grievances and anguish gathered in Benares' heart finally broke out completely at this moment.

She originally thought of escaping from the base to find the queen and help the queen get revenge!

But, she can't do it!

Those people are too proficient in using the Houkai energy, and their fighting methods are also unpredictable and extremely weird.

under these conditions.

Even though Benares was a judge-level Honkai beast, he could only flee with his tail between his legs in a panic when facing thousands of well-trained and organized alien life forms.

No, it's better to say that being able to escape is already considered one of her skills.

Since Sirin's death and Herrscher's core was taken out, Berenas, as her companion Honkai beast, has been declining in strength.

"My Lady Queen, Bella has been recuperating in the snow-capped mountains since she sensed your revived breath a few years ago, hoping to recover her strength so that she can continue to follow you."

After Bella finished speaking, Sirin on the side also had a complicated expression.

"Bella, how did you escape from those guys' pursuit?"

Sirin asked curiously,

"Me? I was just flying, those guys stopped chasing me, so I just landed down to find a place to recuperate, but when I woke up, I unexpectedly found that I was frozen..."

On the side, Ren Yu had a strange expression on his face.

Although he knew that freezing Benares was done by anti-entropy.

But I didn't expect the process to be so easy.

But thinking about it, Benares was hunted down by those aliens at that time, and he was seriously injured, almost dying, and it was normal for his perception to decline.

And those guys will stop and stop chasing Benares, most likely because Beibeilong has fallen into the territory of Cocolia, and they don't want the earth civilization to discover themselves so quickly.

"But where are your injuries...?"

Sirin looked left and right, but she couldn't find any signs of injuries on Bella's body.

Could it be healed?

Hearing this, Bella rubbed against Sirin's arms, smiled and said:

"Injuries? The injuries on my body have completely healed, and they were healed by that human being."


"Yes, it is the human being who has the same aura as yours, Your Lady Queen."

With a complicated expression, Bella raised her chin towards the direction where Ren Yu was standing.

"Here, that guy cured me."

Sirin immediately followed Bella's line of sight, and when she saw clearly the person Bella was pointing at, her face suddenly changed.


This is a ghost human!

Bella, you are such a scumbag!

Thinking of this, Sirin looked at Bella in extreme horror, and then at Ren Yu who was expressionless. After pulling the corners of her mouth stiffly, with a plop, she pulled Bella to kneel on one knee, and said in a trembling voice: " God...God! Bella has no intention of offending you, and those words she said were just joking, please...don't care about her like her."

As she spoke, she tugged Bella who was stunned on the spot again, and urged in a low voice: "Bella, how can you talk to the supreme **** like this! Hurry up and apologize with me, so that you can believe in the benevolent god. I will definitely forgive you!"


Bella was a little confused about the current situation.


She raised her head, her beautiful dark purple eyes were fixed on the black-haired man in front of her.

What I met was the **** that Her Lady Queen has been obsessed with?

real or fake!

Is he crazy, or is this Her Majesty a counterfeit?

Thinking of this, Bella took the courage to feel the breath of 'Qiana' again.

In just a few seconds, she came to a conclusion.

Although her appearance has changed, the familiar aura constantly emanating from 'Qiana', as well as her way of speaking, remind Bella that this is Her Lady Queen whom she has always been thinking of.

But why...

And at this moment, Ren Yu's familiar voice rang in her ears.

"Get up, let's forget it this time, let's not make an example next time."

After hearing these words, 'Qiana's frown that was still frowning suddenly relaxed.

"You, you are still so kind!"

After speaking, 'Qiana' stood up suddenly, her eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at Ren Yu with an extremely eager look, as if the latter's words were a kind of supreme gift to her .

Here, Bella, who also stood up, carefully glanced at Her Lady Queen, then at the expressionless black-haired man, a big question mark rose in her heart.

— Is this broken, Your Lady Queen?

Although I thought so in my heart.

But Bella wisely didn't say a word, just stood aside and watched silently.

Chapter 208 Sirin is no longer worthy of possession

When she was thinking so.

Sirin suddenly turned around and asked:

"Besides healing your injuries, Bella, have you ever troubled that 'God'?"

Hearing this, Benares shook his head.

"there is none left."

"That's good."

Hearing this, Sirin let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she didn't bother that **** too much, otherwise, it would make the other party unhappy, and no matter how kind that **** is, he might have a grudge against the two of them.

Losing the favor of God is a big deal!

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