Do you really want to give up the chance to meet Her Lady Queen?

Bella was in a dilemma for a while.

She is Sirin's companion Honkai Beast, and she once swore that she would never betray Her Lady Queen.

However, if he meets Her Lady Queen, then...

At this time, Bella suddenly saw Ren Yu laughing from the corner of her eye, raised her head suddenly, and asked the latter in embarrassment: "What are you laughing at! Is this funny?!"

Hearing her responsible tone, Ren Yu was not angry, but just smiled and waved his hands.

"No, I just think you, Benares, are really too human. No, you are a human right now."

"What's the meaning?"

Bella was a little confused, so she couldn't understand Ren Yu's two strange words at all.

But soon, Ren Yu gave the answer.

"You are obviously a Honkai beast, a Honkai beast that relies on instinct to think, but at this time, you actually think about how you can survive."

"These fears of birth, old age, sickness and death, and reflections on loyalty are obviously emotions that Houkaishou shouldn't have, but now they appear on you, so I find it incredible."

Benares frowned and kept thinking about Ren Yu's words. After a while, he shook his head and slowly uttered this sentence: "I don't understand what you are talking about."


"But I must keep my promise to Her Lady Queen."

As she spoke, Bella suddenly lowered her head and pondered for a while, as if she had made some difficult decision, she replied in a low voice: "Let me go to see Her Majesty Queen, after this...after...I will I handed over the Lawrence core to you."

"This is something I promised Her Lady Queen, I can't just betray her like this, otherwise Her Lady Queen will be very sad..."

for a while.

Ren Yu didn't know what to say.

This Beibeilong is really loyal to Sirin.

Even though she has personally experienced the pain of dying, she still has to send the news back to Sirin, even if she sacrifices her life.

hours later.

St. Freya College, next to a small forest.

After Qiyana was called out by Ren Yu, she was originally curious about what happened to the other party, and she had to come to help.

But as the two left the crowd, there were fewer and fewer students around, and when they were about to go to a very remote place, Qiyana suddenly panicked.

She suddenly stopped in her tracks, crossed her hands in front of her chest, looked vigilant, and stared closely at Ren Yu.

When encountering such a situation, how did Teacher Jizi teach them in class?

Belly kick or crotch kick?

Or cry out for help?

But in my impression, the teaching assistant doesn't look like this kind of person.

After hesitating for a while, Kiyana bit the bullet and said:

"Assistant, why did you bring me here? I warn you, I'm not a weak woman, if you dare to do something weird to me, I will, I will call the police!"


Ren Yu was still wondering why Qiyana stopped suddenly.

It turned out to be afraid of myself.

Also, I haven't told her any information before, so it's normal to be suspicious.

Thinking of this, Ren Yu took a deep breath and said slowly:

"Don't worry, I'm not so **** yet that I've been reduced to doing this kind of thing to you."

"Then why did you call me out?"

Kiyana took two steps back vigilantly.

"I have something special to talk to you about."

Ren Yu took two steps forward, looked into Qiyana's eyes and said.

The latter panicked immediately, and hurriedly looked away, looking at the ground.

"Yes, what do you want to talk about?! Also, don't get too close to me, I will never look into your eyes. I heard Mei said before that your Shenzhou has that kind of magic to deceive people. In case I If you accidentally fall into your tricks, and if you accidentally control your thinking, it will be miserable."


After listening to these words.

Ren Yu suddenly had an urge to pull out the Apocalypse War and give Baimao Tuanzi a mind-controlling urge.

But he eventually endured it.

Mind control?

You guessed it right, I, Ren Yu, can really control the consciousness of others in a short period of time!

But Qiyana just happened to be included in Ren Yu's "list of people least worthy of tampering with consciousness".

In other words, it's not impossible, it's just not worth it!

Chapter 206 It's Really You, Her Lady Queen

After calming down, Ren Yu planned not to argue so much with Qiyana.

This white-haired dumpling has a lot of eyes!

It looks silly, maybe what kind of conspiracy is thinking in the bottom of my heart, playing tricks to deceive myself!

Not what he expected.

Seeing that Ren Yu didn't say a word and fell into silence, Qiyana scratched her head in embarrassment and returned to her usual appearance.

"Teacher, don't be angry. I was just joking. I thought it would cheer up the atmosphere, and I could quote a few words from you by the way, but who knows, you didn't cooperate with me at all, and I was alone there. Sheep... play the harp to cows!"

As she said that, Qiyana puffed her cheeks, looking like you really don't understand fun.

"Ha ha."

Ren Yu sneered.

"Stop showing off your conspiracies and tricks to me. It's better for you to be a fool."

"I'm not stupid and sweet!"

Qiyana suddenly protested loudly.

"I just pretended to be in front of Mei, obviously she was deceived by me..."

Having said that, Qiyana suddenly covered her mouth with her hands.

It's like accidentally exposing something.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Yu glanced at Baimao Tuanzi with an extremely strange look.



Deliberately pretending in front of Mei?

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not easy, Kiyana.

"Assistant, why are you looking at me with that look?!"


Ren Yu smiled and shook his head.

That's right, he was able to travel across Europe alone to find his father, and after going all the way to Changkong City, survived the "third collapse", and even saved Mei and Bronya's white hair dumpling.

How could it be a fool?

It's just because I gave up thinking for too long, and was abandoned by a certain black-haired woman.

As the saying goes, if you pretend to be a pig for too long, in the end, you forget that you are actually a tiger.

Putting these words on Qiyana's body, there is no sense of disobedience.

"Huh! I warn you, you are not allowed to tell this matter, if you destroy my image in Mei's heart, I will, I will expose your true identity to everyone, and let them all know that you have evil intentions The guy who infiltrated St. Freya!"


Ren Yu suddenly laughed angrily at what Qiyana said.


He thought about it secretly in his heart, but found that his identity seemed to have been exposed long ago.

For example, Teresa and Fu Hua knew each other from the beginning.

Because of Bronya's special status and having Xier as a younger sister, she couldn't hide the matter from her.

As for Mei, not to mention, his father is the executor.

Thinking about it.

Ren Yu found out that it seemed that poor Qiyana was still kept in the dark.

Seeing her appearance where everyone is drunk and I am sober, Ren Yu suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha…"

"You, what are you laughing at?! Aren't you afraid that I will expose you?"

Qiyana immediately became unconvinced, stomped her feet, and said angrily.

"It's nothing, I'm just lamenting the cruelty of time. A certain girl is obviously extremely smart, but after being pampered and pampered for several years, she turned into this appearance."

"Who are you talking about?!"

"Who knows."

Ren Yu was still smiling, but his eyes fell on Qiyana's face, which was already a clear indication.


Seeing this, Qiyana put her hands behind her back in dissatisfaction, and snorted sullenly.

"Okay, stop teasing you, let's talk about business."

At this time, Ren Yu felt that the heat was almost ready, and said straight to the point: "I called you here this time because I want you to meet someone."


Kiyana kicked the stone beside her feet, and responded listlessly.

"Don't you wonder who this person is?"

"Not curious."

Qiyana looked up at Ren Yu, and said firmly:

"Anyway, you won't harm me. I confirmed this in Singapore. Otherwise, do you think I would casually come to such a remote place with a man of similar age?"

"You trust me that much?"

"Well, since we have experienced life and death together, why not give each other a little more trust? This is what my father said, and I still remember it."

Kiyana said pretending to be relaxed.

After the battle in the Singapore waters.

Qiyana also roughly figured out Ren Yu's temper, and after the temptation, she roughly guessed the latter's purpose, anyway, there was no direct conflict with her.

And the intuition in my heart is also telling Qiyana.

Ren Yu didn't threaten himself.

That's why she chose to trust the latter.

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