At this time, Ren Yu was already used to these things that Sirin made up by himself.

This is all the pot of badge energy.

According to the clues given by Sirin, the badge energy on her body seems to be very similar to the energy used by the 'god' in her mind, and it may be the same thing.

It is precisely because of this that Sirin mistook him for the Honkai God.

"Ah yes."

Sirin seemed to remember something again, and asked Benares, who was puzzled, "You... Bella, did you experience any special changes in your body when you received the gift from God? ?”

"For example, such as the birth of a new herrscher core, or the inexplicable control of some special abilities?"

Sirin's tone was a little sour.

After all, she was awakened like this before, successfully condensed the core of the Herrscher, and became the Herrscher of the Sky.

But Bella shook her head slightly.

"I didn't show up for that kind of thing."


This time it was Sirin's turn to be puzzled. She frowned and circled around Benares, constantly looking at him.

"It shouldn't be, I was like that at the time, how could you..."

"Then... when the gods bless you, do you feel any special changes in your body? For example, some special feelings, physical and mental sublimation and so on."

Sirin recalled her scene at that time and continued to add.


All of a sudden, a few blushes appeared on Bella's cheeks, and she hurriedly shook her head, explaining: "There is no such thing, I have never encountered such a special feeling, especially the sublimation of body and mind. ...doesn't exist at all."

She spoke quickly, stammering and defending.


When repairing the core, Bella did feel a very strange feeling that made her unable to lift a bit of strength and her brain went blank.

But how could that kind of thing be a gift from God!

Her Lady Queen must have been deceived by that guy!

At this time, Sirin suddenly spoke again.

She glanced at Bella suspiciously. For some reason, she had an intuition that she had been deceived by the latter.

"Bella, why do I get the feeling you're covering something up?"

"You are my companion Honkai beast, you said you would never betray me."

Hearing this, Benares suddenly became anxious.

Is the Queen suspicious of her? !

Doubt her most loyal subordinate? !

Obviously, he had no intention of deceiving the queen at all!

The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved Benares became, and he said anxiously:

"Of course I... Bella remembers! Bella has never lied to the queen, and what I said is true! Bella really hasn't condensed the core of a real herrscher, let alone tried the feeling of physical and mental sublimation. You, queen You must trust me, my lord!"

Saying that, Bella also exposed the only quasi-herrsrscher core in her body.

"My Lady Queen, if you still doubt Bella, then come and check this core yourself to see if Bella has betrayed you."

Looking at the dark purple core suspended in mid-air.

Sirin looked a little taken aback.

She just casually glanced at Herrscher's core, and after sensing the things closely connected to her, she immediately understood that what Bella said earlier was the truth.

She really didn't lie to herself!

At this time, Sirin opened her mouth and said with some guilt:

" did a good job. I blamed you this time. Put away the core."

"As long as the Queen is happy."

Bella retracted the core into her body again with an aggrieved expression.

On the other side of her, in the consciousness of Sirin who occupied Kiana's body, some strange thoughts emerged.

for example:

—After Bella accepted the miracle, why didn't she condense a true Herrscher core?

Is it because she is actually a Houkai beast?

Not right...

For that god, these small things should be easy. Even if he was able to condense himself out of thin air at that time, Bella has no reason not to...

After thinking about it, Sirin's eyes suddenly widened slightly.

Own? !


Could it be because God prefers us? !


That supreme **** favored her, Sirin, that's why he let her condense the core of a true Herrscher, summoned her to the ruins on the back of the moon, and guided her to find those lost gems? !

Yes, it must be so.

Thinking of this, Sirin trembled all over, and looked at Ren Yu unnaturally, feeling extremely ashamed in her heart.

"You... You obviously gave Sirin so much favor, but I, but I failed your hopes. Not only did I not destroy this dirty world, but a group of traitors took away the Herrscher core, I ...I have no face to see you."

"Please punish me with torture, Sirin is your sinner!"

As she said that, Xilin made a gesture to kneel down in front of Ren Yu and atone for his sins.

This moment.

Ren Yu frowned, stepped forward hastily, and supported the sinking girl.

Although he didn't know what Sirin had imagined.

But it can generally be guessed that the other party is blaming himself at this time.

"Get up, you don't need to blame yourself, and you don't need to use this method to atone for my sin."

But Sirin still refused to get up, she firmly held Ren Yu's hands, raised her head, and looked at him with those bright golden eyes.

"Then... what should Sirin do to redeem the sins she once committed?"

Her tone was very serious.

It seemed that as long as Ren Yu refused to answer, she would take some more extreme actions.


Ren Yu fell silent, not knowing what to say.

This image fell into Xilin's eyes, but it had a different meaning. Her eyes quickly dimmed, and she said with a disappointed expression: "You, in the end, you still refuse to forgive Xilin, right?"

"Sirin is no longer worthy of your favor, I understand..."

She kept murmuring words of self-blame.

It looked extremely sad, as if the whole person was covered with a layer of gray, and the brilliance was gone.

Sure enough, things like atonement were just wishful thinking on her part from the beginning.

Chapter 209 It's Outrageous


Ren Yu really never imagined that Sirin would become what she is now.


Because she failed to destroy human civilization according to the instructions of the Houkai God, and even the core was snatched away by the alien civilization, so Sirin feels guilty?

But Ren Yu is a human being.

Sirin's failure to do bad things, not only had no effect on him, but was actually a good thing.

Thinking of this, Ren Yu calmly looked at Xilin, who was supported by his own hands, who looked as if she was rushing to seek her arms, and said lightly: "You don't need to apologize to me, and you didn't do anything wrong."

"But I clearly failed you..."

Xilin was still burying herself, but Ren Yu quickly interrupted her and explained: "I said, it wasn't your fault, and I won't hold you accountable for it."

After a pause, Sirin found that when Ren Yu seemed to be looking at herself with the same strange gaze, her body froze suddenly, and she didn't even dare to move.

God... what is he doing now?

Do you want to punish yourself?

Or is he abandoning himself as an abandoned child?

While she was thinking wildly.

Ren Yu suddenly moved. He took out a blood-red sword from nowhere and held it in his hand, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Sirin trembled even more, but she didn't dare to struggle, so she had to continue to maintain the posture half lying in Ren Yu's arms.


She swallowed hard, suppressing the feeling of fear in her heart, raised her eyes and looked at the latter secretly.

And at this time, Ren Yu suddenly smiled, and took the initiative to explain:

"Don't think about it, I don't want to do anything to you. I'm just curious about certain things and want to verify my conjecture."

"No matter what happens next, you can't move around, let alone tense up and resist. Can you do it?"

Hearing this, although Xilin was extremely puzzled, she didn't dare to disobey the order of this "god", so she nodded numbly.

"Well, Sirin will work hard."

After receiving the latter's affirmative reply, Ren Yu took a deep breath and activated the Corrosion Key effect attached to the Apocalypse War.

"Okay, then I'm going to start."

As his voice fell.

Sirin shuddered suddenly, as if she felt that something was drilling into her body, into the depths of her consciousness.

Subconsciously, she will resist!

what is this?

It's so cold, so scary!

And at this moment, she thought of the God's command to her.

— Don't move around, don't resist.

Ever since, Sirin suppressed herself as much as possible, and controlled her actions to get rid of the weirdness.

Ever since, a few minutes passed.

At this time, Ren Yu's face was not very good.

The reason why he activated the key of erosion was not to tamper with Sirin's consciousness, but to separate her from Qiyana's sea of ​​consciousness and become independent.

After all, it is almost impossible for these two to coexist peacefully.

It's different from Xier and Mei.

If Sirin and Qiyana were put together, the two of them would definitely fight to the death and fight for the real control of the body.

But at this time, he found that his plan had failed.

"Is it because more than half of the corroded core is incomplete?"

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