Hearing this, Bronya was taken aback for a moment, then nodded seriously.

"Don't you forget that you have sold yourself to me?"

"That's only ten years, and I'm just working for you, not selling myself to you."

Bronya retorted solemnly.

"All right, all right, time is still long anyway, it's meaningless for you to think about these long-term things now, it's better to think about the current things."

"For example, think about..."

But as he talked, Ren Yu couldn't continue.

Like what?

He knew that Bronya's biggest obsession was Seele.

But Xier has already been fished out of the quantum sea by himself.

Although it is still in the state between quantum and entity.

But as long as the research continues, it will return to normal sooner or later.

Bronya seemed to feel the distress of the latter, staring at him quietly.

After a while, she silently spit out a sentence that surprised even Ren Yu.

"Like... join you conservatives?"

"Are you serious?"

Ren Yu carefully looked at the latter's expression, and saw that her expression was still paralyzed, unable to fathom Bronya's mood at the moment.

Join the Conservatives?

This idea... seems to work.


Bronya nodded her head and said seriously:

"Wherever Xier is, I will be there."

Since the reformers couldn't go back and the Mandate of Heaven couldn't join, Bronya naturally came up with the idea of ​​joining the conservatives.

In addition, his most beloved sister, Xier, will definitely follow this remnant in the conservative faction.

Bronya suddenly found that joining the conservatives after that was a good choice.

It's just this matter, I have to trouble this guy.

My own role is still quite big, presumably he shouldn't refuse, right?

Bronya thought so anxiously, and waited for Ren Yu's response.

But what she didn't expect was.

next second.

Ren Yu agreed without thinking.

He agreed simply and neatly, as if he had planned for a long time, just waiting for Bronya to say this sentence.

Here, Bronya was a little astonished, and when she wondered if she had said something wrong, Ren Yu said again: "Okay, I will talk to Cocolia in two days, and try to get you and Xi Change them all."


"It's very simple."

Hearing this, Ren Yu explained with a smile:

"Cocolia has a lot of troubles in our hands. As long as she wants to continue to sit in the position of executor instead of going to prison, she will definitely agree to these conditions 'willingly'."

"However... even if she doesn't agree, it's a big deal for you to bear it for ten years. After ten years, after the non-disclosure agreement expires, you will join the conservative group. Isn't it a legitimate thing?"

After thinking about it, Ren Yu added:

"Besides, during this period, although you are a 'prisoner' in name, as long as I am still in the position of executor for a day, then among the conservatives, you are no different from ordinary employees."

He had a clear mind and listed one method after another for Bronya.

Bronya was taken aback when she heard that.

That's not what she wanted to ask.

What she wanted to say, why did she pay so much for her, is it worth it?

But the latter is obviously wrong.

After hearing these words, Bronya suddenly understood why Seele liked this guy.

He does seem a little...too good.

Is it for Seele's sake?

Even a stranger who is not such a close relationship with himself has such great kindness.

Looking at Bronya's unblinking light gray eyes, Ren Yu stretched out his hand and shook in front of her, tentatively asking: "Bronya?"

The latter received no response.

It seems to be immersed in his own spiritual world.

In a trance, Bronya remembered the incident that Ren Yu threatened herself, but in fact it was just to take out the problematic biochip in her head.

Bronya felt warm in her heart.

Although this person has a lot of evil tastes, he is actually not bad to himself.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously touched the silver pendant on her neck, and said slowly, "Ten years."


Bronya took a deep look at Ren Yu, and explained softly:

"Ten years later, I will join the conservative faction. You don't have to waste the opportunity to negotiate with Mom...Mom for me."

"During this time, I'll be your 'prisoner' honestly."

When she said this, she seemed to feel it was funny, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and a faint, almost imperceptible smile appeared.

Bronya had never heard of a prisoner being able to do this.

This kind of thing can only happen in Ren Yu's hands.

"Are you sure? I'm not afraid that one day, on a whim, I will really throw you into prison, or abuse you every day?"

Ren Yu was a little taken aback.

He didn't expect that the other party would choose the second option.

This plan was actually made by him in a moment of nonsense.

Being a prisoner means that life, death and freedom are in the hands of others.

It stands to reason that no one would like this plan, and they should strongly resist it.

But the way Bronya looks...

Seems like it's willing? !

"Well, I believe you."

Bronya blinked her clear eyes, parted her lips slightly, and said firmly.

"I'm sure you wouldn't do such a thing."

In fact, there was still a word in her heart that she didn't say.

If Ren Yu really did this, she would definitely try to escape.

Although Bronya didn't want to see the day when she had to run for her life.

Her adoptive mother had already broken her heart.

Hope this guy isn't one of those guys.

Chapter 187 Is This Guy Taught His Daughter Badly?

When Ren Yu returned to the dormitory, it was already very late, Xier had already fallen asleep on the sofa, and was carried back to the room by someone in a daze.


The next day, I went to the psychological consultation room.


A certain white hair dumpling came again.

With a bang, she pushed the door open with such force that it seemed as if she was about to slam the door open.


Seeing this, Ren Yu stopped telling the story to the air, and looked at the door speechlessly.

"Why are you here again?!"

I saw Qiyana's familiar appearance, and regardless of Ren Yu's expression, she walked to Ren Yu's side with a smile, dragged out a stool, and sat down next to the latter.

"Assistant! This time I'm delivering good news to you!"

Kiyana clenched her fists and said with bright eyes.

"What good news?"

"It's Mei! Mei's father was released!"

Qiyana said excitedly, but Ren Yu didn't react much.

"Oh, it came out, and then."

Seeing that Ren Yu had no expression on his face, as if he was not interested in this matter, Qiyana immediately became unconvinced.

"Hey, teaching assistant! I kindly reminded you to run for your life, but instead of thanking me, you still said such things to me. Is this the same thing?"

"Why should I run for my life?"

Ren Yu had a puzzled expression on his face. After what happened last night, Leiden Ryoma still wanted to cut himself with a knife?

"No, not this."

Kiyana shook her head.

"After Mei's father checked that his daughter's sword skills were taught crookedly by you, he seemed very angry, saying that these were some ghost theories. After that, Mei also found out that her father taught her sword skills That 'Homu Swordsman', the two are still fighting in the training ground."

clap clap

In a certain training ground, two men and women who were 70% similar in appearance were clashing fiercely with wooden swords in their hands.

"Father, father!"

Mei was also very surprised.

Her father turned out to be the master who taught her swordsmanship.

This made her both surprised and delighted.

But that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the father who loves him the most has returned.

The reason why her personality changed drastically before was because her father who doted on her suddenly went to prison, which caused a drastic change in the living environment around her, so she became withdrawn and replaced by the personality of the Herrscher.

"Mei, why are your sword skills so strange, completely different from when I taught you?"

Leiden Ryoma carefully felt his daughter's sword moves.

Only then did he discover that the "Beichen One Sword Style" passed down from generation to generation by the Leiden family, which he was proud of, had been changed into something by the demon in Mei's hands.

Can this be considered a sword move?

"Father, didn't I tell you before, Assistant Professor Yang once pointed me out once, saying that I rely too much on the conditioned reflex model formed over the years, and if I want to reach a higher level, I have to jump out of this circle. .”

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