To Estherine, the small price of being able to get in close contact with a great scientist of Einstein's level, and even get his guidance, is not worth mentioning at all.

Immediately afterwards, everyone chatted about the existence of the Quantum Sea. As a result, Einstein said that this has almost become a conclusion, and it is only a matter of time before it is deduced.

"Then... the place we discovered in the North Pacific Ocean, do we have to put the exploration plan on the agenda?"

"You mean the Eye of the Abyss? The city in the deepest trench in the world?"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking of."

Wadrin rubbed her hands, looking thoughtfully at the silver-white ceiling.

In order to protect the city located in the deep sea, anti-entropy has never released its information to the outside world, and even the relevant files require "executor" level people to read.

There is a deep well there.

Inside the well, there is a huge, unfathomable hole that leads to nowhere.

After several months of surveying and deduction, someone put forward the hypothesis that this deep well may not lead to the center of the earth, but lead to the connecting zone between the world and the world through calculation and deduction.

After the emergence of this hypothesis, the concept of the quantum sea was brought up again, and various scientific researchers debated endlessly, and no one was convinced, and it is still the case until now.

"It's time to solve this puzzle."

Wadrin's eyes fell on Ren Yu who was on the side, and she said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "After I enter the well, if there is no news and I die in another country, the anti-entropy organization will entrust you from now on."

Hearing this, Ren Yu raised his eyelids speechlessly, and said lightly:

"I'm not interested in the position of the leader, nor do I have the ambition to get involved in world affairs. Besides, are you so sure that you will die there? I think you just want to find an excuse to throw the burden on me."

"Everything needs to be more prepared."

Wadrin covered her mouth and smiled, not getting angry when her scheming failed.

After all, before this, she had tried her best to fool Ren Yu, trying to push him to the position of leader many times, but failed.

The reason for Ren Yu's refusal is also very simple.

——Controlling the overall situation seems to have endless glory, but in fact, he clearly knows that he is not the material, and he doesn't want to work hard for it.

Taking the position of leader and wanting to tie him to death in anti-entropy?

What a beautiful idea.

Chapter 185 Has a very strong...

Soon, everyone finalized the next matter.

After listening to their words, Ren Yu frowned and said:

"You mean, for the progress of the experiment in the quantum field, I have to bring Xier over for a physical examination a few more times during this period?"

"Yes, what do you think?"

Wadrin on the side suddenly smiled:

"If it doesn't work, then forget it. We can calculate the following things by relying on the previous data we have obtained now. It just takes some time."

She could see the relationship between Xi'er and Ren Yu.

very close.

That's why Wadrin asked Ren Yu for advice.

Beside, Ren Yu glanced at the empty physical examination cabin in the laboratory, and said slowly: "It's not impossible, but I have to go back and ask her for her own opinion, if she refuses, then I can't help it. "

Hearing this, the eyes of several people were a little strange.

You can not?

That little blue-haired girl listens to you the most.

I am afraid that if you say that the sun rises in the west, she will believe it, so let's explore the reason seriously.

But everyone didn't say much.

If the parties don't want to, then forget it.

In order to avoid some unpleasant things from time to time.

Soon, everyone dispersed.

During this period, Ren Yu also asked Wadrin about Bella's condition.

In the end, the latter said that her physical injuries were too severe, and she was now soaking in the nutrient solution, waiting for her body to heal.

Having said that, Wadrin glanced at Ren Yu suspiciously, and continued: "And, how did you capture the dragon Benares back? And it seems that she is still willing to follow, Could it be that you gave her ecstasy soup?"

Hearing this, Ren Yu immediately glanced at the latter, and said helplessly:

"I have a great personality, can't I?"


Wadrin was silent for a while, then shook her head immediately, not pursuing the matter any more.

"I just want to remind you, don't throw everything into anti-entropy, otherwise it will be troublesome if there is a big mess."

After patting Ren Yu's shoulder and looking thoughtfully at Bronya next to him, Wadrin also left the compartment.

Ten minutes later, on the surface.

Santa Freya Forest.

With a slight shock, Ren Yu and Bronya walked out of the secret elevator.

The moonlight is like water, bright and bright.

The two walked on the forest road back to St. Freya College.

After glancing at the silent gray-haired girl who hadn't spoken much since just now, Ren Yu's heart moved slightly, and he asked, "It's still early, what are your plans for the future?"


But Bronya didn't raise her head, and responded in a muffled voice.

After finishing speaking, she seemed to feel that this was a little perfunctory, and she took the initiative to add: "Later, I may take the time to check the data network connected to the Moonlight Throne outside, and look for any loopholes that I failed to find."

"You do this all day long?"

"if not?"

Bronya raised her head suddenly, and looked at the latter with a "shouldn't my job be like this?" expression.

"But if I remember correctly, the Moonlight Throne also has many network security engineers. Besides, there are also a lot of black hats and white hats in it. You don't have to work so hard."

After listening to these words, Bronya shook her head, and said softly beyond Ren Yu's expectations: "Since I have taken your things, I must do my best to work for you, otherwise, it is not considered equal." exchanged."

Her voice was soft, but firm.

Seeing Bronya's immature but mature side face, Ren Yu had mixed feelings.

Thinking about the scene of her confrontation with Cocolia and Bronya's biography, Ren Yu thought about it and asked a question: "Can you tell me about your story?"

He stopped in his tracks, smiled and asked Bronya who looked puzzled: "It's fine before the orphanage, and after entering the orphanage. I'm actually quite interested in the deeds of you, Ula Silver Wolf." of."

He just finished.

Bronya also stopped in her tracks. Although she had no expression on her face, she was constantly guessing Ren Yu's intentions.

Interested in her story?

What does it mean?


For a while, Bronya thought of many things.

The arrival of Cocolia tonight completely shattered the beautiful fantasy about her mother in her heart.

Leaving a back door for the biochip, even if Cocolia had any justifiable reasons, it would not be justified on a moral level.

She pursed her lips, her eyes flickered, and she looked straight at the black-haired man in front of her.

At this moment, Ren Yu was also laughing, looking into the latter's eyes without hesitation, as if waiting for her response.

"It's the Ural Silver Wolf."


"It's not Ural Silver Wolf, it's Ural Silver Wolf. You mispronounced Bronya's nickname just now."

Bronya corrected her word by word with a serious face.


Ren Yu was stunned for a moment, and after careful consideration, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

But soon, he made a haha, wanting to be cute and pass the test.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's all the same, you just have to be considerate of my old man's memory, just treat me as a slip of the tongue."

But Bronya was relentless.

"Correction, your actual age on the file is only 19 years old. In other words, you are actually four years older than Bronya, and you are not an old person at all. Besides, Ural Silver Wolf sounds too stupid, there is no Ural at all The silver wolf is domineering."

After finishing speaking, Bronya fell silent again, as if hesitating whether to tell Ren Yu about her affairs.

After a while, she let out a long breath, as if she had made a difficult decision, and told about herself.

"That happened when I was very young. At that time, the government of Tsarist Russia was just established. They trained us homeless orphans into emotionless killing machines..."

Bronya's voice became a little more depressed.

Or because of Xi'er, during this period, she kept telling Ren Yu something that was deeply hidden in her heart.

The latter did not say a word, but stood with his arms folded and dutifully assumed the role of the audience.

Only when he heard some places where the ups and downs were more violent, Ren Yu couldn't help but come out to comfort her, and said a word or two to express his sympathy for her experience.

As time went by, Bronya talked more and more.

She has been wandering outside since she was a child.

Although it looks normal on the surface, how much has been wronged and suffered?

Especially when Ren Yu still knows what happened between her real biological parents and Cocolia.

He has a strong sympathy for this three-none girl.

Chapter 186 Are You Sure?

The two walked while talking, very slowly.

It wasn't until Bronya finished talking about a certain experience again that the two finally walked out of the forest.

At this time, the noisy and noisy voices of the students could already be heard.

After vomiting out the boredom in her heart, Bronya felt that she was much better now.

At this moment, she was looking confused, staring blankly at the brightly lit St. Freya College in front of her.

What should I do in the future?

What to do after leaving Cocolia?

Following Mei, will Qiyana go to that masterpiece or some kind of destiny organization to serve as a Valkyrie?

But my identity...

Bronya shook her head suddenly, and glanced at the black-haired man beside her.

—Anti-entropy will definitely not allow important personnel like himself to join hostile organizations.

Once officially joined, it is a crime of defection.

Although she had nothing to worry about, Bronya didn't want to embarrass Seele and those playmates in the orphanage.

"Are you thinking about the future?"

Ren Yu saw her confusion at this time, and joked with a smile.

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