Raiden Ryoma frowned while listening.

That's... true.

If you want to climb to a higher level, that is, the legendary "unintentional" state, you really need to do this.

But he didn't see how powerful his daughter's swordsmanship was at this time.

At this time, with a slap, Mei's wrist numb, and Leiden Ryoma's wooden knife hit Mei's back hard, and the latter couldn't hold on to one of them, and the weapon rolled directly to the ground.

Seeing this, Leiden Ryoma also took back the wooden knife, smiled at his daughter, and explained: "Sorry, your father, once I am immersed in sword fighting, it will become very strange. The sword just didn't hurt you. Bar."

He looked very remorseful, and as he spoke, he stepped forward and pulled his daughter's arm to check.

I had accidentally hit Mei's arm with a wooden knife before, but now that I think about it, Raiden Ryoma feels a pang of distress for no reason.

But Mei shrank her arms subconsciously, avoiding her father's movements of trying to detect her, and quickly hid her hands behind her back.

But after doing all this, she was stunned.

Raiden Ryoma was also stunned, with his hands hanging in the air, not knowing what to say.

Did Mei get out of the way just now?

Did you annoy her?

"Ah, father... I, I, I didn't mean that."

Mei also looked a little embarrassed, hastily pulled her arm back from behind, and quickly explained.

"I just accidentally and subconsciously mistook you for another kind of male who has no good intentions for me."

Recalling his father's pampering behavior towards him before, Mei blamed himself very much in his heart, for fear that his previous actions would accidentally break his heart.

After all, this is the father who regarded himself as his second life and raised him as a princess since he was a child.

Raiden Ryoma glanced at Mei's white arm, and couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart, feeling like an old father.

Daughter has grown up...

Not only has he grown taller, but his personality has also matured.

If this kind of thing happened when she was practicing swords when she was a child, she should have cried and wanted to be hugged by herself.

Looking at his slim and youthful daughter, Lei Dian Longma couldn't help thinking.

It seems that since junior high school, she has gradually become far away from herself.

I really want to go back to when she was little and give her a hug...

Here, Mei didn't know the emotion in her father's head.

At this time, she really thought that she had hurt her father's heart.

Just when she wanted to apologize again.

Raiden Ryoma suddenly waved his hand and said with a smile:

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize for this. It's a good thing to be vigilant in your heart. Those of us who practice swordsmanship should be like this."

As he spoke, another name flashed in Leiden Ryoma's mind.

— Yang Chengwen

Is this the guy who taught his daughter to be bad?


Okay, he will come to the door later, and meet this so-called master of swordsman for a while.

If his swordsmanship is average, and he can't even block his own moves...

Then don't blame him for not holding back the thunder and lightning.

It is necessary to let these guys who don't understand anything and just point fingers at Mei have a taste of the pain.

"Mei, do you know where is the dormitory of that Assistant Professor Yang you mentioned?"


Hearing this, Mei made a rare protest.

She knew what was in her father's head.

It's nothing more than fear of being deceived by others, and I'm going to find my way back.

"Assistant Yang is only two years older than me, so he is definitely not your opponent. You are a great swordsman ranked in the top ten in the world in kendo, so don't bother with a junior, okay?"

"No, look at what he has taught you to be like?

Abandoning predictions and using your body and mind to feel other people's movements is not what you should do in your current state. You should hone your sword moves now and find out the most suitable means of defeating the enemy first! "

The two were talking.

There was a bang on the training ground, and the door was opened.

Several figures slowly came from outside.

"Mei! I brought the assistant here! You don't have to continue to be beaten!"

A familiar voice rang in Mei's ear.

Chapter 188 The Great Water Blows the Dragon King Temple


In the huge training ground, at this moment, almost all the students who were watching here cast their gazes over.

Here, Ren Yu is in a complicated mood.

Looking at the intact black-haired **** the stage, no matter how she looked, she didn't look like the black-haired girl queen who was "bruised all over, trembling, and fell to the ground" as Qiyana said.

He realized that he was deceived by this white-haired dumpling again, so he pointed at the intact black-haired **** the stage, and said speechlessly, "Didn't you say that Mei was about to be beaten to death by his father, and she fainted?" ? Is this what you call a coma?"


Kiyana first glanced at Ren Yu cautiously, and then with a smiling face, said vaguely: "Assistant, Mei fainted is an exaggeration... But, but Mei was indeed beaten by her father just now, Nuo , I still have the video! If you don’t believe me, I can show it to you!”

As she spoke, she handed over her mobile phone.

On the screen, a certain black-haired girl was indeed overwhelmed by the beating and retreated in defeat.

Just glanced at it, and Ren Yu stopped watching the video.

This is no nonsense, if Mei wins, he will feel strange.

How many years has Raiden Ryoma practiced swords, and how many years has Raiden Mei practiced swords?

What's more, Raiden Ryoma is also a swordsman genius, there is no comparison between the two.

"I'm such a fool, I would be so stupid as to believe Kiyana's nonsense."

Ren Yu muttered helplessly.

Thinking about it, would the daughter of Raiden Ryoma be willing to fight Raiden Mei?

This is obviously impossible!

After these words reached Qiyana's ears, her body froze suddenly, but the smile on her face did not diminish at all. She turned around quickly, with her hands behind her back, and apologized without sincerity: "Teacher, what will you do again?" I have a chance, okay, I will never lie to you again.

real! You have to believe me, I, Qiyana, have always been very principled, if it wasn't for Mei who failed to win even once, how could I have the heart to deceive you? "

"Okay? Okay! From now on, I will definitely, never lie to you again!"

In the end, Kiyana's apology no longer looked like an apology, but more like acting like a baby.

Ren Yu was immediately annoyed.

It was the first time he had seen this.

A guy who made a mistake, but ended up being justified, and didn't know how to repent.

Speaking of this, Qiyana's blue eyes rolled around, and the smile on her face became even brighter, and she said in a negotiating tone: "How about, how about teaching assistant, I will give you all the dishes tonight, Just take it as an apology this time, okay?"

"Excuse me, if you don't cause me any trouble in the future, just treat it as me thanking you."

Ren Yu raised his eyelids and said without looking back.

He didn't intend to argue so much with Qiyana.

Even if the latter didn't trick him out with some small tricks, Ren Yu knew that he couldn't overcome the test of Mei and his daughter.

It's better to take this time to explain things clearly.

At this moment, Raiden Ryoma on the stage also recognized the figure that appeared at the entrance of the training ground.

—Ren Yu?

What is this guy doing here?

He looked up at the fluorescent lamp hanging high on the ceiling, and suddenly thought of the phrase someone yelled just now, "Mei, I brought the teaching assistant here."

Raiden Ryoma raised his eyebrows, no way.

Could it be that Ren Yu is the Assistant Teacher Yang who broke his daughter's teaching?

This kid doesn't look like such a cunning and cunning person.

Just as he was thinking, Ren Yu had brought the white-haired dumpling beside him, and a certain girl whom they couldn't see had come to the bottom of the ring.

After dozens of days, he returned to this place again, and he felt very emotional.

On the stage, Mei glanced at the silent father beside her, and hurriedly gave Kiyana a glance at the audience.

—Take the teaching assistant away!

The gloomy expression of her father reminded her of the boys who wanted to pursue her with strong means when she was in middle school.

At that time, Raiden Ryoma also looked like this, without saying a word.

But who would have thought that those guys who relied on their family background to have a little money and thought they could be lawless would all transfer to another school and leave soon.

Although it was claimed that it was a job change at home, or because of a car accident, it was impossible to continue studying in Qianba City.

But Mei knew that this must be the reaction of the doting father who saw her being harassed.

And now, his father actually pointed the finger at the teaching assistant...

I'm afraid something big will happen next!

Under the stage, Qiyana watched Mei's small movements and carefully analyzed them.

After thinking about it for a long time, she finally remembered that this was what Mei had told her before, a signal of danger.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the teaching assistant beside him was gone.


Kiyana was startled, looking around.

Finally, she saw the black-haired man on the passage leading to the ring.


Her heart skipped a beat.

Mei's secret signal was probably saying that the Assistant Church was in danger!

After a little hesitation, Qiyana exerted strength on her feet and ran towards the passage.

As she was running, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her head, and she shouted loudly:

"Assistant, wait a minute, auntie... Bah, Headmaster Teresa needs to find you!"

At this time, everyone's puzzled eyes fell on Qiyana.

The latter blushed slightly.

But the speed under his feet did not stop at all.

Although Qiyana is usually careless, she is not really out of her mind, and she can still distinguish the seriousness of the matter.

Since Mei said that the teaching assistants are in danger, she must stop the teaching assistants.

Looking at Qiyana, who was acting weird, and Mei, who was looking at him anxiously, Ren Yu suddenly understood something.

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