This is something they have debated for a long time.

"I don't know the way, that's why there are so many people around here."

The middle-aged thin man pushed his glasses and scanned his surroundings, as if he was predicting something.

"It's not too late for you to come. If you come later, I'm afraid that this round hall will be full of people, and you won't be able to get in if you want to."

"That's true... After all, it's about the Quantum Sea, which has been arguing for several years. Anyone will be a little curious..."

The young man nodded approvingly.

And at this moment.

I don't know who shouted.

"The executor is here, make a way out!"

Everyone looked sideways, and after seeing the men and women who were walking slowly and greeting the surroundings with smiles, they consciously gave way.

Here, after counting the number of people, the young man seemed a little surprised, and muttered to himself: "There are three executors, maybe this time it really came out..."


After Ren Yu and the others separated from the crowd and entered the laboratory all the way, the solid combination door behind them was slowly closed, blocking countless curious eyes from outside.

"You mean, although we haven't deduced whether the quantum sea exists, we have observed other worlds that exist?"

Before Ren Yu finished his question, he was silent on the side. After listening to their conversation all the way, Lei Dianlongma, who hadn't asked a few questions, suddenly spoke up.

"How can you be sure that it's a parallel world? What if it's just a space where other civilizations live? In the interlayer between the universe and the quantum sea, there should be a chance of life forms."

He frowned and asked a question slowly.

On the way, Raiden Ryoma has been thinking about the information revealed in the conversation between Wadrin and Ren Yu.

It's just that the more he listened, the more incredible he felt.

Because it has not had time to absorb the information of the base one by one, Raiden Ryoma is still not aware of the fact that anti-entropy has obtained some important data from Xier, and the research on the quantum sea is progressing rapidly.

That's why he looked very surprised.

—These are all very advanced studies. He has only been in prison for a few years, and cutting-edge science has already begun to explore some things that he had never dared to think about before.

"So, this is just one of the guesses."

Wadrin waved her hand irrefutably, but did not deny it, let alone insisted on it.

"By the way, the buildings in the observed place still look similar to the ancient China. We even found some very interesting things on it."


Ren Yu suddenly became interested.

Ancient China, the sea of ​​quantum?

Did they really detect another plane?

That would be a little ahead of its time.

Seeing that his curiosity was aroused, Wadrin didn't give a shit, and explained directly: "A character, a character that is more than 95% similar to the hieroglyphs used in your ancient China."

Just as they were talking, there was a slight vibration under everyone's feet, and the elevator that was going down also arrived.


The automatic door opened, and hundreds of researchers in white robes were busy in the quantum field laboratory.

They were either reading the data, or observing the changes, or calculating something excitedly.

And on the silver-white reinforced walls on both sides, there are even a lot of display screens hanging, all kinds of data are constantly flowing, and even geometric patterns are changing. These are some mathematical models about the research problems of the quantum sea.

But everyone's eyes are not here.

They stared at the large screen that was suspended in mid-air and could be seen clearly from any angle.


Ren Yu raised his eyebrows.

I saw a picture of the conflict of the battle situation where the wolves were everywhere and the heroes were vying for the throne.

On one side, a cavalryman was waving a red flag, his eyes glaring, as if he was roaring.

These are not the main point, the important point is that the big flag is completely woven of red silk and satin, patterned with dragons and phoenixes, and there is even a big and powerful character written in black ink on the top - Huang

Ren Yu was a little lost.

At this moment, he thought of many things.


Huang Empire? !

By the way, it should be the Huang Empire, that's right!

At this time, the pattern on the screen changed again, this time it was replaced with another scene.

I saw a beautiful woman with a feather fan scarf and fluttering white hair, sitting on a tall building at this time, playing the piano and playing the strings.

I saw her with her eyes closed tightly, forgetting herself into the performance, but there was no one there, only the incense rising.

The screen changes again.

At this time, the white-haired beauty and the chaotic battle situation all disappeared.

A black-haired young man dressed in white and holding a magenta classical long sword in his arms came into view.

I saw that his expression was indifferent at the moment, and those black eyes were quietly looking at the giant lion with a huge body and blazing flames, even its mane was burning.

Seeing this, everyone looked over with weird faces.

This person looks familiar.

At this time, Ren Yu was not much better.

The more he looked at the black-haired man in fluttering white clothes, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and even a little detached temperament, the more familiar he felt.

After a few seconds, Ren Yu suddenly realized.

This is so...

Isn't this person himself? !

It's just a change of clothes, I almost don't even recognize myself!

Ren Yu thought to himself.

It seems that what Einstein and others observed should be the Honkai Kingdom that he is familiar with, that is, the legendary Mr. Wolong known as "The Dwarf Wangtian", the Huang Empire that existed.

And the self on the image seems to be fighting a fierce battle with a certain monster.

But what's going on with that piercing eyes that are not afraid of anything, even with a bit of contempt?

For a while, Ren Yu fell into deep thought.

Could it be that he usually pretends so well in the eyes of others?

Chapter 184

"You are finally here."

In the laboratory, Einstein also noticed a few figures here, and walked over slowly.

Like everyone else.

When her eyes fell on Ren Yu, she suddenly stared at the latter's rather handsome face for a while, as if she was comparing it with something in her memory.

After a while, Einstein suddenly shook his head and whispered:

"It seems a little different."

Hearing this, Ren Yu's face suddenly darkened.

what do you mean?

If I co-authored it, I might not be myself.

"Ah, don't mind, I mean it might be you in another parallel universe."

Einstein explained casually, and then led several people to another compartment.

Surprisingly, a certain green seaweed head is also here.

Seeing the few people coming in, Estherine just raised her head, glanced at it casually, and then started to write and draw on a tablet computer, as if she was dealing with some problem.

Einstein sat them down and explained:

"I believe you have seen the matter. To make a long story short, we received the pictures outside by chance."

"For this reason, I even looked through the relevant information in Shenzhou, and finally found that there is such a similar history, but the characters, places, and events in it do not match the received pictures."

She glanced at everyone, and said the conclusion:

"There are several possibilities. First, this is a parallel universe. Only parallel universes can explain such a weird phenomenon."

"Secondly, that's the situation. It's just a strange phenomenon that is caused by the fusion of overflowing people or things in various universes."

"Because there is no noun to describe this situation, for this reason, I simply call it a world bubble, do you have any opinions?"


Ren Yu shook his head first.

"Well, since I have no objections, I will put this term on the topic later and name this concept."

Immediately, Einstein hesitated for a while, and then said an unbelievable theory.

"The last one is actually my personal intuition. It doesn't even have any relevant basis. It's an untenable theory."

"you say."

Wadrin nodded, motioning for her to continue.

Ren Yu also nodded, indicating that he was willing to listen.

With the support of the two, Einstein put forward his own bold hypothesis.

"Actually, I was also reminded by Estherine's whimsical thoughts. I only woke up after thinking about what happened in the stigmata space last time."

Einstein glanced admiringly at Iseline, who was still studying hard, and took the initiative to explain: "Since in the space of the stigmata, through a memory, it is possible to rely on the core of the Herrscher to create an indistinguishable, sinking environment. Go down to the virtual world."

"Then conversely, can it also be said that in the sea of ​​quantum, human memory can also form an illusory world?"

"There are no real objects in this world, only memories. Everything runs according to a fixed trajectory. It's just a place created by a certain powerful individual through some means we don't know."

After Einstein finished speaking, everyone frowned.

Memory forms the world?

Is this possible?

On the side, Ren Yu's face was indeed slightly moved.

You guessed it!

Before entering the sea of ​​quantum exploration, Einstein even put forward the theory of the world bubble formed by memory.


This theory is so true!

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on a certain green-haired girl with messy hair, dark eye sockets, and a fairy face, and he couldn't help thinking.

It seems that I did the right thing in capturing Iselin's whole body.

This moment.

The latter also noticed Ren Yu's strange gaze.

I saw Estherine raised her head, turned the wireless pen in her hand, and wrinkled her nose provocatively at Ren Yu.

Then, taking advantage of Ren Yu's reaction and everyone's attention, she lowered her head and continued to compete with the basic theory.

During this period of time, she conducted some research on Ren Yu's deeds, and finally found that this person was just a little weird, but otherwise he was okay.

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