"Are you sure you want to allocate all the resources you can mobilize to me?"


"That sounds pretty good."

"As long as you are willing to return Bronya and Seele to me, what if I hand over all the income of the Reform Party to you in the past six months?"

Cocolia urged while the iron was hot.

Ren Yu didn't speak. He turned his head and glanced at the girl with two ponytails who had a calm face but a little disappointed eyes. He was suddenly happy, and turned around and said this sentence: "But I refuse."

Chapter 182 No, I must kill her today!

As soon as this word came out.

Cocolia's face turned even colder.

Even Bronya next to her was taken aback.

She thought that Ren Yu's previous appearance was because he agreed to his mother's proposal of exchanging herself and Xi'er for resources.

"What do you mean by that?"


Ren Yu suddenly smiled.

"It's nothing interesting. I just want to remind you that the two daughters you adopted also have their own right to choose. Besides, they don't seem to want to see your mother very much now."

Cocolia narrowed her eyes and argued hard.

"I am their guardian, and even more so, their nominal parent. Besides, both of them are underage. Bronya should have..."

Hearing this, Ren Yu shook his head slowly, interrupting her long speech.

"But besides being your daughter, Bronya is also a prisoner of our conservatives. You shouldn't forget that she accidentally came into contact with some of our top secrets."

"What do you want to say?"

Cocolia said coldly.

Access to top secrets?

That's not a problem!

As long as the corresponding price is paid, is it still rare to let people go without knowing it?

But the problem is, this black-haired man named Ren Yu doesn't seem to want to let go.

"Bronya is a member of the Reform Faction. If she broke into the Conservative Faction's confidential project without permission, I have the right to deal with her."

With that said, Ren Yu looked at his watch and reminded:

"It's 2015, and Bronya is 15 years old. According to the regulations, I can detain her for at least three years. That is to say, when she comes out, she will be 18 years old." , has grown up long ago."

"At that time, she won't have to obey the orders of your guardian, right?"

After listening to these words.

Cocolia gave Ren Yu a hard look.

The latter didn't care at all, and even touched Bronya's little head in front of her.


Bronya even looked up at the latter strangely.

What does it mean?

Why does it feel like he is very skilled?

Seeing this, Ren Yu coughed lightly, and quickly let go of his palm, only then did he realize that it wasn't Xi'er beside him, and he touched the wrong person.

But his words completely blocked all the legitimate reasons for Cocolia to come to Bronya.


Yes, don't look at Bronya's freedom, she hasn't changed much from before.

But don't forget that she is still a conservative prisoner at this time!

As long as Cocolia dares to rob people.

Ren Yu dared to go to the parliament to impeach her.

After all, these regulations were written in the first place.

As long as she wants to continue to be an executor, there are rules that cannot be overstepped.

Although there are many ways to circumvent these terms, coercion and temptation, and even private exchange of money exists.

But helplessly, Ren Yu is also an executor. As long as he doesn't let go, Cocolia has nothing to do with Bronya.

"How on earth are you willing to return my daughter to me?"

Cocolia became more and more impatient, and her tone became rude.

That way, those who didn't know thought that her rebellious daughter was abducted by bad guys.

And at this moment.

The hangar door slammed and was pulled open again.

Two black figures appeared there.


Since most of the facilities were hidden underground, the base seemed very empty, and Raiden Ryoma and Wadrin saw the three confronting each other at a glance.

After Raiden Ryoma saw Cocolia's appearance clearly, he suddenly clenched the black handle on his waist.

The eyes are fierce!

When the enemy meets, they are about to raise their swords!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wadrin hurriedly grabbed the latter.

"Don't stop me! I, Thunder Dragon Horse, will definitely kill this **** today! Crazy woman, what did you do to my daughter while I was away? Ah!"

His eyes were red, as if breathing fire.

When he learned that Mei was being experimented by Kokoliara, and even had a broken Herrscher core called the Gem of Conquest embedded in his body, Raiden Ryoma suddenly became furious.

Mei is his reverse scale!

Of course he knew that his daughter was physically weird.

I knew it when Mei was very young!

That's why he studies the electromagnetic field, looking for ways to limit it.


Someone would touch his reverse scale!

It wasn't enough to frame him in jail, and even took advantage of his absence to touch Mei!

"Aren't you crazy? I'll let you taste what Beichen's one-knife style is right now!"

Leiden Ryoma clenched the Plasma Yingxiu with his right hand, and even though he hadn't sheathed yet, there was a burst of cold air within a few meters around him.

There were bursts of crackling sounds, and even the ground was covered with a thin layer of ice.

Outside, several anti-entropy agents rushed in, hurriedly stopping Lei Dianlongma.

"calm down."

"No, I have to kill her today!"

"Mr. Ryoma, since you have enough evidence, we can use some formal means to throw her into prison, there is no need to dirty your hands!"

Riots broke out.

Seeing that Cocolia frowned, she never thought that things would develop like this.

After taking a deep look at Bronya and the black-haired young man standing beside her daughter, she suddenly turned around and left.

Leiden Ryoma keenly noticed this scene, and the whole person suddenly struggled more violently.

"Let go of me! If this continues, that crazy woman will run away!"

But Cocolia never looked back.

Even if she dragged on here, she couldn't solve the matter.

Any more!

It's all a good thing this guy did!

Bring yourself one trouble after another!

Cocolia was thinking bitterly as she walked.

Soon, she disappeared into the night.

In the base, Raiden Ryoma also calmed down.

He glanced at Ren Yu who was indifferent, and snorted coldly, as if blaming him for not taking the opportunity to cut Cocolia just now.

The latter couldn't help laughing bitterly.

How can it be so simple.

Cut the cocoa directly? That's going to be a big mess.

After some reconciliation by Wadrin, Raiden Ryoma finally calmed down.

At this time, Ren Yu also walked over and explained to the latter: "The gem in Mei's body can actually be taken out without incident."


Raiden Ryoma, the daughter-in-law, is obviously still uneasy.

take out?

Knife again?

But pull it down, he couldn't bear to let his cutest daughter get hurt again.

Ren Yu looked at the other party, but in the end he still didn't say the sentence "Actually, it's okay if you don't take it out".

in his understanding.

The Herrscher personality in Mei's body seems to be doing harm to the main personality itself, but it's not as great as imagined.

Even later, the personality of the Herrscher was assimilated by Mei.

Chapter 183

Afterwards, a group of people went to the Moonlight Throne Laboratory.

After a few minutes.

10,000 meters underground.

When a group of people passed by the laboratory opened by Einstein, it was about the research in the quantum field.

But I found that there are many scientific researchers here, surrounding the open field outside, and from time to time, they are still whispering and whispering.

"Hey brother, I came late, I want to ask what happened here, why are there so many people crowded here?"

I saw a younger scientific researcher asking with a look of embarrassment.

Hearing this, a skinny middle-aged man immediately turned his head to look at him, and said indifferently: "It seems that the quantum experiment project has produced results, and he wants to show it to us."

"The result?! If I remember correctly, their subject is to study the quantum sea. Could it be true?"

The young man looked surprised.

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