At this time, Bianca finally recognized the real body of the gray-haired woman in front of her.

— Benares

Ren Yu suddenly smiled after glancing at the gray-haired woman rolling around in itching.

"It's okay, she can't make trouble. Even if it can be repaired, she can't recover to the level of a judgment-level Honkai beast. I can hold her down with one hand."


Bianca was speechless.

Should this guy be whimsical, or overconfident?

Repair Herrscher's core?

is it possible?

She looked around, but found that the two women who were walking with her seemed to be trusting.

Bianca understood that Rita would blindly trust Yu.

But why even the pink-haired woman seemed convinced?

At this time, Yae Sakura seemed to be watching a miracle, with a solemn expression, staring at the black-haired man holding the core of Herrscher.

"Are you going to perform miracles mercifully again?"

I could only hear her whispering softly.

"Just like back then, performing mysterious miracles..."

Listening to Yae Sakura's nagging words, Bianca suddenly became suspicious of life.

Is it really a typo in the textbook?

At this time, Ren Yu finally started his "restoration project".

He took a deep breath, and slowly injected the energy of the badge into the core of the Herrscher.

Slowly, slowly, every time is a very small and very fine portion.



Although Ren Yu has his own feeling that he can use the energy of the badge to repair the core.

But he was still afraid.

I am afraid that this core will burst if I am not careful.

So he split and split a portion of 1% of the energy until it could no longer be divided, and then slowly injected it into Bella's core.


And just when he injected 0.05%, lavender light suddenly overflowed around the core, gradually leaving Ren Yu's palm and floating up.

Ren Yu felt very delicate.

He saw those endless cracks, like spider webs, not only on the surface of the core, but also spreading inside.

Looking at these cracks, his heart moved, trying to mobilize energy to cover them.

The next moment, a strange thing happened.

The cracks in that area are actually gradually healing.

On the ground, Bella seemed to be aware of this change, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Ren Yu with astonishment.

How is this going?

Why do I have a strange feeling.

It's crisp and numb, and it's still spreading.

Chapter 175

Bella just feels...

My whole body gradually became strange.

This feeling is very special. The fatal wound on the core is constantly being repaired, which makes her feel a little ashamed.

"Um... um..."

Her face was flushed and she kept rolling on the ground.

Like a big worm that has lost its mind.

It's a shame...

It would be so embarrassing for him to be in the hands of a human being.

Even if he may have a close relationship with Her Lady Queen.

but also...

Thinking of this, Bella suddenly clenched her tender lips, desperately trying not to let herself continue to make those strange sounds.

Here, Ren Yu didn't pay attention to Bella's abnormal state.

At this time, he was devoting himself to the restoration of the core of the quasi-Herserscher.

What kind of scene is this?

As Ren Yu carefully covered the energy of those silk-like emblems to the gap, the core of the Herrscher also kept buzzing.

The surrounding purple halo became more intense.

There are even faint electric glows appearing on the outside.

Zila, Zila

This quasi-Herserscher core was shaped by Sirin, but it was dilapidated.

At this time, some of its original powers were restored.

But soon, the purple light was subdued, and the lightning disappeared.

"Is there still too little repair..."

Ren Yu withdrew from the concentrated state, looked thoughtfully at the core in midair, and Miss Bella on the ground who was blushing like blood and seemed to be enduring something desperately.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Since 0.01% can bear it, should I try changing it to 0.02%?"

As soon as he said it, Ren Yu combined the two strands of 0.01% energy, re-entered the spirit into the core of the Herrscher, and acted.

Just when Ren Yu placed this ray of badge energy in a relatively large crack.

He suddenly felt his entire core vibrate.

The earth shakes and the mountains shake!

It seems to have been greatly stimulated.

Seeing the "masterpiece" he had created, Ren Yu was suddenly a little frightened.

"This, it's not going to collapse... Could it be that Bella's Herrscher core can't bear 0.02% of the badge's energy at all?"

And at this moment.


Where Ren Yu couldn't see, the red tide on Bella's face even spread to the base of her ears, and even the two round, white and tender earlobes were covered with a layer of red gauze.

Looking at it from a distance, people can't help but want to go up and take a bite.

"You... what did you do?! Come on stop..."

The grey-haired girl was in a trance, her purple eyes had long since lost their original expression, instead they were filled with warm liquid, her small mouth was slightly opened, and she was panting slowly.

Going down, I saw Bella's white and slender thighs tightly close together, her body seemed to be electrified, trembling a few times from time to time, desperately resisting the impact from the core of the Pseudo-Herserscher.

Ren Yu had a strange expression.

I'll help you heal your wound.

As for such a big reaction?

He ignored Bella, and changed back to the badge energy with a lower concentration, and patiently spread it on the cracks.

And the more he repaired, the more frightened he felt.

This Herrscher's core was full of cracks from the inside to the outside, and Ren Yu even felt that it should have been shattered long ago.

But Beibeilong has supported until now?

It was nothing short of a miracle!

Is it because of her obsession with that "My Lady Queen"?

Thinking of this, Ren Yu suddenly felt a little relieved.

Benares' loyalty to Sirin is really nothing to say.


Several women looked different.

Looking at the gray-haired woman on the ground, Rita and Yae Sakura had weird expressions on their faces, but Bianca remained the same, as if she couldn't figure out why they showed such expressions.

Every time a crack was repaired, Bella on the ground would twitch violently.

This is an injury on the mental level, a pain that plagues her day and night.

For more than a decade, Bella had even grown accustomed to the trauma that initially gave her a splitting headache, becoming numb.

"Quick...quick stop..."

"Stop it..."

I saw that Bella's pupils were slightly dilated, and she kept murmuring some inexplicable words.

But no one paid any attention to her.

Ren Yu will not stop, and the women next to him will not interrupt his behavior.

Although it's a bit weird.

But at least it is saving lives.

Rita and Yae Sakura looked at each other, and they both saw the blush on each other's face.


It turns out that I am not the only one who thinks wrong.

They hurriedly turned their heads away again.

I secretly condemned the impurity in my heart.

As time goes by, the remaining repairs have more and more cracks.

The entire damaged core, most of which were shocking and almost invisible, Ren Yu carefully filled it with badge energy.

And, it's really effective.

Ren Yu originally filled the badge energy with the mentality of trying it out.

Unexpectedly, all the gaps he filled with the energy of the badges, as if the time was reversed, and the shattered mirrors were restored to their original state, all of them were restored.

"What is this badge energy?"

Ren Yu frowned, feeling more and more that the energy of his badge was a bit unusual.

After filling a large gap again, the Herrscher core has initially resumed normal operation.

A burst of purple light suddenly appeared, and countless tiny lightning bolts bounced off the cracked outer casing, making a buzzing sound.

At the same time, a gentle repulsion came from inside the core, as if it wanted to expel Ren Yu's spirit and adjust himself.

Sensing this repulsion, Ren Yu nodded in satisfaction.

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