Just stop here.

The rest will be discussed later.

But when he exited the core space of Herrscher wearily, he was startled again by a certain gray-haired girl.

on the ground.

Bella has completely given up resistance.

Her eyes were filled with crystal clear tears, and there was a trace of saliva hanging from her lips. She looked like a broken toy.

His eyes stared blankly at the grass beside him, without moving.


Ren Yu turned his head and looked around.

Except for Bianca, who was fairly normal, the other two women looked awkward, with blush on their cheeks, and erratic eyesight.

"So that god...does the **** like to do such things when he saves people?"

Yae Sakura wandered out of the sky, thinking of herself and her sister, and the scene when a certain "sister" who was shouting all day long was rescued.

Could it be that when did they also show such an expression?

Thinking of this, she secretly spat in her heart.

how can that be possible!

God should not do such a thing.

Although she is a witch, she was originally...

Rita was also thinking wildly.

But she is not as outrageous as Yae Sakura.

Mr. Ren Yu has such a pure mind, he must be wrong to blame him!

She is really an unqualified maid!

Rita quietly glanced at the black-haired youth, then quickly looked away, pretending to know nothing.

Chapter 176 Something Terrible Is Sure To Happen

A few hours later, in the temporary camp of the anti-entropy reformists.

Bianca stood beside a pitch-black off-road vehicle, looking at a certain woman in front of her with reluctance.

"Rita, are you really not going back with me?"

The latter glanced at the black-haired man beside him, smiled slightly, and shook his head slightly.

"No, wherever Master Ren Yu is, I will be right there."

Rita said firmly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Bianca's expression suddenly froze.

Her eyes flickered, and after a forced smile, she turned around and opened the black off-road vehicle that she borrowed from Ren Yu.


There was a roar from the engine.

Bianca lowered the car window, looked at Rita and Ren Yu with a complicated expression, and finally said: "We will meet again soon."

After speaking, he started the vehicle and headed to the base of the Valkyries of Destiny on the edge of Siberia.

Although she said that she would meet again later.

But Ren Yu estimated that the possibility was very small, and Otto would not let her go so easily.

Could it be that the latter might rely on his identity to sneak out?

Thinking of Bianca's unyielding expression, Ren Yu felt that the other party was likely to do so.

At this time, the transport plane was ready, and a group of people began to board the plane.

On the airfield, one man and four women have been waiting for Ren Yu for a long time.

Ren Yu frowned suddenly when his eyes fell on a girl with lavender hair.

But before he could speak, the girl spoke first.

"What are you doing? Could it be that you are dissatisfied with Ben... are you dissatisfied with me going to that college to condolences to Bronya?"

Xing originally subconsciously wanted to say the word "Master Ben".

But when you think of Ren Yu's horror.

She swallowed the word abruptly.

This black-haired evil spirit is just as terrifying as Xier!

Can't afford it!


Ren Yu didn't say anything.

This guy made a lot of noise from the beginning, saying that he must follow through, and he had something important to say to Bronya.

In addition, Xing did have the permission of her adoptive mother, Cocolia, so Ren Yu simply took her on the plane.

Soon, the transport plane with a large anti-entropy logo sprayed on its fuselage slowly drove out of the warehouse.

Next to him, a certain Benares, who had turned into a human form, was very reserved.

"Your Majesty Queen, Bella has... can no longer go back, and can no longer guard by your side..."

Bella pursed her lips tightly, her heart full of humiliating thoughts.

Although most of her core was repaired by Ren Yu.

But there is one more side effect.

— fixed in human form

No matter how hard you try, you can't change back to the majestic "Benares".

Accompanied by a sharp exhaust sound.

The transport plane took off and headed towards St. Freya College.

hours later.

The group arrived at their destination, and after explaining their itinerary, Ren Yu hurried towards the dormitory.


The door was locked.

At the same time, a girl with dark blue short hair poked her head from the kitchen.

It seems to be wondering who is opening the door?

But when she saw that familiar figure.

Xier's eyes suddenly lit up, her expression was very excited, as if the long-awaited thing had finally come true.

She quickly took off the apron on her body, and rushed towards the hall with a snap.

"You are finally back!"

Like a sucking swallow throwing herself into the forest, Xi'er threw herself into Ren Yu's arms, hugged his broad back tightly, buried her head in the latter's skirt, and greedily breathed in the scent of his body, Not willing to let go.

"You are finally back…"

Xi'er looked very frightened, so frightened that even her body trembled slightly.

"Didn't you say you were only going for one night..."

Xier rubbed her head against the latter's chest, muttering.

"I, something happened on the road..."

"Broken things, right?"

Before Ren Yu finished speaking, he noticed that Xi'er, who looked like a big cat, moved in his arms and raised his small head.

For a moment, the four eyes met.

Seeing Xi'er's blue eyes, there seemed to be glances flowing, which attracted Ren Yu's full attention.

"Yes, it's about the collapse."

After sighing lightly, Ren Yu said.

But soon, Xier looked away, put her head on Ren Yu's shoulder, and said softly: "Is that so... There is no other way..."

"But, if there is a next time, can you please take Xi'er with you? I don't want to be alone anymore..."

Xier's voice trembled a little.

During the two days Ren Yu left, she recalled her nightmare in the Quantum Sea.

Although Bronya has always been with her.

But Xier always felt that something was missing.

It was almost something that only Ren Yu could give her.

"Okay, I will take you with me next time."

Ren Yu smiled and smoothed Xi'er's hair, strands of soft dark blue hair were constantly running across his fingertips.

And Xier was like a docile little sheep, after receiving Ren Yu's response, she narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, enjoying the latter's touch with peace of mind.

so sensible...

Seeing Xi'er's well-behaved appearance who neither cried nor made trouble, Ren Yu was also deeply moved.

Her trust in herself has reached an incredible height.

And such a high degree of trust also brought back a problem.

That is, I must not deceive her.

Otherwise, after Xier's heart of trust shattered, something terrible would definitely happen.

Like a personality change or something.


Touching and touching, Xier suddenly raised her head again, and looked at the latter with a kind of attentive gaze.


She seemed a little hesitant, hesitating, as if she didn't know whether she should speak out or not.

"What's wrong?"

Ren Yu stopped what he was doing and asked curiously.

"I... I asked others for advice and learned some Chinese dishes... You, do you want to try it?"

As she spoke, Xier's voice became lower and lower.

In the end, he couldn't hear clearly at all, and his confidence seemed very lacking.

In order to please Ren Yu, she learned a few dishes of the legendary "Shenzhou Cuisine".

But will he like it?

Seeing Xi'er staring nervously at the latter's face, she felt a little uneasy.

Ren Yu is a Chinese, and he will become the wife of a Chinese in the future. These are the preparations that must be made...

Ever since she saw the phrase "If you want to grab a man, you must grab his stomach", she has made up her mind.

Be sure to practice your cooking skills!

But how can culinary skills be mastered overnight?

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