In this regard, Ren Yu will definitely not show mercy.

Come one, he will cut one.

"By the way, I probably understand why these alien civilizations came here."

"what reason?"

Everyone is puzzled.

He pointed to the back, and the light gray-haired woman lying unconscious on the grass said loudly, "That should be their target."


When I saw the beautiful woman in ragged clothes, having a good time, but also bruised.

The sight of the three women became a little subtle.

Seeing this, Ren Yu quickly coughed and explained:

"The core of the Herrscher, the goal of these guys is the core of the Herrscher."

Sirin had already cried to Ren Yu once before that her Herrscher core was robbed.

And now those people are coming again.

So Ren Yu naturally thought of the core of the Herrscher.

He walked up to Bella, stretched out his hand to feel the pulse of the latter, and was relieved when he found that the beating hadn't stopped.

not dead!

Looks like there's help!

Ren Yu couldn't help thinking of another thing.

—Berenas has a broken Pseudo-Herserscher core in her body, which was given to her by Sirin.

—Thanks to this core, she was able to transform into a human form and develop a real mind.

So here comes the problem.

Ren Yu's gaze fell on Bella, with a strange expression on his face.

What is her situation now?

Can a broken core be repaired?

Just when Ren Yu was thinking so.

Bella's thick eyelashes moved, and her eyelids slowly opened, revealing a pair of crystal clear purple eyes.

She is very pretty.

In human form, Bella is not as beautiful as a human being.

But those wounds on the body ruined the beauty.

Feeling the feeling of wanting to collapse constantly coming from her body, Bella knew that she would not live long.

When her eyes fell on a group of humans around her, she was taken aback for a moment, staring at a certain pink-haired woman!

This is…

The core of lawyers?

Why does she have a Herrscher core?

Yae Sakura tilted her head in some doubts, and even moved her ears for no apparent reason.

When Bella turned her gaze and landed on a certain black-haired man, she opened her mouth in disbelief.

"Queen... You, why do you feel like a queen?"


Everyone was taken aback.

Ren Yu raised his eyebrows, and immediately thought of another thing.

This Beibeilong seems to have indeed called Sirin Her Lady Queen.

Just as he was thinking, Bella suddenly begged again:

"If you know Her Majesty the Queen, please tell her so that she can quickly find a place to hide. It's different now, since those bad guys sensed her revived breath, they ran to look for her again."

Speaking of this, there was a click, like something breaking, came from Bella's body.

In an instant, the latter's eyes dimmed a lot.

"I, my core was already shattered, coupled with forced recovery, I thought I could intercept the next enemy for Her Lady Queen, but I didn't expect it to fail in the end."

Bella's voice was getting lower and lower.

"As long as you promise me to forward this message to Her Lady Queen, then this broken Herrscher Core will be given to you. Although I don't know why those outsiders are so enthusiastic about it, it must be something very important. Bar."

After speaking, a lavender crystal gradually rose from the top of Bella's head.

I saw that there seemed to be something sealed inside this semicircular crystal, and weak lightning bolts were constantly intertwined and chained in it.

But the outer shell of the crystal is covered with dense cracks, and there are even a few holes missing in some places.

At first glance, the entire core looks like a broken vase that is on the verge of limit, and it will shatter on the spot with just a light touch.

Beside, Ren Yu stared at the crystal with a curious expression on his face.

Not only him, but also the girls next to him.

It was the first time for them to see the core of Herrscher.

Although Bella's quasi-herrscher core is in a damaged state at this time, everyone can feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

"Have some powers of the Herrscher of Thunder?"

Ren Yu muttered in a low voice, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he stretched out a white palm and held the core of the pseudo-herrscher.

At the same time, Bella, who fell on the ground, suddenly trembled violently.

Chapter 174 Restoration

The moment Ren Yu held the Herrscher's core, Bella on the ground only felt a very itchy feeling, which spread continuously on her body.

I saw her biting her lower lip tightly, giggling as if she had been greatly stimulated.

" let go of my core...I can't take it anymore..."

Bella's eyes were filled with tears, she couldn't help laughing, and kept twitching and writhing on the ground.


Ren Yu glanced at the latter, and then calmly returned his gaze to the Pseudo-Herserscher core in his hand.

When he came into contact with this core, various information automatically appeared in Ren Yu's mind.

Benares was indeed dying.

Her soul and consciousness are all placed in this Herrscher's core, once it is completely broken, no one can save her.

This is Bella's greatest weakness and also her greatest strength.

"But why is this guy exposed so casually?"

Thinking of this, Ren Yu gently squeezed the crystal in his hand.

In an instant, Bella on the ground reacted even more intensely.

I saw her rolling and rolling, rolling and rolling, her voice was like laughing or crying, she didn't look like a dying person at all.

Ren Yu coughed lightly, and slowly released his core, and Bella gradually recovered.

Looking at the crystals floating in the air, and at the gray-haired woman twitching on the ground, everyone had strange expressions.

After a while, Bella gradually returned to normal.

She regretted it very much at this time.

It shouldn't be so easy to reveal the core of the Herrscher!

Looking at this, it seems that I can live for a few more days!

It's all right now, after the toss just now, there are a few more cracks in the core.

Moreover, she never imagined that it would be so difficult when her Herrscher core was captured by others.

She never wanted to experience that feeling of goosebumps all over her body that was so itchy that she was about to pass out.

At this time, Ren Yu also came back to his senses.

He thought about it, and said uncertainly:

"Maybe I can try to repair this Herrscher core?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bianca on the side shook his head.

"No, you'd better not move around, otherwise it will accelerate the rate of core rupture."

Although she is only a hardworking fool, she has also read many books.

Generally speaking, Herrscher's core is generally difficult to break.

But once damaged, it is almost impossible to repair.

At least with the technology currently mastered by Destiny, there is no way to get the damaged core.

What about anti-entropy?

Presumably the same is true.

Maybe those aliens could.


After Bianca took a complicated look at Ren Yu, she didn't say anything more.

This is obviously an impossible option.

Ren Yu's eyes fell on the gray-haired girl at the side, and he shook his head slightly when he found that the other party seemed to accept his fate.

"You just need to help me inform Her Lady Queen and tell her to act carefully, that's enough."

"Oh? Are you so sure that I will refer you to Sirin?"

Ren Yu replied amusedly.

"This is just a verbal promise. After you die, I will take the core and run away. Can you come back to life and turn into a ghost to chase me down?"

Bella froze.

She originally thought that Ren Yu had the feeling of a queen.

There is also a Pseudo-Herserscher who is in a similar life situation to her. This kind of person will be Her Lady Queen's friend and can be trusted.

Thinking of this, she bit her lower lip lightly, trying to struggle to get up from the ground, reaching out to **** the Herrscher core beside Ren Yu.

" return the Herrscher core to me."

But the latter had no intention of returning it to her at all.

Ren Yu held the core of the Herrscher in his hands again, ignored the other party's resentful eyes, and said lightly: "You should keep those words and tell Sirin yourself. Otherwise, I will resurrect you for you, and you tell Sirin How about coming to work for me after you're done talking?"

While talking, Ren Yu suddenly felt funny.

"Almost forgot, you have no other choice at all."

At the same time, the women next to her were dumbstruck.

Ren Yu, what are you doing here?

Bianca suddenly thought of what Ren Yu said before, and said with a look of surprise: "Could it be that you really want to repair the Herrscher core?!"

Hearing this, Ren Yu looked calm, without any panic.

"Yes, I just want to repair this Herrscher's core, is there any problem?"

"But this is obviously impossible! Even if it can be repaired, don't forget that the other party is a Honkai Beast, a judgment-level Honkai Beast that will cause disasters to the human world once it recovers!"

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