Even though she was in the air now, a thin layer of sweat broke out on her crystal-clear pink skin due to the heat wave below.

Ren Yu suddenly felt a toothache after seeing the "masterpieces" around him caused by liberating the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment.

The landslides fell, the ground collapsed, and the forest caught fire!

It looks like the end of the world everywhere.

Even beside him, there were tens of thousands of Honkai beast corpses burning.

Ren Yu suddenly couldn't laugh anymore.

He felt that if he smirked now and was accidentally photographed.

I'm afraid it is directly used as a clip of some dark wind movie, which is considered up to the standard.

After all, the surrounding environment, the scene, or Ren Yu's actions at this time all made him look like a big devil who killed endlessly.

Ren Yu suddenly understood why he was always misunderstood by others.

But he is obviously a warm man, and he considers himself a caring big brother.

While Ren Yu was sighing, a certain girl from the sky finally arrived in this area.


Bianca put away the flying device behind her, and her whole body fell heavily on the ground.

She didn't know what kind of equipment was activated, and her whole body was emitting cold air.

She is simply an iceberg beauty.

on the physical level.

When Ren Yu saw her for the first time, he recognized this slender blonde girl.

—Bianca Urandale Atagena

She is the strongest S-rank Valkyrie active in Destiny, the captain of the Immortal Blade team, and the holder of the God's Key "Black Abyss White Flower".

And her adjutant is the maid named Rita Rossweisse whose consciousness has been tampered with by Higokumaru and has not been able to return to her original state so far.

The relationship between the two is very good. When Bianca was very young, Rita had already had an indiscriminate relationship with her...

Cough, he is already responsible for taking care of the latter's daily life.

This Bianka's life level is approaching level four?

Ren Yu was slightly surprised.

But soon, he was relieved again.

After all, the body of this woman named Bianca carries a small world bubble, and she can even stay in the quantum sea for a short time with her physical body.

This kind of person is usually called Feng Aotian!

But why did she come to find herself?

Chapter 166 You Are Upright

Just as Ren Yu was thinking, the big orange-red sword in his hand trembled again, buzzed, and vibrated slightly.

The energy is full again!

Skyfire is out of its sheath and can be liberated at any time!

Directly opposite, Bianca also felt the destructive aura that frightened her, and the tip of the gun that was pointing obliquely at the ground suddenly moved.

What is he going to do?

A warning sign rose in Bianca's heart, just as she was guessing what the other party was thinking.

Ren Yu spoke.

"You can protect yourself, if you can't, run away as far as you can, before those Houkai beasts come."

Hearing this, Bianca was at a loss.

What does it mean?

Is it to let her escape?

Following Ren Yu's line of sight, Bianca discovered the endless, seemingly ignorant Honkai herds in front of her.

They are stumbling towards this direction, as if there is something they must recover here, compared to this, even the threat of death is not so important.

"You... don't you want to rely on the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment to clean up these Houkai beasts alone?"

Bianca looked at these crooked beasts, and a ridiculous thought flashed through her mind, and she lost her voice.

But hasn't this guy already liberated the sky fire once before?

"Well, hurry up and go, it will be too late."

To her surprise, Ren Yu actually nodded, and then ignored her, quietly waiting for the time to come.


Just as Bianca was hesitating and dawdling for tens of seconds, the opportunity Ren Yu had been waiting for had arrived.

He has roughly calculated that if he uses the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment at this time, it will happen to be able to involve all the Honkai Beasts in one go.

As for the dumb goose next to him who was still in a daze...

I can't control it!

Ren Yu gritted his teeth, and under the latter's unbelievable gaze, he once again released the sky fire and unsheathed it.


I saw overwhelming flames surging out with strong air currents, sweeping towards the fearless low-level Houkai herd in front of them.

The orange flames enveloped several kilometers in an instant, completely submerging more than 70,000 Houkai herds.


The sound of vaporization, accompanied by the sound of wailing, continued to ring out!

The densely packed, hopeless Honkai Beasts, like a colony of ants, are constantly disappearing!

In the face of these indiscriminate flames, they seem so equal.

Facing the reality of impending extinction, no one can avoid them!

Standing in the very center of the eruption from the unsheathed skyfire, even Ren Yu, who had the shield covering his body, couldn't help frowning and muttering.

"Is the temperature so scary? The energy drops a bit fast."

— 48% energy remaining

In just one minute, the shield lost 1% of the emblem's energy just to resist the erosion of heat.

Thinking of this, Ren Yu suddenly turned his head to look at a certain silver-white cabin beside him.

As early as the moment the flame erupted, Bianca hastily activated the emergency device, and the Valkyrie armor named Moon Soul enveloped her whole body.

At this time, the silver-white cabin was a little reddish, as if it had been baked.

And it is true.

In the emergency cabin, the constant temperature system had long since failed. At this time, Bianca looked like a drowned chicken, a large amount of body fluids could not stop leaking out, completely wet her temples.

She remembered!

She remembered the video the bishop had shown her.

Yes, it was the same in Singapore waters!

I actually forgot about it!

This guy holds the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment and can only draw out the Skyfire in one move. He is more like a Kaslana than the "Siegfried" of the Kaslana family.


The temperature in the cabin had reached seventy to eighty degrees Celsius, and Bianca even felt his head swell, as if he had suffered from heat stroke.

Even with some technologies handed down from the previous era, the constant temperature system isolated most of the heat, but the rest still slowly seeped in.

If the temperature continues to rise like this, Bianca even feels that she is about to become a roast goose.

"Definitely have those guys install a full refrigeration system next time, I've already said that portability is not important to me at all!"

Bianca complained in a trance while enduring the high temperature around her.

At the same time, Ren Yu also came to the side of the cabin, reached out and knocked on the "stuffy tank".

bang bang bang

"What happened? Are you still alive?"

he asked kindly.

Because of the 'Flower, Bird, Wind and Moon' badge, Ren Yu always had a shield that isolated everything, and he didn't feel any discomfort.

But others are different.

For example, Bianca's protective cabin looked bright red, and Ren Yu even wondered if she had been roasted by the embers.

Afterwards, Ren Yu tapped several times, but there was still no response from inside.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being stunned.

Could it be that something really happened!

Ren Yu panicked, leaned down, and stepped up his percussion movements with his hands.


A violent crash sounded.

The next moment, the cabin, which had already been tortured and could not maintain its protective performance, was directly blasted away by Ren Yu's punch.


Before he could take a closer look, he found a certain blond girl who was soaking wet appeared in front of his eyes.

Her thin shirt clings to certain parts, fully outlining her uneven figure, and Ren Yu can even vaguely see through the translucent clothing, something that shouldn't be seen.


But Ren Yu quickly came back to his senses, and quickly hugged the blond girl inside who seemed to be dying and had divergent eyes.

Fortunately, he bent down interestingly earlier, letting the shield cover the cabin.

Otherwise, let Bianca's body be exposed alone, and the saying of roast goose will come true.

hours later.

In the rear camp, the reformist corps stationed around Siberia have gathered.

They are waiting for the scorched earth tens of kilometers away to cool down, so they can go to clean up the battlefield.

Because the flames were burning too vigorously, the Tsarist Russian government urgently activated an unknown number of planes to carry out artificial rainfall directly over the area at any cost to prevent the fire from spreading further.

At this time, Bianca was already awake, and when she realized how embarrassed she was, she was ashamed and angry at first, and then gradually calmed down after listening to Ren Yu's nonsense.

Here's what he said:

"I told you to run for your life a long time ago, but I still don't believe it. If I hadn't arrived in time to save you, you would have been suffocated to death in that stuffy tank."

Afterwards, Bianca checked her body carefully and found that nothing strange happened before she breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not narcissistic, but she also knows that she has outstanding looks, and her figure and temperament are far superior to those of her peers.

I was unconscious just now, and I didn't have any power to resist at all. If it fell into the hands of some unruly people, I'm afraid there would have been a big problem long ago.

Thinking of this, she suddenly looked at Ren Yu with complicated eyes, and she didn't expect to be rescued by an anti-entropy guy in the end.

"You... thank you for saving my life, you are very righteous and brave."

Chapter 167 You have grown taller again

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