
Ren Yu was slightly taken aback.


It seems that he is really honest.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Bianca also fell silent, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

The two faced each other quietly, staring at each other, just when Ren Yu was about to speak, Bianca couldn't hold back, and said to the latter with a serious face: "Rita is My very important friend, please let go of your control over her and regain your freedom."

Hearing this, Ren Yu raised his eyelids, and gave Bianca a strange look.


It's finally here!

After hesitating for a moment, he slowly shook his head and said lightly:

"I have never done anything to Rita, let alone controlled her. The reason why Rita became like this is entirely because she was disturbed by a Herrscher."

This is the truth.

The fact that Rita's consciousness was tampered with was not Ren Yu's fault in the first place.

Rather, he was the victim who was caught up in the incident.

"If you don't believe me, then I can't help it."

Having said that, Ren Yu spread his hands and looked into Bianca's eyes quietly.

"Then why did she..."

Bianca frowned, looking a little uncertain.

What Ren Yu said seems to be somewhat different from what the bishop said.

The bishop clearly told her that Rita was bewitched by Ren Yu, and that's why she made the move to betray the destiny.

This time she was sent to the anti-entropy Territory Honkai because he wanted to deal with Ren Yu and bring Rita back.

But things have changed.

Bianca pursed her lips.

He was actually saved by the enemy.

And the other party didn't take advantage of his weakness to attack him, and he didn't even show some despicable methods.

Like a knight who obeys the glory, he is upright and brave, and for the sake of the people in the rear, he throws himself into the war against the Houkai Beast without hesitation.

Will this kind of person do things to confuse Rita's mind?

Bianca thought it was impossible.

She glanced at the black-haired man in front of her, and she had a good impression of Ren Yu.

Beside, Ren Yu, who saw this scene, sighed, smacked his lips, and simply picked out some of the essence of the Feiyuwan incident, and told the dumb goose lady.

Of course, certain matters involving confidentiality, such as the resurrection of the dead, and the fact that Yae Sakura is a pseudo-Herserscher, were concealed.

After a few minutes.

After Ren Yu's story was finished, Bianca rested her chin and looked pensive.

It turned out to be like this.

She probably sorted out the ins and outs of the matter.

"That is to say, Rita will become what she is now, is it all caused by the Herrscher?"


Ren Yu replied lightly.

He has said everything he can say, and believe it or not, that is the other party's business.

Even if Bianca fights with him, he is not in vain.

After all, the latter's Valkyrie armor has been turned into scrap iron under high temperature, and he only needs to exert some force casually to take down the opponent.

Just when Ren Yu was thinking this way, something unexpected happened.

Bianca actually nodded, looked into his eyes and replied seriously:

"I believe you."


These short four words confused Ren Yu.

So trust me?

Bianca's trust is too easy to gain.

But what he didn't know was that if someone else said these words, Bianca would probably lose his temper on the spot.

The reason why she trusted him was because of Ren Yu's previous "integrity" actions, and realizing that Otto had deceived her more than once, which gave Bianca the illusion that she could trust Yu.

Seemingly seeing the other party's doubts, she took the initiative to explain:

"I believe that with your character, you will never do such an act of deceiving me with lies."


Ren Yu opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to spit out such a sentence.

"Then I really thank you."

Bianca nodded, and immediately wanted to turn around and leave.

"Since Rita isn't here, it's time for me to leave. If there is a chance, let's meet in Santa Freya."

Hearing this, Ren Yu's expression was a little strange.

This Bianca seems a little too straightforward.

Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, is it true that she is not worried and will take her hand to stop her?

Or is it that what she said before, believing in her own character, was just a pavement for her to leave without incident?

Ren Yu was a little puzzled.

But in his impression, Bianca should not be someone who would do such a thing.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be complained about being too straightforward, she would be a serious idiot.

Just at this time.

With a bang, the door was suddenly opened.

A woman with short gray-blonde hair appeared at the gate of the temporary camp.

"Master Ren Yu, are you okay!"

After inquiring about the whereabouts of "Lord Ren Yu" from the guard, Rita rushed to the tent where the latter was staying without stopping.

open the door.

Ren Yu was indeed here.

Rita's eyes were bright, and she quickly stepped forward a few steps, leaning towards Ren Yu's side, as if she was about to pull up his palm and look around, as if to check if there was anything wrong with Ren Yu.

And at the same time.

Bianca tilted her head and froze in place.

Why did Rita appear here?

She looked at Ren Yu, who was a little embarrassed, and then at Empress Rita, who kept greeting the latter with a concerned face.

An inexplicable emotion rushed into Bianca's heart.

Is this... completely ignored by Rita?

Thinking of her past with Rita, she suddenly felt a bit sore in her nose.

"Rita...you, do you remember me..."

Bianca said this with a complicated mood.

But because the voice was too low, Rita didn't hear it.

All her thoughts at this time were on Ren Yu.

Rita repeatedly confirmed that "Lord Ren Yu" was really fine, and then reached out and touched the forehead of this "Lord Ren Yu", who was a head taller than herself.

"Master Ren Yu, you have grown taller again."

Rita smiled sweetly, as if recalling something particularly impressive.

"Obviously in the past few years, you were not as mature as you are now."

"Let me think about it..."

Speaking of this, Rita's eyes showed nostalgia.

"At that time... At that time, you seemed to be only this tall, and your age was not as old as you are now, ah, right!

I also bought you a beautiful dress, the sky blue one, do you remember that? At that time, you took me to take a lot of photos, and I remember putting them in the closet..."

Hearing this, Ren Yu didn't respond.

But Bianca next to her was stunned.

She pursed her lips tightly, seeming very sad.

Chapter 168

The more she recalled her time with Rita, the more uncomfortable Bianca felt.

When she was training hard, it was Rita who came to comfort herself.

When gaining glory, it was also Rita who came to praise herself.

When encountering difficulties, it was Rita who encouraged herself.

It can be said that Rita has almost run through Bianca's youth, and she is a "sister" type character that she attaches great importance to.

It is precisely because of this that Bianca feels sad that Rita has forgotten her.


Rita is still pouring out her memories to Ren Yu.

But as she talked, more and more confusion appeared in her eyes.


Wait, when did I buy a dress for Master Ren Yu?

Is it wrong?

Rita frowned slightly, it should be, after all Mr. Ren Yu is a boy and doesn't wear skirts.

Thinking of this, Rita felt that her memory was a little confused, as if some holes were being filled in constantly.

Soon, the memory of the dress in her mind gradually faded, and was replaced by a vague memory of buying clothes with Ren Yu.

"I'm very sorry, Master Ren Yu, I accidentally misremembered just now."

Rita said apologetically.

Ren Yu hadn't said anything yet, but Bianca next to him couldn't help it.

She mustered up her courage, rushed to the middle of the two, looked at someone very sincerely, and said softly: "Rita, you, do you remember me? I'm Bianca, let's live together in destiny." The headquarters has lived for a long time, have you forgotten?"

"You are…?"

Rita frowned suspiciously, an inexplicable sense of familiarity emerged in her mind.

But no matter how she racked her brains to think.

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