— This guy should have a certain level of intelligence and a certain understanding of the human world.

But this kind of wisdom is not complete, and it does not have a complex thinking mechanism like humans.

"Human sea tactics? I'll cut as many as you come."

Ren Yu didn't panic at all.

I can probably liberate five Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgments. Under the overwhelming flames, I will give away as many low-level Honkai beasts as possible.

Send him stronger and stronger!

Looking at the surrounding Honkai beast cannon fodder who were continuously vaporizing and gradually becoming distorted in the flames, Ren Yu slowly injected the energy of the badge into the big sword again.

With awe-inspiring eyes, he stared at the emperor-level Honkai beast with a skyscraper-like head thousands of meters away.

At this moment, the other party also stared at him.

The emperor-level Honkai beast seemed to sense the threat, raised its head, and roared to the sky.

In the next second, I saw it running towards Ren Yu's direction with its huge body.

From a distance, the scene of the giant Honkai beast moving at high speed seems to be a mountain with legs growing out, which is extremely weird.

at the same time.

It is 37 kilometers away from the center of the Siberian Honkai occurrence.

low altitude.

chug chug

On a transport that was rushing to the site of the Honkai incident, two women were rushing over.

"Why is it raining suddenly?"

Looking at the continuous drizzle outside the window, Yae Sakura asked curiously.

But at this time, no one answered her question.

I saw Rita beside her was lowering her head, her face was gloomy, and she was immersed in her fantasy.

"I'm so worried about Master Ren Yu..."

"Without my servant by his side, will he be very uncomfortable?"

"I heard that he was going to fight against the Houkai Beast. Those ferocious things have no IQ. What if Mr. Ren Yu accidentally gets injured, or even loses his limbs?"

"Do you want to take care of him for the rest of his life?"

Rita didn't care, but she didn't want to see Ren Yu in danger.

Pursing her thin lips, she looked at the clean and clean Valkyrie armor on her body, and she was burning with anxiety, wishing she could rush to that "Master Ren Yu" immediately and remove those monsters for him.

"Master Ren Yu, please wait a little longer, Rita will rush to your side soon."

she murmured softly.

"Skyfire out of its sheath!"

Ren Yu let out a loud roar, swung the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judge again, and fired out the destructive moves that had already been fully charged.

This sword instantly stirred up the endless sea of ​​flames beside him, and transformed into a continuous, snake-like dragon-like gigantic sword energy, which pierced through the air in a certain direction.

boom boom boom...

And at the moment when Jian Guang appeared.

The emperor-level Honkai beast that was running at high speed suddenly stopped, changed direction abruptly, and flew towards the side regardless of its appearance.

There was a violent sound, and I saw that this emperor-level Honkai beast with a height of 40 to 50 meters crushed countless spruce trees.

It seemed to have a stress response, and the scale-like hard carapace stood on end, and it was extremely vigilant.

Instinct told it that it must deflect this sword light!

Otherwise, there will be big problems!

The few "Honkai Emperors" in the rear didn't know why, and they were wondering why the superior Honkai beasts suddenly behaved like this.

The sword light that crossed the sky came in an instant.


The 'Honkai Emperor' who bore the brunt was instantly cut in two by the sword energy wafting out.

It didn't even feel any pain, and when it was still guarding against the overwhelming red streamer behind it, its huge body was already broken.

And the next moment, the sword energy containing the unsheathed anger of the sky fire is coming.

On the ground, I saw the emperor-level Honkai beast roar, knowing that he couldn't dodge it, he simply unfolded all the hard armor on his body.

Keng Keng Keng

After a crisp sound of gold and stone colliding, I saw a small fortress with a thickness of more than ten meters on the ground.

This is an emergency measure made by the emperor-level Honkai beast.

The carapace is indestructible, and the thickness of this dozen meters alone can make a human eat a pot.

Even if dozens of heavy tanks are lined up, using special armor-piercing bullets specially made for the Honkai Beast, and continuously bombarding a certain point, it will take several rounds to penetrate.

Thick carapace, impenetrable defense, this is why the emperor-level Houkai beast is so difficult to deal with.

Inside the fortress, the emperor-level Honkai beast finally settled down.

As long as it survives this round, it will survive!

As long as it survives this attack, it will be the moment for it to show its talents and crush that human being to ashes!

And at this moment.

Ren Yu's sword light finally arrived.

I saw that radiant and bright golden sword energy, carrying endless red flames, piercing through the air in an instant.

When looking at this sword energy, a creepy and extremely dangerous intuition rose in the mind of this emperor-level Honkai beast.

It suddenly had a premonition that it would be cut in two by this sword light!

how can that be? !

Chapter 165 The Female Version of Long Aotian

And the next moment.

I saw that this mighty sword light seemed to be cut into a ball of butter, easily breaking through the ten-meter-thick hard skin of the emperor-level Honkai beast, and continued to fly towards the distance.


Hard to survive without any bells and whistles.

Not to mention the fact that the Honkai Beast finally blocked the sword energy with all its strength.

This emperor-level Honkai beast was directly divided into two!

Together with its proud thick carapace, it was broken into two pieces from the middle, and it was blown into pieces of meat all over the sky.

Along the way, the trees were broken one after another, and most of the original coniferous forest was gone. The raging fire rose in the forest and spread towards the outside.

Even the retreating mercenary regiment felt the scorching heat.

The moment the sound sounded, the young man holding the detection satellite connected to the synchronous orbit had already exclaimed.

"This is so fake, right?!"

In the car, the mercenary captain was still thinking about something.

After hearing the exclamation of his subordinates, he cast his gaze over in displeasure.

And that young man seemed to have forgotten the fear of being dominated by his boss, he turned the laptop over, pointed at the scene on it and shouted: "The forest is gone! That primeval forest is gone! How the **** do you have to sit?" How long will it take to get out of prison!"

Ignored the inappropriate words of his subordinates.

Raiden Ryoma and the mercenary captain all looked at a certain reading with serious expressions.

A dense number of Houkai beast life reactions were detected, conservatively estimated to be about 70,000


"Just now it seemed to be more than a hundred thousand..."

The mercenary captain was stunned.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of Honkai Beasts disappeared?

Even if all the equipment in the vicinity of the Tsarist Russian army was mobilized, it would not be such an exaggeration to carry out several rounds of artillery fire to wash the ground!

He thought of what Ren Yu said before

— This is just an attack I made casually. If I release this weapon with all my strength, the effect will be much more exaggerated than it is now, but the performance is too exaggerated!

If it was me, no, even if I mobilized all the corps of the reformist faction to face this executor, I am afraid that I would not be able to take him down smoothly.

This kind of person can no longer be treated with common sense!

Thinking of this, the head of the mercenary team felt a chill, and a cold current rushed from his tailbone to Tianling Gai.

Fortunately, not the enemy!

Fortunately, the executor is on their side!

At the moment when the attack was launched, Ren Yu had an intuition, the intuition that this emperor-level Honkai beast was dead.

And the end result is indeed the same.

Ren Yu clenched his fist, feeling the gradually rising breath in his body, and suddenly smiled.

"Is this the improvement brought about by killing a third-level life?"

He felt that his physical fitness at this time had improved by nearly 10% compared to before.

His physical fitness is already strong, stronger than some A-level Valkyries who rely on stigmata to fight, and there is almost no way to improve.

But now, after killing a king-level Honkai beast with a rank of 3 through the 'Heroic Killer', he actually felt that his physical fitness had improved by 10%.

It's incredible!

If ten or eight heads were cut off, wouldn't Ren Yu be able to double directly?

It seems that I will pay more attention to the Houkai phenomenon in the future, and be a Houkai beast hunter.

Just when he was thinking so.

A blue streamer of light suddenly flashed across the sky, and then, the spot of light quickly fell downwards.

Ren Yu squinted his eyes, the streamer was directed at him.

Moreover, he vaguely felt level 4 energy fluctuations from the life response fed back above.

Who exactly?

Ren Yu grinned, pulled out the Heavenly Fire Great Sword that was on the ground, and swung it vigorously.

At the same time, he exchanged the Heroic Spirit Killer for God of War Warriors.

"Skyfire out of its sheath!"

In an instant, the Great Sword of Skyfire was liberated again, and the full flame shot up into the sky, and the roar was endless.

With the blessing of countless layers of God of War Warriors badges, the skill of unsheathing the sky fire has long been changed beyond recognition.

Bright flames swirl, rise, and explode.

Following Ren Yu's wishes, the ground within a few kilometers was scorched black and in a mess, and even the raindrops on it were quickly covered with dark gray.

This place has become a flesh and blood mill, with countless Houkai beasts and unburned corpses of dead soldiers piled up together, which looks very terrifying.

In the sky, looking at the blazing fire that erupted again below, Bianca subconsciously stopped her dive, and frowned involuntarily.

So hot…

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