A few mercenaries standing on a facility like an observation deck and looking into the distance with binoculars shouted loudly.

"came back?"

The mercenary leader who heard the news was startled suddenly.

The next moment, his face with Chinese characters suddenly became extremely pale, as if it had lost all blood.

Now that Xing Ma'er has returned safely, does that mean that her target, that is, the executor, has already encountered Xing's murderous hands?

This is how to do ah!

Chapter 163 Shock

He was thinking about how to explain to Mr. Ryoma that the executor was murdered by Xing Maer.


I saw a bright beam of light rising in the distance!

Then, like ten thousand cannons firing in unison, the sound waves that shook everyone's eardrums faintly ached!

All of a sudden, the trees facing the Grand Canyon rustled, and some young seedlings that were not that old were blown to one side or another, looking like they were about to break off.

Next to the trench, the ground shook violently, and a considerable number of mercenaries who could not stand still were unable to stand firmly when the aftermath came, and fell to the ground with their **** on the ground, their faces full of horror.

"what's going on?"

"I never heard that there will be an earthquake today!"

Everyone was very puzzled.

On the other side, the head of the mercenary who managed to stabilize his body from the shaking suddenly looked up at the sky.

Not only did the orange beam of light not dissipate, but it became even more dazzling!

"Skyfire, get out of the sheath!"

And Zai Ren Yu waved the huge sword in his hand, and shot streams of heat downward as if he didn't want money.

At the same time, some mountains around him were also collapsed by the aftermath at this moment, all kinds of sparse soil and gravel continued to roll down, and the momentum was terrifying.

"Quick, hurry up and open the detection equipment in the camp, mobilize the satellites above the synchronous orbit to take pictures, and see what happened over there!"

The mercenary leader wiped the sweat from his forehead and ordered loudly.


Is it Honkai Beast?

Or the momentum caused by the attack by the executor?

Soon, his subordinates sent over the images captured by the satellite and mapped them onto a curtain.

Amidst the endless tide of Houkai beasts, there was a fiery red light constantly flickering, as eye-catching as a lighthouse in the dark night.

The image is then gradually enlarged.

In the red light, the object wrapped in milky white 'eggshell' also appeared in front of them.

"Can't call the high-speed camera?"

Looking at the blurry figure, the leader of the mercenary frowned and gave orders to his subordinates.

But before there was a response from the subordinate who was constantly operating on the instrument, Leiden Ryoma beside him spoke first.

"Don't look at it, this person should be Ren Yu."

He pointed to the blurry, fluid flame-like thing and said.

"Is this the executor?!"


"The shock just now..."

After suppressing the unbelievable emotions in his heart, Leiden Ryoma slowly replied: "The shock just now should be the earthquake caused by the release of the weapon called Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment."

Before that, he didn't understand what Ren Yu said "I'm strong".

But now the scene felt this natural disaster-like power.

Raiden Ryoma has a new understanding of the three words "I'm strong".

When this guy was fighting with him, he definitely kept his hand!

Is it because he is Mei's father that he saves face for him?

Leiden Ryoma felt very uneasy, and gently stroked the plasma Yingxiu on his waist with his right hand.

This guy!

The etiquette is done enough, but Raiden Ryoma is very dissatisfied!

He is a swordsman, so he is naturally dissatisfied with Ren Yu's practice of not showing his true strength against him!

On the other side, looking at Raiden Ryoma's constantly changing expression, the head of the mercenary also had a strange expression at this time.

He was not very optimistic about Ren Yu at first, but he couldn't resist the order of the executor, so he asked his men to dig trenches in the rear, thinking of making more preparations to meet the coming Honkai Beast.

But after learning that the behavior just now was caused by the executor.

He suddenly felt that his world view had been greatly impacted!

What kind of method is it that can make them feel the shaking of the ground a few kilometers away?

If there are a few more attacks of this level, those Honkai beasts with lower levels may not need to be cleaned up, and they will all die in the aftermath!

"Mr. Ryoma, the surrounding temperature is rising. The detectors have detected a wave of heat coming towards the camp. We may have to move to another place next."

Ren Yu fell heavily from the sky.


The great sword was inserted into the ground, and the endless sea of ​​flames bloomed around him like a lotus flower, gushing out from the veins of the earth, burning all life forms that set foot in the domain.


I only heard the sound of the continuous vaporization of the Honkai Beast, and with him as the center, a radius of hundreds of meters turned into a forbidden area where no one survived.

Except for Ren Yu who was holding the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, all the Houkai Beasts in this area died under the high temperature!

"The badge has 74 energy left... The move just now consumed 10% of my energy, as well as the Honkai Energy that has been accumulated in the core of the Holy Fire Sacred Judge for a long time."

The blow that he released the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment just now consumed a huge amount of energy!

But correspondingly, the effect is also very obvious!

With just one move, tens of thousands of Honkai Beasts died in Ren Yu's hands, without even having time to let out a wail.

While killing a large number of life forms, the 'God of War Warriors' was also running crazily.

Ren Yu even felt that as long as there were a few more rounds, he would be able to return to the state where he was in the waters of Singapore, relying on the nature of nature to stir up a typhoon.

Pull out the Skyfire Great Sword on the ground again.

Ren Yu glanced over the sea of ​​flames in front of him, over the cannon fodder of the Honkai Beast that hadn't even stepped into the first level, and landed on the emperor-level Honkai Beast that was tens of meters high and escorted by several Honkai Emperors. .

"Don't worry...I'll kill you right away."

He muttered to himself.

Ren Yu looked around, slowly pouring the badge energy into the Skyfire Great Sword to charge the core.

Looking at the Honkai beast cannon fodder around him, he suddenly curled his lips.

The quality is terrible!

The quality of these Houkai beasts is really not good!

Compared with the aggregate that Gray Snake made before, it is far worse!

There are tens of thousands of sharks here, and I feel that they haven't caught up with the effect of thousands of other people's unparalleled stacking for God of War.

Just as he was thinking, the Heavenly Fire Great Sword in his hand buzzed, and the hilt trembled.

Ren Yu had a happy face, knowing that this was a sign that the core was filled.

So he swung the giant sword again without hesitation.


Sound like a roar!

Blazing flames continuously gushed out from the core, sweeping away in all directions.

As if a meteorite fell, the thunderous explosion sounded again!

The earthquake kept going, and the surging flames drowned everything in sight.

The Honkai Beast, the dead warrior, or other objects were all swallowed by the giant red beast that occupied half of the sky and turned into ashes.

Chapter 164

And when the giant sword slashed, countless gullies appeared where it touched the ground, extending all the way to the distance, chasing those fierce flames.

After a long time, the flames gradually extinguished, and the transpiring heat even caused rainfall in this cold area.

In the camp.

Everyone who saw this scene was speechless for a long time.


Is that human being? !

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!

If he stayed any longer, even if he could withstand the aftermath, he would still be half-dead by the excessively high temperature! "

Seeing that the reading on the meter had already exceeded 35 degrees Celsius, and there was a vague number that was developing towards a higher temperature, the mercenary leader made a decisive choice.

—Run away!

Run with the regiment!

Can't stay here!

What the executor has done is too terrifying, no difference between the enemy and us!

Beside, Xing, who had an irritable face at first, was thinking of how to find an excuse, and Xing, who sneaked to play with Bronya after the incident, was also stunned.

It was exactly what she thought!

This guy is a devil, and he is the same species as that Xier!

Fortunately, I was resourceful enough not to clash with him hastily before!

Uncle Xing licked his sharp teeth, thinking complacently.

Feeling the full energy in his body, Ren Yu couldn't help feeling a burst of relief, as if his limbs were stretched out.


The emperor-level Honkai beast seemed to have noticed something, and the scarlet eyes hidden under the thick carapace kept flickering.

And next to it, the four Honkai emperors were also in the same situation, restless.

Looking at the surrounding Houkai Beast Queens who no longer avoided the flames out of instinct, but came towards him consciously, roaring to the sky.

Ren Yu frowned suddenly.

What is this for?

Do you want to fill him up with crowd tactics?

This kind of behavior was instigated by the high-level Houkai Beast?

He looked far away at the high-ranking Honkai Beast who had also acted in the distance, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

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