Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5624: Dao Qi, Cheng!

Dao Qi, Cheng!

In Chen Feng's body, blood flowed like rivers and seas, roaring and surging.

The Supreme God Demonizes the Dragon Art, which runs to the extreme by itself.

At the same time, the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen Jue was also awakened by some special induction.

The golden rhyme suddenly lit up beside itself.

Also emerged from the heights in the Luohong furnace of the great asura!

The supreme breath is full of simplicity and majestic meaning, from high above, fierce slaps.

The dark green light broke through the thick ink cloud in an instant.

It seems to have penetrated the sky!

The world became clear instantly.

But then, countless visions of heaven and earth appeared one after another.

Blossoming blood lotus bloomed at the end of the day.

There was a low hum of the main road all over the world.

Not only Chen Feng, but also Gong Licheng, Mei Wuxia, and even Zhang Feicong, who was brought out by manipulation, had their blood boiled.

"How is this going?"

Mei Wuxia exclaimed.

The metamorphosis of a Taoist artifact is born, and it will affect their blood.

At this time, Chen Feng suppressed the boiling blood, looking at the void.

"The Dao Qi, and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth came into being."

"And this avenue of heaven and earth, what moved is exactly what I entered...the avenue of gods and demons!"

"Is it a coincidence?"

Before the words fell, a reply came in my ears.

"Naturally it is not a coincidence."

Chen Feng suddenly turned his head and looked at the Taoist Wuya who was talking.

I saw Taoist Wuya standing with his hand holding his hand, looking at him, his face remained calm.

"The great repair of Luo Honglu was not born from the avenue."

"It relied on acquired cultivation and transformed from magical implements."

"That is to say, it is the same as you and I practice, it needs to enter into a great avenue of heaven and earth by itself."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng understood.

Since you need to move on your own and enter a certain avenue of heaven and earth, there must be some connections between them.

As the person who refined this thing, Chen Feng has become a bridge at this time!

It was precisely because he entered the Avenue of Gods and Demons and touched the threshold of this Avenue!

Thinking of this, his breathing suddenly became heavy.

Dao Qi is different from people.

People need to rely on themselves, step by step to understand the road that is built.

The Dao Qi, when it became a Dao Qi, had already condensed all the best things in the corresponding Dao!

"Because of me, it will help me go further!"

"This is the benefit of the acquired Taoist device!"

Taoist Wuya nodded.

Obviously, this is how he made Chen Feng truly good fortune!

This is really a great favor!

Chen Feng turned around, facing the avatar of Taoist Wuya, clasped his fists in both hands, and solemnly saluted.

Taoist Wuya asked him to resurrect himself, but accordingly, he not only gave him the second chapter of the Hundred Ghosts and Nights Calling Souls.

He also gave him a Taoist artifact!

Such generosity, full of power!

I don't know how long it took, the vision of heaven and earth gradually dissipated.

The great Xiu Luohong furnace in the void finally flew back to Chen Feng's hands.

Today's major Xiu Luohong furnace is completely new!

The lines on this four-legged square tripod have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The magic pattern symbolizing the giant black flame demon disappeared.

Instead, it is a brand new pattern containing the gods and demons!

The original body of the bronze tripod was now gray-green, glowing with cold light.

As soon as they got their hands, two people around came around.

Among them, Gong Licheng was the most excited.

"This is the first time I have seen the so-called Dao Qi."

"I heard that each Taoist instrument has its own unique characteristics. Let's take a look at this one."

On this point, Chen Feng himself also wanted to know.

At first, Jin Sanye once said.

Once this great Xiu Luohong furnace becomes a Taoist tool, it can refine a small world!

What a power this is!

However, before he urged the new Taoist tool in front of him, the Wuya Taoist beside him reached out and held him down.

"The old man advises you, it is better not to try to urge this thing lightly."

The three of Chen Feng raised their heads and looked at him.

"At the beginning, the ancestors of the Giant Black Flame Demon used it to refine a small world."

"Even the old man fell under it and lost my tower."

"There is not much power of the stars here. If you rush your cultivation base, I am afraid that it will be sucked up."

As soon as he said this, Chen Feng couldn't help but gasp.

The golden pagoda is in the hands of the Great Black Flame Giant Demon, so he guessed it!

But after hearing this, Chen Feng's heart couldn't help but fall.

"If I can't use this thing, what use is it for?"

With that said, he once again looked at the Taoist instrument in his hand.

Taoist Wuya's remarks were obviously for his sake, and Chen Feng was also very grateful.

However, he always feels that he can control it!

The avenue of the gods and demons in the heart is breathing with the great Xiu Luohong furnace in the hand, and the same ups and downs!

He wants to try it!

Therefore, Chen Feng took a step forward.

Immediately afterwards, in the Star Sea World, all three hundred and sixty-five stars burst out with brilliant light!

The roaring Sirius and Zhu Jiu Yin Xingxing roared together.

Even in the depths of the stars, I remembered the ancient Buddha singing!

The endless power of the stars rushed into the great Xiu Luohong furnace in Chen Feng's hands!

Although majestic, but extremely cautious.


Everyone present heard this low whistle.

The next moment, Taoist Wuya finally showed a look of surprise.

"How can there be such a vast star power? You...could it be your star sea world..."

He lived for an unknown number of years, and soon reacted.

At this time, Chen Feng's spiritual sense had all entered the great Xiu Luohong furnace.

This is Dao Qi!

The original Avenue of Gods and Demons, like a mirage, was difficult to capture.

But now, with the help of the large Xiu Luohong furnace, he almost saw a broad road in front of him.

Just wait for him to step on!

However, as soon as he tentatively entered, his mind was almost plunged into violent chaos.


The supreme blood in the body is boiling instantly!

The Supreme God Demonized Dragon Art suddenly turned to the extreme by itself.

In an instant, Chen Feng suddenly had an illusion.

He broke through to the first layer of the first volume of the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art, the melt is furnace!

The physical body is constantly undergoing tempering!

At the moment he entered the Avenue of Gods and Demons, he himself was forged into a...the furnace of Gods and Demons!

Chen Feng immediately withdrew all the power of the stars and instantly regained consciousness.

He was panting heavily and his lips were white.

As we all know, Dayan Immortal Gate is famous for its formation.

Since it can be formed, it must be broken!

And Cangyu Immortal Sect was originally a miscellaneous cultivator, not even better than the Galaxy Sword Sect, mainly sword cultivator.

Speaking of the treasure of the town gate, in any case, it can never be a magic weapon to break the formation.

"What a Dayan Immortal Gate!"

Chen Feng gritted his teeth fiercely.

But now is not the time to vent.

Without saying anything, he urged the great Xiu Luo Honglu to put away Gong Licheng and Mei Wuxia, and looked at Taoist Wuya.

"Senior, please follow me."

Before the words fell, the golden Dao Yun suddenly lit up between the world.

After it dissipated, the light source was already empty.

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