Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5625: Sorry, I am late!

Chen Feng brought the Taishang Yuqing Jiu Shou Zhen Jue into full play.

The realm of Dao realized by guarding Qingjing is constantly expanding!

From the beginning, it was only ten meters in radius, and now it has more than a hundred meters.

In the unique Tao domain, Chen Feng's teleport range has also been further expanded.

In addition, Wuya Taoist helped easily.

Originally, it would take at least a few days to reach the Galaxy Sword Sect from the junction of the two immortal realms.

And now...

Three hours later!

"At the moment of the big sunset today, it is the time when your Galaxy Sword Sect will be destroyed!"

The roar was vigorous and reverberating.


The **** loud noise can be heard tens of thousands of miles away, deafening!

The guardian formation of the Galaxy Sword Sect was hit hard again!

The huge light curtain made a huge creak.

Within the sect, all the disciples, deacons, elders and suzerain of the Galaxy Sword Sect gritted their teeth.

They stood behind Elder Wu and the master Luo Xingchen, and Qi Qi turned their cultivation base to the extreme.

Enter the guardian array at all!

There are already quite a few people, all covered in blood.

The elders who are not young have exhausted the last life of this life, just to protect the guardian formation.

Their breath turned from decay to extreme, and soon began to gradually dissipate.

Countless disciples looked at these familiar elders and burst into tears.

"Elder Tai Ran! Elder Yu Bo..."

The heart-piercing calls came one after another among the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Even Zhong Li Yaoqin and others have red eyes.

These elders, accompanied by the Galaxy Sword Sect, experienced glory and decline.

They never chose to leave.

Nowadays, the immortal gate is in trouble. These elders know that there is no hope of breaking through, and the deadline is approaching.

Just to give play to their last strength and guard the fairy gate!

With a cry, those old men with gully faces and white beards and hair cast their eyes cloudy.

They exhausted their last strength and shouted at the still immature faces.

"Hold it up!"

"Let's hold on to death!"

"Old man, go ahead!"

A breath after another, completely dissipated between the world.

A body, falling from high in the sky.

Even if there is no Dragon Tooth Fairy Gate, Dayan Fairy Gate and Giant Spirit God Sect.

Only relying on the remaining five forces to join forces, the Galaxy Sword Sect is still difficult to resist.

After all, there is no Chen Feng!

Outside of the big formation, the group of strong men who are not of any identity is already difficult to resist.

Today, their greatest strength is probably only the master Luo Xingchen.

However, the five sect masters of the other party had already prepared for Luo Xingchen!

It can be said that the guardian formation of the Galaxy Sword Sect is their last and greatest support!

This guardian formation is the belief of everyone!

It absolutely cannot be broken!

Outside the big array.

A supreme elder of the God Burning Sect must be upside down.

With the supreme cultivation base, he turned into a roaring thunder.

"Everyone, come here twice!"

"The guardian formation of the Galaxy Sword Sect can at most be able to withstand two more blows with my full strength!"

"When the Great Array breaks through, there will be no Galaxy Sword Sect in the Eastern Wilderness!"

As soon as this remark came out, outside of the Galaxy Sword Sect, the fighting spirit in the hearts of the five top and one grade immortal gates was completely ignited.

Everyone roared together, and the battle intent and murderous spirit broke through the clouds with the roar!

Even the **** red clouds gathered in the sky above the head were forced to disperse.

At this moment, everyone joined hands again.

The dazzling gods pierced through the sky and quickly gathered together.

After that, the mighty guarding formation directed at the front, hurried away!


The guardian formation that lay between the five major forces and the Galaxy Sword Sect once again made a huge creak.


Within the great formation, Elder Wu spit out a large pool of blood!

In order to support this last barrier, he was already covered in blood.

The flesh and blood of the whole body are almost broken!

"Elder Wu!"

Behind him, many disciples cried out sadly.

Even the supreme elders, who had nothing to worry about as soon as possible, were completely moved at this time.

Today, everyone in the Galaxy Sword Sect has understood.

Why can Elder Wu be independent of the five great sword factions and be located on the highest floating mountain with the master.

Because this guardian formation that has guarded the Galaxy Sword Sect for thousands of years depends on his life origin!

The unpleasant creak was like a cough from a dying old man.

I was afraid that I couldn't come back in one breath, so I went completely.

However, hearing the sorrows of the younger generations behind him, Elder Wu disheveled his head, and a divine light burst into his body again.

"Don't cry so early!"

"Cough...cough cough... the old man is dead... it's too early!"

Behind him, Luo Xingchen looked gloomy and said nothing.

At this moment, the Nine Heavens Tongtian River of the Galaxy Sword Sect was caught by one hand and hit Elder Wu in his body.

And all his own cultivation bases are also injected into it.

However, looking beyond the big formation, the five immortal gates have grinning, proud and arrogant faces.

And the dazzling brilliance that gathered again.

An atmosphere of despair inevitably spread.

Outside, everyone was cheering, counting down the last time.

And inside...

In the crowd, Que Yuanzhou whispered.

"Brother Chen Feng, you won't come back, but it's too late..."

Outside the big array.

"Last time, fast, last time!"

The five immortal gates once again burst out their strongest cultivation base.

The supreme gods gathered together and pointed directly at the guardian array that could be broken.

In the big formation, some people have become numb to despair.

However, some people broke out with supreme vitality and roared loudly.

"I swear to live and die with the Galaxy Sword Sect!"

At this moment.

A golden Dao Yun suddenly appeared outside the guardian formation.

The next moment.

"Sorry, I'm late."

As soon as these words came out, in the entire void, the guardian formation fell into a moment of silence inside and outside.

The people of the five immortals suddenly got together in their hearts for some reason.

And the countless disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect finally burst into tears at this moment!

A huge boulder that almost crushed them, suddenly disappeared!

"It's Chen Feng!"

"Chen Feng is back!"

The five masters finally changed their expressions.

"Quick! Do it!"

The condensed divine light hit a thick beam of light, and immediately rushed to the guardian formation.

Almost at the same time, the golden Taoist charm was shaken.

Several figures stepped out of it.

And the thick beam of light that gave the guardian great array a fatal blow was instantly swallowed by the great Xiu Luohong furnace!

At this moment, the whole audience was as silent as death.

Then, there was an uproar!

Everyone is crazy.

The people in the guardian formation are crazy.

Chen Feng is back!

At this moment, he suddenly appeared like a god!

It was almost like being in a dark cloud, suddenly tore a hole.

The sun passed through and fell on everyone's desperate to dry heart.

At this moment, even the Heavenly Power Sword Sect, who had always been at odds with Chen Feng and Tianshu Sword Sect, all forgot about what they were doing and roared fiercely.

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