Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5623: Give you a great luck

At the next moment, there was only a hum.

In the place where the tripod body was illuminated, several layers of complicated magic circles were lit up!

Those magic circles interlaced and overlapped each other, and the entire Grand Asura Luo Hong furnace trembled more and more intensely.

However, at this moment, Taoist Wuya suddenly withdrew his gaze.

He looked at the great Xiu Luohong furnace again, and sighed slightly.

It seems to be a little relieved, but also a little regretful.

"About this thing, the old man had heard of it."

"There is a well-known Asura great demon family in the Asura world, this thing was refined by their ancestors."

Chen Feng nodded, and Jin Sanye told him about this.

"The Black Wisp Giant Flame Great Demon Family."

"It is said that when this thing was first born, it could refine all things in the world."

Taoist Wuya nodded.

"But fortunately, it didn't take long for a powerful human being to defeat 81 magic circles in his body."

"Now, the remaining 80 circles have returned to their positions, and only the core circle has not been repaired."

Speaking of this, he raised his eyes and looked at Chen Feng.

"The Shura Demon you killed was a member of the Great Black Flame Great Demon family?"

Chen Feng nodded again, and simply relayed what had happened in the Jade Smashing Conference to the seniors in front of him.

After speaking, I saw Wuya Taoist eyebrows smiling, and he laughed undisguisedly.

"Good job!"

Seeing Taoist Wuya reacting like this, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile.

Apparently, this Daoist without Cliffs and that black wisp of giant flame great demon family obviously had some grievances.

However, after laughing, Taoist Wuya did not forget to remind Chen Feng.

After all, he killed the eldest son of the immediate family of the Great Black Flame Giant Demon.

I am afraid that the Patriarch will not let go now.

And that is a difficult master, the cultivation base is probably higher than the Demon King Shura!

Taoist Wuya looked at Chen Feng once again, his face inevitably a little embarrassed.

"Hey, your cultivation base is still too low after all."

Since Chen Feng practiced all the way, he had heard similar things.

He was too lazy to explain.

However, he didn't care much, but Mei Wuxia beside him couldn't help but want to argue for him.

Mei Wuxia stepped forward and looked towards Taoist Wuya.

"Senior Taoist Wuya didn't know that Brother Chen Feng just condensed the Star Soul more than a year ago."

"Moreover, he condensed ninety-nine and eighty-one star veins at the beginning."

As soon as this remark came out, it really caused Wuya Taoist's surprise.

Even Gong Licheng's complexion changed drastically.

In more than a year, he broke through from the Star Soul Martial God Realm to the sixth cave sky of the Shifang Dongtian Realm now!

Throughout the ages, no matter how the enchanting evildoer against the sky, has never had such a sturdy qualification.

Gong Licheng looked at Chen Feng deeply and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

"No wonder Chu Ping will die in your hands."

Not wronged!

At this moment, Taoist Wuya looked at Chen Feng.

Suddenly, a majestic breath instantly enveloped Chen Feng's entire body.

He instinctively wanted to resist, but he reacted immediately.

There is no murderous in this powerful breath!

Taoist Wuya just wanted to find out his age.

The breath was quickly removed again.

Instead, the predecessors are surprised.

"Unexpectedly, the old man sometimes makes mistakes. You are so young!"

"It seems that the old man really delivered it right."

"With your aptitude like a broken bamboo, I am afraid that within five years, the old man can be resurrected."

With that, Taoist Wuya turned his head and looked at the great Xiu Luohong furnace in Chen Feng's hand again.

This time, a smile appeared on his face.

"In that case, the old man might as well give you another good luck."

"In the future, it is up to you to be a dragon or a worm."

When Chen Feng heard the words, his mind was shocked, and his heart fell into ecstasy.

He immediately clasped his fists in his hands and respectfully bowed to Wuyadao people.

The next moment, the wind will rise!

In the endless desert, yellow sand dances.

In an instant, the world was vast and dim.

Even the huge oasis in front of me was like a mirage, and I couldn't really see it.

But at this moment, everyone heard an extremely heavy loud noise.

The loud noise reverberated in the howling yellow sand and violent wind.

Chen Feng's complexion suddenly changed.

Although the picture in front of him was not real, he immediately showed his spiritual sense and clearly saw everything in front of him.

Outside the entire oasis, that huge giant formation burst out of brilliant light.

In an instant, Chen Feng guessed what "good fortune" the Taoist Wuya said was.

He wants to refine this unmatched formation into the core formation in the Great Asura Luohong Furnace!

Help it become a Taoist instrument in one fell swoop!

Sure enough, Mei Wuxia and Gong Licheng actually exclaimed.

I saw that the two of them were wrapped in a luminous glow and lightly brought to Chen Feng from the side of the large Xiu Luohong furnace.

Chen Feng grabbed the two of them.

In the next moment, the great Xiu Luo Hong furnace under his control shot out in a sudden.

At this moment, a thick cloud of ink condensed on Jiu Xiao instantly!

The incomparably large and terrifying thunder and lightning continued to shoot through the clouds.

In front of him, it seemed as if black clouds were pressing on the city to destroy the city!

In an instant, an ink purple thunder light that was thick enough to be hundreds of meters crashed down.


That thunder light happened to hit the Great Asura Hong Furnace in the sky.

Chen Feng refined this thing, and the great Xiu Luohong furnace was hit by thunderclouds, so he was naturally implicated.

Mei Wuxia stood beside him, and immediately noticed what was wrong with Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, Gong Licheng also looked over.

Chen Feng cried and smiled and waved.

"It's okay, it's just that the thundercloud hit the big Xiu Luohong furnace, and I will be affected."

Gong Licheng immediately understood.

He looked at the oasis again, at the giant cauldron that was soaring.

"It seems that it is not that easy to become a Taoist implement."

As he spoke, the second thundercloud smashed down!

It's too late to say, then soon!

A light flashed in Chen Feng's mind.

Don't let him think too much, almost in an instant, he fully mobilized all cultivation bases.

After that, he tried his best to control the large Xiu Luohong furnace.


Above the sky, the direction of the furnace mouth of the Great Asura Luohong suddenly turned, and he took the initiative to face the thundercloud!

The huge thundercloud was all included in it in an instant.

At this moment, eighty-one formations lighted up on the Great Asura Hong Furnace.

The entire dim sky was lit up at this moment!

One by one, the mysterious and complex formations were connected and inseparable.

And the big core formation in the middle, at this moment, seemed to be beaten by a heavy blow.

Embedded in the previous eighty formations!


The endless reverberation keeps rippling away.

One after another, it hit the heart of everyone present.

Especially Chen Feng!

He refined the great Xiu Luohong furnace, and has extremely close ties with it.

At this moment, the eighty-one formations are closely intertwined with each other.

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