Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5613: vow!

He looked at Chen Feng.

"Even if you are one step ahead of me?"

"Only you can't break into the abyss."

When Chen Feng heard the words, his brows couldn't help but frowned, and his face became dark.

What Gong Licheng said is true.

With his strength at this time, it is absolutely impossible to deal with that ancient alien beast.

The situation seems to be in trouble.

At this moment, in Chen Feng's star-sea world, the roaring Sirius star was restless.

Sirius captures the moon universe Dafa!

Upon investigation, Chen Feng's pupils shrank suddenly.

In the extreme distance, many powerful monks and monsters appeared, coming straight here!

Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

The Southern Desolate Immortal Territory is already a dead place, why are there so many monks and monsters?

And, obviously, they are all coming to the abyss.

As if seeing what Chen Feng was thinking, Gong Licheng couldn't help but sneered.

"The news that Nanhuang has a strange treasure, even I know."

"What's more, it's someone else in the world of Xuan Huang Zhong Qian?"

Chen Feng frowned deeper when he heard the words.

If it is as Gong Licheng said, then things will be troublesome.

He looked at Gong Licheng, lost in thought.

Gong Licheng came from the top of Lei Xuan, and he was a very prestigious sect on the top of the sky.

Occupies a lot of second-grade and below fairy mountains.

As one of the elders, Gong Licheng's status is fairly high and his background is profound.

He thinks there must be more methods than Chen Feng.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng looked at him with a calm tone.

"Elder Gong, you and I are all people from the top of the sky."

"Since this is the end of the matter, it is better to cooperate sincerely once and join hands to win the six chapters of reincarnation."

"In any case, you can't give the Six Paths of Reincarnation to others."

Gong Licheng couldn't help but smile coldly when he heard the words, and was about to speak.

But Chen Feng smiled faintly, and then persuaded.

"Besides, Elder Gong has done his best for the six reincarnation chapters."

"There must be someone who wants to be resurrected?"

"In this case, after we get the six chapters of reincarnation, we can share it completely."

Before he finished speaking, Gong Licheng's complexion changed again.

He looked at Chen Feng coldly.

After a while, he nodded slowly.

"I am willing to promise you, but you have to let me go first."

Chen Feng smiled slightly.

"Elder Gong has agreed?"

"Then please swear in the name of the Lord of Heaven."

Gong Licheng was taken aback for a moment, then took a deep look at Chen Feng.

He spoke in a deep voice.

"Heaven is the ruler..."

As soon as the words were spoken, a green light suddenly lit up.

It fell on Gong Licheng like a heavy hammer.

I saw him twitching all over.

The body has been shrouded in coercion.

This coercion is extremely powerful, monitoring his words and deeds in the oath at this time.

If there is any violation, it will be directly bombarded and crushed to pieces!

"I, Gong Licheng, swear here..."

After completing the oath, Gong Licheng looked at Chen Feng.

"Chu Pingsheng has been killed by you?"

Seeing Chen Feng nodding, Gong Licheng was not surprised.

Now that he can find himself, it has already proved that Chu Pingsheng's plan has failed.

Gong Licheng looked at the young man in front of him and snorted softly.

"Since you and I have formed an alliance, I might as well tell you."

"You killed Chu Pingsheng, his father will definitely not let you go."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng's expression was overwhelmed.

There was an unexpected look on his face.

Chu Ping was not an aboriginal on the top of the sky.

Moreover, he has always regarded himself as the owner of Ningyilou.

When Chen Feng first met this person, he was still a little puzzled.

Chu Pingsheng's strength was considered top at the time, but looking at the entire sky, it was definitely not powerful.

However, the strength of Yin Yi Lou is not low.

Although there are not many people in it, the resources of the fairy mountain are not too abundant.

Although it is completely incomparable with Zhong Li Shijia.

But at the top of the sky, it is also quite prestigious.

Before, Chen Feng also guessed that there might be other backers behind Chu Ping's life.

Unexpectedly, it was his father.

Moreover, listening to Gong Licheng's tone, Chu Pingsheng's father seemed to be able to bear it.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

This, you need to beware at all times.

He stretched out his hand to let the two of Chang Dongqing loose the restriction on Gong Licheng.

"Thank you Elder Gong for letting me know."

Gong Licheng slowly got up and looked at Chang Dongqing.

"Your means, I didn't expect it."

"Can manipulate others."

Gong Licheng looked at the far-reaching distance and sighed.

Immediately, Yoyo spoke.

"A long time ago, I visited Xuanhuang Zhongqian World once."

Hearing this, Chen Feng's eyes were full of surprise.

Then, he immediately remembered what the Great Desert Lord said when he was in the Great Desert Lord's Divine Mansion.

In every world there will be a huge mountain to connect the top of the sky.

And the mountain peaks of Xuanhuangzhongqianworld are in the Eastern Desolation.

This news was originally not known to everyone in this world.

Back then, it was accidentally learned by a strong man in the Western Wild Immortal Territory.

In order to erase this trace, the top of the sky has delegated a task to let the immortal encircle and suppress that person.

In order to protect himself, the strong man actually informed several super-grade immortals in the Western Wild Immortal Territory of this news!

In the end, the mission failed!

Chen Feng briefly mentioned the matter.

Gong Licheng raised his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to know this."

He nodded slightly.

"Yes, we were the ones who were selected back then."

"At that time, our task was to go to the Western Wild Immortal Territory to block the battle between two super-grade immortals."

"But accidentally came to Nanhuang, and... came here."

Having said that, his eyes turned to the abyss again.

A wry smile appeared on his face.

"At the beginning, we discovered that there was a strange treasure hidden under the abyss."

"But I didn't think that the strong man heard the conversation between us and learned of the existence of the top of the sky."

"The Lord of Heaven sent additional tasks temporarily, let us immediately punish him, but he escaped."

Gong Licheng seemed to think of the terrifying past, his expression was extremely complicated.

"In order to protect himself, he quickly spread the news."

"The people from the Super Grade Immortal Clan joined forces and killed many of us."

"The mission failed. In order to avoid being obliterated by the Lord of Heaven, I paid a huge price."

Speaking of this, Gong Licheng took a deep breath.

The painful color in his eyes flashed past, his tone was low.

"And this time I have prepared for so many years, and then return to Xuanhuang Zhongqian World."

"It's just to get back that strange treasure back then."

Chen Feng knew what had happened, but his brows wrinkled deeper.

He looked at Gong Licheng.

"Elder Gong, those cultivators are already approaching."

If they do not take action, they will not be able to seize the opportunity.

Gong Licheng also gave a long sigh and smiled bitterly.

"The Yuan Beast of Xuanhuang Town back then was extremely powerful."

"Now that my strength has risen to another level, I don't have a good way."

Chen Feng, who was on the side, suddenly raised his eyes after a period of contemplation.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

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