Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5612: Xuanhuang Town Yuan Beast!

Just like a sacred mountain, suppress him by itself.

And Chen Feng's golden Dao Yun was once again shining, extremely bright.


One step out, already stepped into the abyss!

The black paper in his hand also emits rays of light at this moment, almost covering the palm of his hand.

It seems to be wise, extremely excited.

Chen Feng's eyes were full of smiles.

The response of the black paper just shows that he is getting closer to the location of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The whole body, the golden rhyme suddenly dazzled.

The figure instantly disappeared to the edge of the abyss, and fell hundreds of feet in an instant!

The next moment, Chen Feng opened his eyes and looked around.

Total darkness!

The gloom is to the extreme, and the silence is terrible.

There was only the sound of the robe being stirred by the wind and hunting.

While Chen Feng fell down, his spiritual sense was instinctively peeking around.

At this moment, the chill suddenly spread behind him.

A warning sign in my heart!

At the moment he looked down.


A shocking roar suddenly sounded from the bottom of the abyss!

The next moment, a majestic killing intent gushed out, trying to pierce the world!


Black air flew from below, condensed into a huge claw!

The sharp claw is as big as a mountain, and it is extremely powerful, and it comes straight to Chen Feng!

not good!

Chen Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

Turn your hand and take out the big Shura oven.

It was too late and then fast, and Luo Hong furnace was overhauled up against the storm.

At the same time, the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen Jue was turned to the extreme!

Chen Feng stepped out!

The moment he waved his sharp claws, he flashed into the Great Asura oven!


The sharp claws fell, and the inner wall of the Great Shura oven lit up and trembled.

Fortunately, it resisted this blow!

Mei Wuxia and Chen Feng's complexion changed drastically in Luo Honglu.

At this moment, two glaring red lights lit up from the outside world, like the bright sun!

What kind of eyes are that!

"Xuanhuang Town Yuan Beast!"

Next to Chen Feng, Mei Wuxian could not help but exclaim.

I saw a huge beast that was a hundred meters long, leaping up.

Two ferocious giant claws clung to the abyss wall.

At this moment, its eyes are red, staring at the Great Asura oven in the void.

The behemoth has a hideous face, and there are millions of purple-black barbs all over his body!

On his body, there is still a black mist shrouded, exuding an extremely cold air.

It is an ancient alien beast in the legend!

"How can the Xuanhuang Town Yuan Beast guard here?"

Chen Feng's eyes sank, and he looked at the Xuanhuangzhen Yuan Beast outside coldly.


The giant beast suddenly jumped up, and its hideous and terrifying claws came along with its murderous aura.

A halo lit up behind him!

Under the roar, it slapped the big Shura oven with a straight claw.


There was a loud noise, and the Great Asura oven was hit on the abyss wall, blasting a big pit!

The light on the Great Shura oven dimmed for a few minutes.

If there is another blow, I am afraid... it will not hold it!

This is one of Chen Feng's most powerful cards.

It is more likely to be transformed into Taoism in the future.

He definitely won't let it be destroyed.

Chen Feng's complexion was solemn to the extreme.

The previous halo was the power of the original beast of Xuanhuangzhen.

"This strange beast has already condensed the soul?"

Even if one breaks into the Spirit Void Land Wonderland, it is not easy to condense the soul.

There are six levels in the Lingxu Land Wonderland, which are also called six calamities.

As the name suggests, every time a breakthrough is made, one needs to experience a catastrophe.

These six calamities are: Wind Tribulation, Fire Tribulation, Thunder Tribulation, Huangquan Tribulation, Yuanshen Tribulation, Heart Demon Tribulation

Only by spending all the six great tribulations, can you set foot in the more powerful Saint King Realm.

The two Chang Dongqing before, although they are also the strength of Lingxu Earth Wonderland, they have not survived the catastrophe.

Otherwise, with Chen Feng's current strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to subdue.

The Xuanhuang Town Yuan Beast in front of him had already passed the first tribulation and successfully condensed the Yuanshen.

Undoubtedly, it is stronger than Evergreen duo!

Even though Chen Feng has the strength of Lingxu Land Wonderland, it is extremely difficult to deal with it.

But, anyway, if you don't go out again, the result will be shot dead here.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Daoyun light all over his body lit up.

The next moment, he stepped out one step at a time and suddenly appeared in the abyss!

Chen Feng's Qingqiu Tianlong Sword appeared in Chen Feng's hand, with a bright light.


Cut it down!

In the Star Sea World, the two star souls of the Candle Jiuyin and the Howling Sirius lit up almost at the same time.

Roars again and again!

"Too high to punish God!"

In the roar, endless murderous aura and fighting spirit converged in a silver light.

Go forward, go quickly!

Xuanhuang Town Yuan Beast roared immediately.


Rolling sound waves are coming out!

Even Chen Feng's figure was affected by it, slowing down a lot.

And the silver light that was cut out was even more stagnant in an instant, and only less than half of its power remained.


The Yuan Beast of Xuanhuang Town leaped up from the wall, and the stone wall under its feet suddenly collapsed.

Facing the knife light, it actually did not retreat but instead moved forward!

The big claw waved again!

On him, the power of the stars immediately spread out dozens of miles away, crushing the burst of blade light directly!

Immediately afterwards, there was no sign of stagnation, and he headed towards Chen Feng!


The speed is extremely fast, directly on Chen Feng!

The golden Tao Yun lit up in an instant, and instantly condensed into a layer of "armor", blocking most of the offensive.

However, the injury is still serious.


Chen Feng opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood, his figure kept retreating.


Seeing this, the Yuan Beast of Xuanhuang Town seemed to be even more excited, constantly roaring!

Kill Chen Feng again!


Chen Feng turned around and left immediately.

At the same time, fully urge Taishang Yuqing Jiu Shou Zhen Jue!

The golden Daoyun's rays were like clouds and mist, covering him in an instant.

At the moment when the claws hit, Chen Feng's figure disappeared.

In the next moment, he took the great Xiu Luohong furnace and reappeared beyond the abyss.

Chen Feng's face was pale.

In Xinghai World, all the stars are starting to light up!

Each one is born with golden Taoist rhyme.

They are spinning!

The speed is fast and slow.

There is no aura in the ancient forbidden land.

The source of all the power of the stars can only rely on the Xinghai World!

Those stars that interact with the stars in the depths of the universe are becoming brighter at this moment.

A cloud of haze was also lit up around it, and little light was generated in the haze.

If you look closely, you can even see that a galaxy seems to have gradually emerged in the haze.

However, at this time Chen Feng had no intention of rejoicing.

The roar of the Yuan Beast in Xuanhuang Town still sounded behind him...

and many more!

Chen Feng was surprised, stopped immediately, turned and looked back towards the abyss.

Xuanhuang Town Yuan Beast did not catch up!

In other words, it seems that it cannot leave the abyss.

Chen Feng was stunned.

Then he let out a long sigh of relief.

Escape from the dead is considered a life.

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter not far away!


Following the reputation, I saw Gong Licheng being subdued by Chang Dongqing and kneeling on the ground, describing it as extremely embarrassed.

But she sneered on her face.

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