Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5614: Sneak attack!

"In that case, I have a good way."

When the words were over, Chen Feng turned around and quickly started to arrange.

Mei Wuxia guessed his intentions, and immediately stepped out of Luo Honglu to help him.

It didn't take long for the edge of the abyss to be outlined with complicated formation patterns.

A mysterious and mysterious aura suddenly exhaled.

Then disappeared.

Chen Feng took out his soul-locking ghost wood.

At the next moment, the golden Dao Yun suddenly lit up around the three of them.

The figures of the three instantly disappeared in place.

Before long, at the horizon, those monks had already arrived!

It seems that this group of monks should belong to two camps.

The group of about a dozen people on the left hand side were all dressed in purple robes with a cloud dragon embroidered on their right sleeve.

The leading monk looked quite young.

He is full of vigor, with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

Between the eyebrows, there is still a lingering arrogance.

What is shocking is the momentum on his body!

Very powerful.

Compared with the Profound Desolate True Essence Beast under the abyss, I am afraid it is even more equal.

Chen Feng looked from a distance, his eyes suddenly sinking.

This person's cultivation is far above Gong Licheng.

I am afraid, it is already the immortal of the Second Tribulation!

The group of monks on the right all wore blue and white robes, with a mysterious gossip picture embroidered behind the robes.

The number of them is much larger than that on the left.

However, the strength is much weaker than the left.

At this moment, among the cultivators on the right, an old man with a square face walked out slowly.

The beard and hair of this person are all white, and the cultivation base is estimated to have the first calamity immortal.

He looked at the young monk

"Xia Xuanfeng, are you sure this time?"

Xia Xuanfeng smiled faintly, his gaze staying half an inch from the abyss, but full of arrogance.

"If it hadn't been for the evil animal to have a big formation under the abyss, it would have been successful several times before."

"And this time, we have a way to deal with the evil animal."

"Elder He can rest assured."

"Since my Yunlong Pavilion has accepted your Yuannan Daozong entrustment, I will never fail."

The dozen or so monks on the left smiled confidently when they heard this.

Yunlong Pavilion is a special existence in the Western Wilderness.

They have been entrusted by the major forces and have been in development for thousands of years. It can be said that they have a very deep foundation and many strong ones.

Today, it has been able to match the ordinary Yipin Xianmen.

The Yuannan Daozong where the square-faced old man was located was indeed weak by more than three points.

If he only relied on the square-faced old man He Haicheng himself, he would definitely not be able to break into the abyss.

Therefore, they paid a great price to hire Yunlong Pavilion to help.

Xia Xuanfeng is powerful, and he is also a rare Tianjiao among Yunlong Pavilion.

However, his character is extremely strong.

Even this action should be led by He Haicheng.

However, apparently he did not take this to heart.

He Haicheng took a deep breath and looked back in another direction.

"That group of monsters, here again!"


On the plain, there was already a monster beast with an extremely huge body, rushing swiftly.

The strength of these monsters is also extraordinary.

Even the weakest has the strength of a half-step Lingxu Land Wonderland.

Powerful monster beasts such as Xuanhuo Fiery Phoenix Beast, with a pair of wings nearly a hundred meters long, spread out, and their power is straight down the void.

Even the first robbery is invincible.

It seems that the strange treasure under the abyss is not only coveted by the cultivators, but the monster beast is also fanatical for it.

Of course, Xia Xuanfeng raised his eyes and smiled coldly.

"A group of beasts who remember to eat or not to fight, still want to die?"

"We will fulfill them this time!"

After that, everyone from Yuannan Daozong ran the exercises together.

A wave of stars rushed out of them, and then they condensed together.

As if the sea was tilting upside down, it rushed toward the monster beast that was coming!



Various long howling roars sounded one after another.

The demon beast that rushed is not low in intelligence, and it is also fighting together to kill everyone.

The power of the stars came out with great strength, and it was not much weaker than He Haicheng and the others.


Xia Xuanfeng broke through the sky.

A sword light flew up in his hand and pierced the Profound Fire Blazing Phoenix Beast straight away!

The power of the stars surged instantly.

But in the next instant, a sharp sword light was condensed, and it was killed in the blink of an eye.

Jianmang's speed is amazing!

The Profound Fire Blazing Phoenix Beast couldn't react at all.

Accompanied by a whine, the sword light exploded.

There was only a rain of blood in the sky.

Xia Xuanfeng let out a cold snort.

"Don't shoot yet?"

Before the words were over, more than a dozen monks from the Yunlong Pavilion all shot together.

For a while, the mighty breath emanating from them covered the sky and the sun.

Yuannan Daozong and others can't compare with it at all!

A group of monster beasts had been completely cut off in less than an hour.

Flesh and bones are everywhere by the abyss.

From a distance, it looked like Shura Purgatory, extremely tragic.

But Xia Xuanfeng was holding a wolf-shaped monster beast corpse at this moment, but suddenly jumped into the abyss.

At the same time, on his other hand, a red spirit grass appeared, emitting bursts of fluorescence.

A look of surprise passed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Red Blood Spirit Primal Grass!"

Gong Licheng looked over, obviously he didn't know this thing.

Chen Feng's voice was calm and explained briefly.

"This is a kind of spirit grass that can trap monsters. It's extremely rare."

"It will release a special breath, attracting monsters to swallow it."

"And once the monsters below the Holy King Realm are swallowed, they will immediately lose consciousness and fall asleep."

When the words were over, that Xia Xuanfeng already threw the corpse of the wolf demon in his hand along with the scarlet blood spirit essence grass.


The next moment, the long howl of the Yuan Beast from Xuanhuang Town suddenly spread.

However, the voice gradually decreased.

When Chen Feng heard this voice, he had a certain number in his heart.

The Yuan Beast in Xuanhuang Town hadn't seen blood for many years, and I was afraid that it would swallow the body of the wolf demon together with the scarlet blood spirit original grass.

It was counted!

Xia Xuanfeng said with a smile on his face.

"Success, get into it soon, we only have one hour."

At this point, he frowned suddenly and scanned the surroundings.

Seems to be aware of something.

Seeing his reaction, Elder He immediately became vigilant.

"what happened?"

But Xia Xuanfeng just frowned.

"Nothing, let's get down now."

Immediately, he walked forward.

He Haicheng and others followed him, preparing to enter.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A bright light suddenly lit up under everyone's feet!

"what happened?"

"It's a killing array!"

The messy voice sounded immediately.

The rays of light rushed from the ground to the air, and the complex mysterious patterns brightened.

In the great formation, a series of sword lights suddenly emerged, fierce and powerful!

They are intertwined and densely covered into a net of heaven and earth, and they will kill everyone in the big formation!

The next moment, Chang Dongqing and two flew away.

Actually plunged straight into the abyss!

The power of the stars came out from the two of them, fiercely blasting towards the only fish that escaped the killing array.

Xia Xuanfeng suddenly turned his head, his eyes seemed to explode with anger.

"I just said, there seems to be some influential waste watching, it turns out it's you."

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