Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5539: Zhongli Yaoqin's bloodline induction!

"Reward the qualifications to enter the third and fourth floors of the Great Tower of Tibetan Scriptures, once each!"

"Reward the fairy embryo."

As soon as he said this, Chen Feng's breathing became short.

He didn't even listen carefully to those rewards afterwards.

Fairy embryo!

Qualifications to enter the third and fourth floors of the Great Pagoda of Tibetan Scriptures!

All of them are exuberant rewards.

Prior to participating in the endless killing advanced battlefield mission, the Lord of Heaven only rewarded a low-level fairy weapon.

At that time, the rewards were temporarily detained, only that they would be issued together after completing the lead task.

Unexpectedly, it would be directly replaced with a fairy embryo!

The so-called fairy artifact embryo is the best raw material for making fairy artifact!

As long as the weapon built with this, the worst is also a low-level fairy!

"It just happens to be available to replace my Qingqiu Heavenly Sword!"

Chen Feng was very excited.

Now, Qingqiu Heavenly Sword has been completely completed.

But after all, there are still a lot of materials, which belong to the waste material millions of years ago.

If it can be replaced and tempered with fairy artifact embryos, his Qingqiu Heavenly Sword will surely change upside down.

Its power is definitely several times stronger than the top Nine-Rank Treasure!

And another reward made Chen Feng's heart beat even more.

Qualifications for the third and fourth floors of the giant tower of Tibetan Scriptures!

You know, a large part of the reason why Chen Feng came to the top of the sky is because of the huge towers of Buddhist scriptures from the heavens.

This top of the sky is said to be what one wants to do, and 80% of it comes from this huge tower of Buddhist scriptures.

Enter into the giant towers of the Buddhist scriptures of the heavens and exchange what you want to improve yourself.

This is Chen Feng's main purpose for coming to the top of the sky.

However, it is one thing to enter the giant towers of the Buddhist scriptures in the heavens, and it is another thing to get the treasures inside.

Need a lot of chalcedony and jade slips!

Today, Chen Feng has many chalcedony and jade slips.

But if you want to buy the precious magical powers, martial skills, or natural treasures in it, you are still a little stretched.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly remembered something.

At the beginning, the Lord of Heaven once said that if you can get the clues of the second chapter of the Hundred Ghosts Night Calling Souls, you can reward 10,000 chalcedony of Heaven!

He immediately said loudly in his mind.

"Master of Heaven, I got the clues to the second chapter of the Hundred Ghost Night Calling Souls, the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

With that said, he took out the ink paper he got.

The next moment, a light cyan light swept across the ink paper.

It didn't take long before I heard the answer from the Lord of Heaven.

"Confirmed that it is the clue to the second chapter of the Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling True Story.

"Reward the immortal in the sky, Chen Feng, ten thousand chalcedony of heaven!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feng could sense it.

Among his golden reincarnation jade medals, there are 10,000 more chalcedony pieces!

Chen Feng was overjoyed, and immediately thought of something, and continued to ask.

"If I can bring the second chapter of the Hundred Ghosts Night Call of Souls back to the top of the sky, will I still be rewarded?"

The huge voice sounded again.

"Bring back the second chapter of the Hundred Ghosts Night Traveling Soul Calling Scripture, rewarding 500,000 chalcedony pieces of heaven."

Five hundred thousand roads!

Chen Feng almost jumped up.

With these five hundred thousand heavenly chalcedony, he can buy a lot of treasures among the huge towers of the Tibetan Scriptures!

And while Chen Feng was very excited, Zhong Li Yaoqin also changed.


Even Chen Feng, who was next to him, could clearly hear a crisp sound in his ears.

"What's broken?"

He turned to look at Zhongli Yaoqin.

Zhong Li Yaoqin looked surprised, as if he couldn't believe it.

Hearing Chen Feng's voice, she turned her head.

"I have always had a seal in my body."

"Now, that seal is beginning to loosen."

This is the reward given to her by the Lord of Heaven!

The two of them were very happy, and quickly went to the giant bronze fangs gate.

They turned out to be from the fourth floor of the giant tower of the heavens and the world this time!

"I didn't expect this task to be quite difficult."

Before the words fell, a muffled hum suddenly came from beside him.

An extremely powerful breath suddenly shot out from Zhong Li Yaoqin's body.

"what happened?"

Chen Feng immediately turned his head and looked at Zhongli Yaoqin.

The next moment, Zhong Liyaoqin's complexion changed.

She said quickly.

"They found me."


From the top of the sky, Zhong Li's family was boiling.

Almost all the blood of the direct relatives were in the dark, sensing a very special blood.

"what happened?"

Although many juniors feel this way, they don't quite understand why they feel this way.

That is a kind of blood induction that can make them feel terrified!

At the same time, there is also a disgust.

It seems that between each other, they are born endless enemies!

At this moment, a huge sound suddenly sounded in the entire Zhongli Family.

The voice was extremely deep and full of air.

"All the disciples of Zhong Li's family follow the order, and that person is back."

"I want you to kill it at all costs!"

All the juniors who heard this were shocked.

"It turned out to be the voice of the ancestor!"

"The ancestor has been silent for so many years, I thought he would have sat down long ago."

"Speak carefully!"


As the whole bell left the family home, scattered sounds immediately sounded.

"Junior listen to the order!"

Soon, someone was called to the lobby.

"Junior Zhongli Yuntian, met the ancestor!"

The person who knelt down was Zhong Li Yuntian, who had never met Chen Feng and became a good brother!

It was precisely because Chen Feng helped him kill three more powerful opponents during the trial mission.

Now he has become a well-respected junior in Zhong Li's family.

He is even qualified to enter the Zhongli Family Ancestral Hall to worship!

"Zhong Li Yuntian, you have made a lot of progress in the previous trials."

"Now you have the opportunity to fight for the next position as the Patriarch of the Zhongli Family with your brothers."

"There is something, I should let you know."

The speaker is the ancestor of Zhongli who has been in seclusion for a long time!

That is, another offspring of Zhongli Changfeng!

Zhongli Weize!

Although he has lived for an unknown number of years, he still looks like a middle-aged man.

He walks vigorously and has a burly body.

Zhong Li Weize's eyes were empty, seeming to penetrate the void, staring at the Zhongli Yaoqin who had just come out of the huge tower of the heavens and ten thousand realms!

"My father, your ancestor, once left another heir."

"That son is not recognized by my Zhongli family."

"Moreover, once it returns to the top of the sky, it will surely cause disaster."

"At first, my mother injured her badly, but she managed to escape."

"The reason why you have blood connections today is precisely because of her return!"

As Zhong Li Weize said, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"Now you have the strength of the fifth hole in the Ten Fang Dongtian Realm, and you must be on par with her."

"If you can kill it, the next Patriarch will be yours."

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