Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5538: I want to refine Taoism!

When someone in the Demon Sect finds something wrong, it's too late!

A lot of background information has been consumed in this huge circle in front of him.

Although it is not as magnificent as the guardian formation of the Galaxy Sword Sect, it is not much worse.

It is more than enough to be used as the core magic circle in the Great Asura Luohong furnace!

Without saying anything, Chen Feng immediately asked Jin Sanye in his body.

"What do you think?"

Where can Jin Sanye have any objections?

"We are just trying to remind you of this."

"Hurry up, move this circle to the Great Asura Luohong furnace."

"We haven't seen the aisle in many years, hehe..."

Chen Feng nodded.

He immediately activated his whole body cultivation base and began to try to refine the expansion array below.


The large Xiu Luohong furnace was thrown high into the air, constantly roaring.

From its body, an endless bright light burst out.

The monstrous power kept pouring out.

Vaguely, a part of the divine light rose slowly, and an internal magic circle evolved in the void.

Eighty magic circles!

Every magic circle is extremely complicated.

Each magic circle is interlocking, restraining and influencing each other.

It was the first time that Zhong Li Yaoqin saw these arrays inside the Luo Hong Furnace.

After all the eighty magic circles evolved, the internal situation was clear at a glance.

Even a cultivator who doesn't understand the formation technique can clearly see it.

There is a vacancy in the very center of the eighty magic circle.

Here is where the core array is placed!

"In this way, this core formation is the source of the other eighty magic formations!"

Just set up this core formation and get it up and running.

Then the nine-nine-nine-eighty-one magic array will unite nine and nine into one, completely changing the quality.

And the Great Asura Luohong Furnace will also become a Taoist tool from a very powerful magical implement.

Just looking at the 80 formations, Zhong Li Yaoqin couldn't help but become excited.

She spontaneously began to protect Chen Feng.

The next moment, Chen Feng began to refine the huge magic circle below.


The silent circle was suddenly excited, and began to burst out with extremely powerful power.

The space began to oscillate.

Between the heavens and the earth, a gust of wind howled and howled sharply.

The endless demonic energy above his head surged crazily in Chen Feng's direction.

It was like a troll hiding in it, and it was about to launch a sneak attack at this moment.

However, Chen Feng remained upright and did not hesitate to move.

The sound of a hundred ghosts crying seemed to be heard.

Extremely stern, almost piercing the eardrum.

Chen Feng burst out with infinite power all over his body.

The circle is fighting him!

It is refusing to be refined and transformed!

The golden spiritual world opened up, and the monstrous golden spiritual power turned into golden light.

Radiantly rushed into the circle.


This is a tug of war!

For the next five full days, Chen Feng was competing with the magic circle below.

Fortunately, the old demon Xu Jun has been completely annihilated, and the magic circle is no longer an owner.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to refine Chen Feng alone.

As the last magic pattern was completely refined, Chen Feng was overjoyed.

"It's done!"

As long as the magic circle is like a large-scale repair Luohong furnace, Dao artifacts can become!

Even Zhong Li Yaoqin was happy.

However, at this moment, anomalies suddenly occurred!

In Chen Feng's heart, a warning sign suddenly rose.

An unprecedented death threat climbed rapidly from behind him.

Suddenly made him horrified.

"not good!"

He immediately changed his complexion, turned his head and disappeared in place, instantly appearing in front of Zhong Li Yaoqin.

I saw him grab Zhongli Yaoqin, and then quickly shouted in his mind.

"Master of Heaven, I am waiting to request to return to the top of the sky!"

As soon as the voice fell, the vast voice of the dominion of heaven rang out.

"You can return!"

In an instant, the cyan light diffused out, covering both of them.

The thin layer of cyan light was suddenly extremely dazzling.

Then it turned into a thick cyan beam of light, straight to the world!

The two suddenly disappeared in place.

Even the big formation just refining has not had time to recover.

The moment Chen Feng disappeared.


A terrifying force that destroyed the heavens and the earth suddenly fell on the world of the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires!

Thunder light suddenly appeared, and the magic cloud was almost scattered by the sky.

The yin wind screamed, and the extremely violent gang wind instantly tore the void of tens of thousands of miles into chaos.

The bright brilliance lights up this piece, like daylight.

That is... the power of Lingxu Land Wonderland!

Under that extremely terrifying power, a stalwart figure suddenly appeared here.

He was covered in gray robe, beard and hair were white, but he was full of energy.

Two substantive rays of light burst into the muddy eyes immediately.

In an instant, he scanned every corner of the world.

The tall and stalwart figure did not look like an old monster at all.

But if someone is here, they will definitely exclaim for the first time.

The person here is surprisingly the Supreme Elder of the Taiyi Immortal Gate, Immortal Monarch Hong Xi!

No one thought that Xianjun Hong Xi would actually take the shot himself.

Just to deal with a kid who hasn't been in the ten-square cave for a long time!

But even so, when Hong Xixianjun looked at the empty land in front of him, his heart burst into flames.

"Anyway, let Chen Feng that kid escape again!"

Obviously, for a second, he could still vaguely sense Chen Feng's breath.

What is the next move for this kid?

Immortal Hong Xi was furious, his cold eyes swept across the ruins of the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires below.

Looking at the remains of the whole floor, and the huge circle of dark red light and shadow, Hong Xi Xianjun's eyes are extremely cold.

The next moment, he waved his sleeves angrily.


The earth cracked into countless pieces.

Even the huge skull head that stood up to the ground began to fall apart from top to bottom.

The array that Chen Feng had just refined also made a crisp sound.

Then, the whole circle suddenly faded.

There was no more breath.

At this time, the cyan light beam disappeared, and Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin appeared on a platform.

Looking around, there is only a green glow around him.

There was silence all around.

Zhong Li Yaoqin looked at the boundless flat land, and only felt that he was in the middle of the desolate and vast universe.

"This is the top of the sky?"

She turned to look at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head.

"This is the transitional space for returning to the top of the sky."

With that said, he also started to introduce Zhong Li Yaoqin some of the situation here.

Such as the towers of the heavens and ten thousand realms. Such as the giant bronze fangs gate.

There are also some rules on the top of the sky.

Chen Feng was very excited.

The moment he walked out of the giant bronze fangs with Zhongli Yaoqin, the vast voice of heaven dominates in his mind.

"Chen Feng, an immortal in the sky, took the chosen person to the top of the sky within the specified time."

"It will be issued in conjunction with the previous endless killing advanced battlefield mission reward."

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