Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5540: Chu Ping's life threat!

Hearing this promise, Zhong Li Yuntian couldn't help but breathe shortly, and his blood spurted.

He was so excited that he immediately raised his head and promised loudly.

"Yuntian will live up to the ancestor's hope!"

With that, he got up and left, quickly turned into a streamer, and disappeared into the sky.

Only Zhong Li Weize's mouth was filled with a smile, and he said nothing.

At this moment.

Among the huge towers of the heavens and the world.

Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin were stopped by an unexpected guest.

"Chen Feng, why did you suddenly appear here?"

The person who spoke was indeed Chu Pingsheng!

He is always extremely domineering and extremely arrogant.

It is a self-confidence field that speaks completely and does what it says.

However, under this level of appearance, there is a vicious and cruel face.

Chen Feng looked at him coldly and made no secret of his killing intent.

"Why, did you take the initiative to die?"

Hearing this, Chu Pingsheng felt even more angry.

"You shrinking head turtle, what method did you secretly use last time, you actually followed Fairy Yuheng to the endless killing advanced battlefield."

"Unexpectedly, this time I actually entered someone else's mission."

Speaking of this, Chu Pingsheng's eyes were extremely disdainful, as if he was overlooking the ants from above.

"Why, so afraid of death?"

"Afraid that I will kill you in the next trial mission?"

Listening to Chu Pingsheng's ruthless words, Chen Feng used to feel heavy and did not dare to underestimate it.

Now, it's a bit boring.

He sneered.

"Don't you send someone to try to kill me in the mission world."

"Whether it was all killed by me?"

These words immediately hit Chu Pingsheng's anger.

He was furious, but he quickly turned back and laughed.

"Anyway, you think you have escaped the trial mission again, so I can't help you?"

Looking at Chu Pingsheng's sneer, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a bad premonition.

His eyes grew colder.

"What do you want to do?"

Chu Pingsheng finally laughed arrogantly and proudly.

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng, your greatest strength is your greatest weakness."

"You really won't have a trial mission for a long time."

"But your friends do."

While talking, he flipped his hands and took out something.

The moment Chen Feng saw that thing, his heart trembled.

His face brushed and it became extremely cold.

I saw Chu Pingsheng playing with the key of trial in his hand, very proud.

"I heard that your lovely sister, Mei Wuxian, is about to enter the trial mission."

"you dare!"

Chen Feng's murderous aura almost materialized.

The invisible Dao Yun instantly condenses into several long swords.

If he hadn't remembered, he couldn't kill each other on the top of the sky, otherwise, Chu Pingsheng had already been smashed into a sieve!

"Look, I dare not!"

Chu Pingsheng laughed.

"You continue to be your head-shrinking turtle."

"Next, I will kill everyone around you one by one!"

As he said, his gaze shifted to Zhong Li Yaoqin who was aside.

"For those who are more acquainted, it's best to know a little bit of measure and protect yourself."

"If you follow me, keep it on the top of the sky, no one dares to move you."

Hearing this, Zhong Li Yaoqin laughed sharply.

She looked at Chu Pingsheng and smiled slightly.

"I have a deadly enemy on the top of the sky, are you sure you can protect me?"

Chu Ping was quite confident in life, so let her talk and listen.

"Zhong Li Family."

"The entire Zhongli family will kill me."

Upon hearing this, the expression on Chu Pingsheng's face suddenly froze.

Looking at his brilliant expression, Chen Feng laughed and walked away with Zhong Li Yaoqin.

He is not in a hurry to consume the qualifications of the third and fourth floors of the great towers of the Tibetan Scriptures.

Although, on the bright side, he severely suppressed Chu Pingsheng.

But I have to say that if he really intends to deal with Mei Wuxian, she may not be able to resist it alone!

The two soon arrived at Beidou Fudi.

It was the first time that Zhongli Yaoqin came to Beidou Fudi.

It's just that she stood outside the Beidou Fortune Land, her eyes seemed to feel something, and she looked up into the sky.

Above the higher fairy mountain, she looked at a fairy mountain.

"I feel, I seem to have lived there before..."

Following the direction of Zhong Li Yaoqin's fingers, Chen Feng looked over.

I saw that she was pointing at an unowned fairy mountain.

The whole body is shrouded in black clouds, and you can't see the true face.

In the dark clouds, there were more thunder and storms.

It seems to be a restricted area for mortals, and no approach is allowed.

As we all know, on the top of the sky, those fairy mountains will be closed once they have no owner.

And what Zhong Li Yaoqin was referring to was a second-grade fairy mountain!

It is two higher grades than the fourth-grade fairy mountain where the true person Qingyan was located!

Almost has reached the top!

Chen Feng couldn't help but quiet down.

That's probably the fairy mountain where Zhongli Changfeng and his Taoist couple were previously.

Later, the two of them fell together, and this second-grade fairy mountain became a masterless thing.

Chen Feng looked at Zhongli Yaoqin and told her about the fairy mountain.

After learning the origin of those thunderstorms and dark clouds, Zhong Li Yaoqin was already full of tears.

She looked at that place, loudly and authentically.

"I want to go in!"

Chen Feng looked at Zhongli Yaoqin's appearance, and suddenly his heart moved.

He vaguely remembered that there was also a key of trial in the Fourth Grade Immortal Mountain where True Person Qingyan was located!

"With my current strength, it should be enough to find out!"

With this in mind, Chen Feng first brought Zhong Li Yaoqin to Beidou Fudi.

The two of them held up the jade medal of reincarnation.

Suddenly, from above the jade archway, between the words "Beidou", a blue light shrouded the two reincarnation jade plates.


On the jade plate of reincarnation, there was a crisp sound.

Then, the door opened wide in an instant, and a cyan light surrounded the two and swept in.

At the moment they entered the door, the two felt that the sky was spinning.

When he wakes up again, the face and the foreground have already undergone tremendous changes.

Chen Feng is naturally used to everything here.

But Zhong Li Yaoqin was here for the first time.

She looked at the extremely beautiful valley in front of her, looked at the cliffs towering into the clouds, and listened to the ding-dong of the spring water and the bamboo forests.

I just think all this is so unreal.

The large tracts of peach forest, without a glance, spread towards the extreme distance.

There was a refreshing green breath, gushing out from afar.

The power of stars!

"Chen Feng!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from far away.

In the next moment, Fairy Yuheng and others quickly turned into a streamer and appeared in front of the two.

"Why did you come in from outside?"

Fairy Yuheng said, turning to look at Zhongli Yaoqin.

"Who is this……"

Before Zhong Li Yaoqin could speak, Chen Feng took the lead.

"This is Fairy Yaoqin, a strong man I brought up this time."

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