Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5537: Complete the lost mission!

In the world, a blood red!

The icy wind was blowing all around, and the hurricane was roaring.

There are howling ghosts and wolves everywhere.

"what happened?"

Chen Feng looked up fiercely.

I saw in the distance, that huge space channel still exists steadily!

Although there is an extremely terrifying crack on it.

However, he was held back by the giant claws!

Chen Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

He thought that the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires had been extinct, and he took away all the powerhouses of the three top, first-grade immortals.

It is easy to destroy the space channel.

Unexpectedly, another accident happened!

That giant claw is really terrifying!

It protrudes from the space channel, as if it can be changed and extended at will.

The whole body is covered by dark blue scales, and the claws are even stronger than most top magic weapons!

There is no doubt that this must be a supremely powerful person in the Asura world!

It seems that the actions of the two of Chen Feng can be said to have destroyed a long-planned event in the Shura world!

Once at this juncture, it was completely destroyed.

So, for the Shura world, it can be said to be a failure!

This is even more unacceptable than breaking this space channel completely from the beginning.

It is for this reason that there is such a great ability to shoot in person.

Even though it was just a giant claw stretched out, it had the power above the eighth hole in the Ten-square Cave Sky realm.

Just standing in place, Chen Feng could feel a suffocating fear.


Above the sky, the sound of gold and stone faintly sounded.

Amidst the billowing demonic energy, Zhong Li Yaoqin's figure loomed.

Chen Feng immediately concentrated, and the next moment he appeared next to Zhong Li Yaoqin.


In an instant, all the air within a radius of a few miles stagnated with Chen Feng's thoughts.

The giant claw wanted to withdraw, but stopped for a moment.

Too much to kill God!

In the next moment, the endless light is all restrained.

Extremely fast!

The two supreme sword intents instantly slashed on the giant claws.

Jet black blood shot out.

It fell on the ground with a hissing corrosion sound.

Wherever the devil blood passes, there is no life!


In a daze, from the other end of the space channel, there was a roar.

The mighty one in the distance yelled in pain.

"Chen Feng, you..."

Zhong Li Yaoqin almost widened her beautiful eyes.

She couldn't believe it.

Not only did Chen Feng come out alive, but he didn't see him in just a few days, and he actually made a new breakthrough!

At this time, he is almost no worse than himself!

"You rest, here I am."

Chen Feng spoke to Zhong Li Yaoqin.

Before the words fell, he disappeared in place and appeared in front of the space channel.

"San Ye Jin, come out to eat!"


Tai Shang Zhu Shen Zhan came out one after another.

A knife that once required a whole body of cultivation to be cut, now it can even be woven into a net!

Within a radius of more than ten miles, the world changed with Chen Feng's mind.

The giant claws are inevitable, and they are constantly being cut into pieces of meat.

At the same time, Jin Sanye jumped out of Chen Feng's body.

"Let's come too!"

I saw a big golden fat bird suddenly appeared outside the space channel.

In that billowing devilish gas quickly surged.

The next moment, I saw Jin Sanye open his mouth.

An unprecedented horrible suction appeared instantly!

At the other end of the space channel, the roar trembles even more.

I saw that in the dark blue giant claw, the devil soul was continuously sucked into the mouth of Jin Sanye.

At the same time, Chen Feng continued to bombard the space channel.

Under such successive attacks, the giant claw finally broke its front paw and retreated back into the Shura realm.

And the huge space passage in front of him finally disappeared between this dark black world.


With the last ray of thunder falling.

A familiar loud voice rang in Chen Feng's mind.

"The fairy in the sky, Chen Feng, the chosen person Zhong Li Yaoqin, completed the task left in the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World."

"Destroy the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires and smash its conspiracy."

"You can return to the top of the sky at any time."

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin looked at each other immediately.

In each other's eyes, joy was clearly visible.

There were so many accidents going around in this task of leading the Chosen One.

It's finally done!

Chen Feng stood in the vast void, with billowing devil energy on his head, and the huge array below was still intact.

Today, although the Demon Sect of the Ten Thousand Desires has been completely destroyed.

The wolf ambition of the Shura realm was also temporarily shattered along with the huge space passage.

But here is still the most yin and cold place.

The space between heaven and earth is turbulent, and there will be some space cracks constantly.

And the devilish energy that has been entrenched here for millions of years will stay together for a while.

Zhong Li Yaoqin rarely showed a beautiful smile.

She looked up at the sky, as if she wanted to see the top of the sky through the thick devilish energy!

"Shall we go up quickly?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin retracted his mind and turned to look at Chen Feng.

The Teleportation Array that the Great Desert Lord built for them only took one month.

Right now, they have spent about ten days here, which is faster than expected.

In contrast, Zhong Li Yaoqin couldn't wait to return to the top of the sky.

She wants to take back the things that originally belonged to her!

However, after hearing Zhong Li Yaoqin's words, Chen Feng suddenly said something.

"and many more."

He retracted his gaze and looked down.

"Time is still too late, I have something else I want to try."

Zhong Li Yaoqin was puzzled, and asked casually.

"what's up?"

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pointed at the incomparably huge scarlet circle below.

"Look at this magic circle, covering thousands of miles, sophisticated and complicated."

"I'm afraid, after the old Demon Xu Jun came to Xuanhuang Zhongqian World, he has been lurking here for an unknown number of years."

While talking, he flipped his hands and took out the large Xiu Luohong furnace.

The gaze in his eyes became more intense.

"Old Demon Xu Jun meticulously laid out this huge array, but now it hasn't been used in the slightest."

"It would be too wasteful to just leave it here or destroy it."

"It just so happens that there is still a core magic circle missing in my big Asura Hong Furnace."

Hearing this, Zhong Li Yaoqin already understood what Chen Feng wanted to do.

She probably knew how capable the Luo Hong furnace was.

Since Elder Wu became the elder of Tianshu Sword Sect, Zhongli Yaoqin has also heard a few words.

Following the direction of Chen Feng's fingers, she lowered her eyes to the incomparably huge scarlet array below.

"You can really give it a try."

After all, the Demon Sect of All Desires has a history of millions of years.

Now it was so dilapidated that Chen Feng and Zhong Li Yaoqin could easily destroy the door.

How many are related to this magic circle.

I have to say that Old Demon Xu Jun has indeed penetrated into the veins of Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Desires.

Presumably he had already laid out for a long time before he officially appeared.

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