Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5159: Massive celestial stones! Capture crazy!

The moment when he held the handle of the knife, the precipitation and ancient aura from his hand made Chen Feng seem to have seen the glory of the past in an instant.

Passed through the tempering of endless time, and passed through the untold years.

Even if this broken knife looks rusty, it can be broken easily.

But in fact, it is like a rock, even if Chen Feng is fully grasping, it is difficult to shake it!

The glory of the past is reflected in the proud bones!

Chen Feng's heart moved at will, urging the soft golden mental power to wrap up the transparent phantom that seemed to dissipate.

"Senior, concentrate!"

The illusion of the old man, which was like a glimpse of light, was successfully transferred from his spiritual world to the broken knife under the soft power of Chen Feng.

Just as Chen Feng expected, the remnant soul of the old man has been entrusted in the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword for an unknown number of years, and it has long been integrated with it.

At the moment of moving into the broken knife, the phantom that originally seemed to dissipate as soon as the wind blows, actually solidified slightly.

Although extremely weak, Chen Feng still keenly caught it!

Looking at the old man's own reaction, he obviously felt it too.

With a look of relief on his face, he looked at Chen Feng and clasped his fists.

Although there are no words, but thank you all.

In the next instant, Broken Knife lit up a silver-blue light, then the phantom disappeared, Broken Knife also fell silent.

The remnant soul of Qingqiu Sword God was consumed too much after all, and it was almost exhausted.

For a long time to come, he will sleep in this broken knife.

Chen Feng put away the broken knife.

He looked around, it was pitch black.

However, there is a horrible but familiar atmosphere that fills the surroundings!

look up.

Above the extremely high altitude, there was a gleam of light.

Chen Feng recalled the scene before he lost consciousness.

"The Sword God Huangqiu disappeared, and I fell into the abyss below..."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng's face suddenly changed.

His eyes widened sharply, a fiery light burst from his eyes, and he scanned the surroundings.

That horrible and familiar breath, what is it if it is not a star's vitality!

The whole body is dark, but full of energy is raging everywhere.

Chen Feng looked around intently.

After gradually adapting to the dim environment, he could clearly see the stone walls that were shining cyan light.

Chen Feng is not unfamiliar with this shining blue light and full breath.

As far as I can see, they are all stars mineral veins!

Even if you bow your head, the ground under your feet is still a star primordial stone!

"It turns out that the entire Sword God Desolate Hill is built on an extremely huge stellar mineral vein!"

Chen Feng's breathing became hurried!

The blood flowed all over his body and became hot and boiling.

You know, just now, the remnant soul of Qingqiu Sword God is at the end, helping him to greatly increase the strength of the Nine Yin Star Soul of Candle.

One jumped from the 9th grade of the sky to the 2nd grade of the wild!

Such changes are extremely rare!

And when the star soul evolved, a situation emerged-the upgrade of the star soul level required a large amount of star power as a basis, causing the star power stored in the original star map to be instantly depleted and completely insufficient!

Although the old man had taken a shot to replenish it, he only guaranteed that he could upgrade the Star Soul normally.

It can be said that at this moment, Chen Feng is the time when he needs a lot of Star Yuan Stone the most!

And looking around, under the entire abyss, the vast expanses of stellar primordial stone veins are just like gods!

"This trip to the Desolate Hill of the Sword God is really rewarding."

Originally, Chen Feng only wanted to break the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation to the extreme. If he could fully grasp it, that would be enough.

Never expected that such an unexpected turn would happen.

Without further ado!

Chen Feng immediately squatted down, clenched his fists and slammed into the ground.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the stone ground with him as the center showed a spiderweb-like pattern, which broke apart.

From those crevices, the bright blue light could no longer conceal it, straight out!

With just one glance, Chen Feng was panting like a cow, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He is excited!

With this punch down, through those rifts, one could clearly see the jade-colored star primordial stones embedded in it.

The number and density of these celestial primordial stones are staggering.

Undoubtedly, this stellar elemental stone vein under the abyss is bigger than the one previously absorbed in the outer battlefield!

Chen Feng immediately thought of a lot.

It's about his own future needs, his knowledge and, of course, others.

Before, Yun Wan'er discovered the stellar mineral vein, but in the end it was completely absorbed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng is not a lover.

When I encountered the Xingchen Yuanshi mineral vein again, naturally I couldn't leave her share.

Without further ado, he started mining frantically.

There is no one around, and even the wind can't blow into this abyss.

Chen Feng didn't know how long he had mined under this abyss and how many celestial stones he had mined.

Maybe one day passed, maybe two or three days passed.

After accommodating a lot of stars, he stood up, glanced around, and then frowned.

This piece of star primordial stone vein is really too big.

Chen Feng claims that the mining speed is quite fast, and he has stored thousands of complete stars.

But when he looked around, the Star Yuan Stone he mined was only a small half.

"No, this efficiency is still too slow."

Chen Feng's heart sank slightly.

He looked at the Star Yuan Stone that he had mined and accepted.

It wasn't that he was impetuous or something. The main Jade Smashing Conference was about to begin, and he had already lost a lot of time on the side of Sword God Huangqiu.

Time is too late.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng quickly made a decision.

Those stars in his hands are probably enough.

He stretched out his hand and directly pressed it on the nearest dark cyan vein wall.

The Star Element Stones that you need to absorb can be absorbed directly as you did last time.

As he pressed his hand on the vein wall, the entire star elemental stone vein suddenly made a deep buzzing sound.

Several hurricanes around instantly rise!

The endless star power and star soul aura quickly incorporated into the star soul space in Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng's hair was dancing frantically, standing still.

The cyan light on the surrounding walls of the gleaming star elemental stone vein gradually dimmed.

This time, Chen Feng absorbed the Star Primal Stone much faster than before.

Above the huge star map, there were several rounds of big moons that had become illusory because of the lack of star power.

Soon, it gradually became bright and clear again, revealing a simple and solemn atmosphere.

The endless star power and star soul breath entered the star map.

After the star chart regained its brilliance, it will be quickly introduced into the candle nine-yin star soul after several rounds of the big moon!

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