Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5160: Someone is coming to grab the Xingchen Yuanshi Mine!


Chen Feng's heart suddenly sounded with a cheerful low roar of the Nine Yin Star Soul.

The star soul after its rank upgrade naturally needs to absorb more star power and star soul aura.

On the walls of the mine veins that were originally shining around him, the light soon dimmed.

While absorbing the celestial elemental stone, Chen Feng discovered that the power of the stars guided out by the star chart Dayue had also separated.

But its whereabouts are a bit strange.

After Chen Feng observed carefully for a long time, his mind suddenly became clear.

He mobilized the power of the stars to mobilize the Tai Shang Zhutian Sword Formation.

Sure enough, that wisp of star power that did not know where to go, actually poured into the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation!

Chen Feng's gain this time is really great, and the first thing to improve is the Heavenly Swordsman Formation.

Although it has broken through to the third level, it still lacks a large amount of star power and sentiment to reach the peak of the third level.

And at this moment, since there is a steady supply of Star Yuanshi, it can naturally be supplemented.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and concentrated, while quickly refining the stars in the mineral veins, while carefully comprehending.

However, this state did not last long.

When absorbing the unmined Star Primitive Stone in the mineral vein, Chen Feng's consciousness was also released.

Be prepared at any time to avoid any changes in the surroundings.

At this moment, his spiritual consciousness suddenly discovered something unusual.

According to the speed of absorbing the star elementary stone this time, if converted into the star elementary stone, he refined at least several thousand yuan.

From the complete mastery of the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation, there is only a vague kick left.

But the depths of the mineral vein not far away made him notice the strangeness.

This strangeness was enough to make him stop feeling, and even went to check it himself.

Several hurricanes around suddenly disappeared.

Chen Feng stopped to absorb the refined star essence stone and walked quickly in the direction detected by the divine sense.

When that light appeared in the field of vision, even Chen Feng couldn't help but get excited and excited.

In this piece of mineral veins that can be described as dead, a magical medicine grows from the cracks in the stone!

The strong smell of magical medicine, the hot fire attribute, and its stance, are exactly the same as the sun-flaming magical grass that Chen Feng understands!

If you want to resurrect your friends and relatives with the Hyakki Yexing Reincarnation Scriptures, there must be three Sunflaming Divine Grasses in the big array!

This is why Chen Feng is excited!

When he first entered the Qingqiu Mountain Range, he also heard that there seemed to be sun-flaming **** grass in the Qingqiu Mountain Range.

Unexpectedly, there is actually, and it still grows in this stellar mineral vein.

Chen Feng carefully removed it from the cracks in the stone and put it in the jade card of reincarnation.

After harvesting this sun-flaming **** grass, he did not continue to absorb it.

"Since there will be a sun-flaming **** grass here, then..."

This thought in his heart urged Chen Feng to move on.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to discover several different magical medicines one after another in the veins that had not yet been mined!

Moreover, these magical medicines are all exquisite in terms of color and grade, and they are quite rare!

Chen Feng understood.

"At this level of magical medicine, it doesn't matter if there is no rare fertile soil."

"Here is rich in mineral veins of the Star Yuanshi, which is an excellent place for brewing superb magic medicine!"

This place has been unattended for a long time, and the Xingchen Yuanshi vein has accumulated to such a considerable scale over the years, and naturally it is impossible to have only one magic medicine.

Chen Feng couldn't help but tremble.

At this moment, he couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

Who would have thought that it would be effortless to break through iron shoes and find nowhere to be found.

Not only the Sunflame God Herb, but the other superb magic medicines here are exactly what he needs!

This trip to the Sword God Desolate Hill actually had such a surprise.

Chen Feng was very excited, and quickly included them in his reincarnation jade medal.

Just after he picked up a few superb miraculous medicines around, the excitement and excitement were destroyed by unexpected guests.

He immediately noticed that someone was approaching!

Chen Feng immediately stopped absorbing the stars' mineral veins, and quickly left the place, hiding all his aura.

The surroundings suddenly fell silent again.

Only the shining blue light covered by the stone wall was silently showing his existence.

Not long after, a group of people appeared where Chen Feng had left.

If Chen Feng was here at the moment, he would definitely recognize it.

This group of people is exactly the group of Si Menghan encountered when they first entered the Qingqiu Mountains.

Unexpectedly, they also descended under this abyss.


After seeing this scene under the abyss, everyone, without exception, opened their eyes wide and took a deep breath.

Completely incredible!

Even Si Menghan was shocked by this stellar mineral vein, and forgot to close it for a long time.

" this the background of the Sword God Desolate Hill?"

In Si Menghan's eyes, the bright blue light reflected.

And around her, the faces of the guards sent by the family to protect her were even more unconcealed and frantic.

For people of their level, how could they have seen such a large stellar mineral vein!

It is quite rare to have dozens of celestial essence stones on weekdays.

"Unexpectedly, the sword **** Huangqiu collapsed today, and after all three hundred and sixty peaks disappeared, there would be such an adventure!"

"This is too big!"

"Such a large stellar gemstone vein, how many celestial gemstones can be mined!"


Everyone sighed and exclaimed.

All were stunned by this sudden harvest.

Some people even got too excited and threw their arms over those veins.

In the end, it was Si Menghan who managed to recover first.

Although there was still a red glow on her face, her mood returned to normal.

She looked at a gray-haired old man beside her.

"Housekeeper Zhou, you arrange the division of labor for everyone to mine this piece of celestial elemental stone vein."

The gray-haired old man who was called by his name finally moved his eyes away from the huge stellar mineral vein.

He turned around and looked at Si Menghan, as if recalling his identity, and then nodded respectfully.

"Yes, miss."

Manager Zhou looked at the other Sijia guards who were still in shock, and was just about to speak.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

Among those seven or eight guards, one suddenly turned around and shot Si Menghan unexpectedly!

This really happened too suddenly!

Even Si Menghan himself did not react immediately.

When she reacted in a panic, it was too late to dodge or make a move.

To make matters worse, Si Menghan's cultivation is only the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm Dacheng.

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