Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5158: committed to! Broken knife!

That kind of sudden elevation made Zhu Jiu Yin Xing Soul cheer, and it also affected his own emotions.

Chen Feng has never been so excited and surging!

But, at the same time, it is accompanied by a very strong sense of desire and collapse!

The power of the stars, which was still full, was suddenly squandered as the strength of the star soul increased!

But if there is not a large amount of star power to assist, the remaining star soul fragments will not be completely absorbed by Chen Feng's star soul.

At this moment, in the distance, the remnant soul of the sword **** Qingqiu stretched out another finger towards Chen Feng.

In the next instant, a light shone from his fingertips.

A steady stream of star power was poured into Chen Feng's body!

This power of the stars is like a stream of crystal clear water, injecting the thirsty candle nine-yin star soul with spring nourishment!

Chen Feng's body suddenly lit up.

Yingying light seemed to be drawn from the star map behind him, slowly surrounding Chen Feng.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, looked down at his side, his eyes drenched.

As the aura of Zhu Jiu Yin Star Soul continued to grow stronger, his body also showed visible changes!

I saw two huge khaki apertures like meteorite belts, which appeared beside him at some unknown time, lingering him in the middle.

Along with the change, there is also the rank of Star Soul!

The universe is wild, the heaven and the earth are yellow!

The previous Candle Nine Yin Star Soul was a ninth grade of heavenly rank and was already quite powerful.

But at this moment, a thought arose in Chen Feng's heart - from this moment on, his Candle Nine Yin Star Soul had already been promoted to the second rank of Wilderness!

It skyrocketed directly from the ninth rank of the sky level to the second rank of the wild level!

This is not just a thought, but at the same time, a mysterious force quietly appeared.

It seems to come through the soul, swims into Chen Feng's meridians, and penetrates into his star map.

Under closer inspection, it seems that it still carries the most ancient mysterious atmosphere!

It came across the ages, poking out a head quietly, making it difficult to capture exactly, but it clearly felt clearly.

"Is the power of the candle nine yin recovering?"

Chen Feng frowned slightly, and secretly thought to the Jiuyin Star Soul, who was constantly rolling up and down with excitement.

Without waiting for him to think thoroughly about everything, the power of the stars that was constantly being supplied, suddenly stopped!

Everything came to an abrupt end!

Chen Feng suddenly returned to his senses and opened his eyes to look at the remnant soul of the sword **** Qingqiu not far in front of him.

Sure enough, the remnant soul of Qingqiu Sword God at this moment had once again changed back to the appearance of a dying old man.

The old man's fingers were already hanging down, and it seemed that the wind would break.

The gully on his face seemed to be much bigger.

The whole person is more haggard and vicissitudes of life than before!

His figure is almost transparent.

Obviously, as a ray of remnant soul, the old man at this moment has reached the time to run out of oil.

Chen Feng couldn't help but sink.

Although there was some misunderstanding before, but now, the old man has changed the sword soul of the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword to the sword soul, bestowed on him, and helped him raise the star soul!

That's a great favor!

I am afraid that today, the remnant soul of Qingqiu Sword God will also completely dissipate.

Since then, there is no Qingqiu sword **** in the world!


Chen Feng raised his eyes and met the old man's eyes.

However, the old man looked exceptionally calm.

Although there are endless regrets and melancholy on his face, there is a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he is still satisfied with this life.

"Don't care, I'm already dead."

"My last ray of remnant soul, if it can protect the Qingqiu Fox Clan, it will be considered dead."

The old man's vicissitudes of speech seemed to come across time and space, beating in Chen Feng's heart.

Even so, but I want to do something more!

Suddenly, in the old man's muddy eyes, the last light burst out again.

It's just like a back light.

He stared at Chen Feng firmly, as if to use his last strength, shouted.

"Remember, take revenge for me and kill the red eagle ancestor! Bring my inheritance back to the Qingqiu Tianhu clan!"

Chen Feng just nodded, but said nothing, his expression solemn and heavy.

Suddenly, his face moved slightly, as if he saw something special before his eyes.

In the next instant, looking at the eyes of the old man who was about to disappear at any time, a faint light suddenly burst out.

Don't wait for him to say something or think about it.

The body made some moves first!


With a soft sound, Chen Feng suddenly disappeared into the golden spiritual world!

The surrounding sight suddenly changed from bright gold to black!

However, the endless breath that came at the same time was exactly what moved Chen Feng's heart!

He hasn't had time to determine where he is currently, but at this moment, waste mysterious metal is scattered all over his side!

Most of these mysterious metals are rusty, some even penetrate back and forth!

However, after wiping away some rust, a silvery blue cold light was faintly visible from it.

A strong killing and cutting aura spontaneously leaked out of it!

That is only the sword that has drunk the blood of countless strong people, will it be contaminated with this supreme killing aura!

This is the breath that all peerless weapons will have.

Can not be replaced by any other way!

Moreover, these mysterious metals are exactly three hundred and sixty yuan!

Corresponding to the three hundred and sixty peaks that sealed the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword!

At a glance, Chen Feng knew that it was the original blade of the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword!

After being split into three hundred and sixty pieces by the ancestor of the red eagle, these broken blades were already unable to reshape a new Qingqiu Heavenly Sword.

But, that is the sword body of the past after all!

The remnant soul of Qingqiu Sword God is pinned in this sword, and how many years have passed.

For him, perhaps it has already had a certain connection with this sword?

time is limited!

Chen Feng didn't have time to think about it, and directly reached out to the debris in that place!


In his hand, Qingqiu Soul of the Blade suddenly appeared!

Under the aura of Qingqiu Soul Blade, three hundred and sixty pieces of silver-blue cold light shivered quickly!

After that, he quickly approached in Chen Feng's direction from all directions.

The light and shadow changed, and the breath trembled.

After a while, the three hundred and sixty abandoned Qingqiu Heavenly Sword sword bodies were actually refined together as Chen Feng had expected!

It's just that the fragments that have been refined into one piece are no longer the same as the former Qingqiu Heavenly Sword.

Three hundred and sixty pieces of scrap iron finally merged together, forming an abandoned broken knife!

This severing knife, which is only half of it, not only does not have the sharp-edged posture of the Qingqiu Heavenly Sword, but it even looks a little embarrassed!

Not to mention the rust, there are still some places that look like they have been corroded by the years, and some holes of different sizes have been rusted out.

But it was this shameful broken knife held in Chen Feng's hand that still made him feel extremely powerful!

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