Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5105: Return to the top of the sky!

The time for three breaths is the limit!

But enough!

Chen Feng had already fully used the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.

Soon, the **** cloud-like breath did not receive the slightest obstruction, and left directly from Duan Muxi's corpse, pouring into Chen Feng's body.

Three breaths of time, only had time to let him peel off the blood of the gods and demons in Duan Muxi!

As soon as the divestiture was completed, Chen Feng forcibly suppressed the subsequent process.

Now is not the time for refining!

In the Dantian world, a brand-new bloodline of the gods and demons quietly suspended in it.

Chen Feng opened his eyes and let out a wild roar.


At the same time, Chen Feng, Tiancun Beast Slave, Zhong Liyuntian and Feng Bingyun shouted in their minds at the same time.

"Master of Heaven, I am waiting to complete the task and return to the top of the sky!"

"You can return!"

As the voice of heaven dominating the vastness sounded, cyan light diffused out of the four people's bodies.

The guards sneered and roared.

"I see where you still want to escape today!"

However, at the moment when everyone took a shot, the body of Chen Feng and the four of them had a blue light suddenly radiant, extremely strong!

In the end, it turned into a thick cyan beam of light, straight to the world!

The four of them disappeared in full view!

And this fragmented space instantly returned to its original shape.

Before finally disappearing, Chen Feng glanced back at Fairy Nangong deeply.

It just so happened that Nangong Ru Xue was also watching him.

The moment when the eyes met, there seemed to be all kinds of emotions in his eyes.

However, no one noticed this detail.

"Chen Feng."

In the thick cyan light beam, Feng Bingyun next to him also looked over at this moment.

She looked at Chen Feng deeply.

"You are really the second most powerful person I have ever seen since entering the top of the sky."

This is what Feng Bingyun said from the bottom of his heart.

Although the contact with Chen Feng was only a few days.

However, in these few days, she was deeply shocked by the scheming city mansion and layout that Chen Feng showed.

The first time I saw the Great Demon Lin Temple, this person who was clearly not as strong as her, could take the initiative to assume the position of the backbone when the Lord of Heaven suddenly issued a hidden task.

It is precisely because of his presence that the seemingly impossible task was actually completed by them!

Even in the end, apart from Chen Feng's own bleeding, she, Zhong Li Yuntian and others were almost in no danger.

Including the strategy of three birds with one stone later, it is even more brilliant!

Feng Bingyun entered the top of the sky, and apart from that person, he had never seen such a scheming person.

"Second most powerful?"

Chen Feng keenly captured the key information from Feng Bingyun's mouth.

However, before he had time to ask who was number one, the cyan beam disappeared.

The four have returned to the top of the sky!

Feng Bingyun, Zhong Li Yuntian and others disappeared from sight.

Looking at the direction in which Feng Bingyun disappeared, Chen Feng had a slight regret in his heart, but he did not take it too seriously.

Since they are all on top of the sky, we will see you sooner or later.

He closed his eyes and reviewed the entire process of this trial mission.

Especially this last day.

It started with the appearance of Cui Jiuxi last night.

When Chen Feng saw Cui Jiuxi in the auction house with the help of the black robe, he already had a lot of speculation in his mind.

Why is he here?

What is the purpose?

To what extent was he betrayed?

After that, in the secret room, Cui Jiuxi told him a message through the black-robed man he was controlling.

Cui Jiuxi is very smart.

He knew what Chen Feng wanted.

But he also knew that Chen Feng was smarter than him!

Cui Jiuxi knew what it meant by not appearing for such a long time and suddenly appearing here.

Therefore, in order to show his sincerity, he did not hesitate to tell Chen Feng all the news.

"Chu Pingsheng entrusted you to kill your heavenly immortal, named Jiang Yongnian."

"However, this person is more conceited. After I told him your cultivation level, I didn't take you to heart."

"This time going to this trial world, his main purpose is not on you."


Chen Feng quietly listened to Cui Jiuxi talking about all Jiang Yongnian's plans.

In his heart, his plan was quietly brewing.

It is also the last plan of this mission!

First, it is waiting for someone.

Nangong Ruxue!

He knew the meaning of ten blank invitations from the City Lord's Mansion, and believed that Nangong Ruxue would surely find the auction house he had marked.

Therefore, he will quietly wait for Fairy Nangong to arrive in the ruined auction house.

When the two were in private conversations, Chen Feng told Fairy Nangong about Jiang Yongnian's desire to seize the blood of the gods and the devil and grab invitations.

"Why are you telling me this?"

After hearing this, Fairy Nangong frowned slightly and opened Zhu's mouth lightly, with a smile in his eyes.

At that time, Chen Feng calmly met her gaze, opened his mouth, and only asked a word.

"You also want Duanmuxi to die?"

Although it is a question, it uses a declarative tone.

He has the answer in his mind.

Fairy Nangong was shocked, her eyes gradually cold.

"You can't talk nonsense about this."

However, Chen Feng did not doubt her judgment because of her reaction.

Instead, he chuckled lightly.

"Ziluo Xiancheng and Duanmu Xiancheng both hope you can marry Duanmuxi."

"But actually, you don't want to."

"You have lofty ambitions, and you want to find a good future for yourself, instead of being caught by these mundane things."

"I was right."

Seeing what Chen Feng said so eloquently, Fairy Nangong made a sudden move.

She didn't deny or admit directly, but chuckled and asked.

"How did you see it?"

"There are a lot of female nuns in the world, but who can be like you, when traveling to a neighboring city as the daughter of the city lord, she is dressed in strong clothes, riding on her own mount, not willing to sit in a chariot."

"You have no feelings for Duanmuxi, but if you don't pretend to befriend him, your father will find another son for you."

"If he can die, then use the illusion of your affection."

"Not only will it not cause the two cities to be at odds, but it will also persuade your father to never introduce others to you."

This is why he impressed Fairy Nangong!

Afterwards, the two conspired and asked Fairy Nangong to tell Duan Muxi about Jiang Yongnian's plan.

In her capacity, Duan Muxi would not doubt anything.

In this way, the first trap is laid.

With the help of Duan Muxi, kill Jiang Yongnian!

However, before the killing, Fairy Nangong came forward and told Jiang Yongnian that it was Cui Jiuxi's secret.

I believe that Jiang Yongnian has been planning for a long time, and the mentality of a shattered move will definitely kill Cui Jiuxi!

In this way, Cui Jiuxi's troubles were completely eliminated.

Chen Feng knew better than anyone that Cui Jiuxi was amazing.

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