Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5104: It was you who killed me? !

Many strong men on the top of the sky are instantly ecstatic.

It is extremely relaxed.

"Fucking! It's over! I can finally leave here."

I thought that this was an extremely easy task, but I didn't expect that after coming here, there were countless masters, conspiracies, and extremely dangerous.

It's a situation like hell.

They don't know.

All this is because of Chen Feng.

Because of the grievances between Chen Feng and Chu Ping, because of Chen Feng's status as a god-level villain.

As a direct result, the difficulty of this mission has increased infinitely!

Very dangerous!

Extremely dangerous!

With this voice, Jiang Yongnian could escape for his life even a few moments earlier.

However, it is a pity that Jiang Yongnian will never hear.

far away.

Chen Feng's heart was immediately excited!

"Great! The last trace of worry is no longer needed!"

With the hint of the Lord of Heaven, it means that he has a back hand in this world.

Next, no matter what he encounters, he can leave at any time!


Fairy Nangong sat up, holding Duan Muxi who fell on her with both hands, showing concern.

"Master Duanmu, Duanmuxi! Are you okay?"

In the soft tone, there was urgency and worry.

Duan Muxi was still bleeding, and the blood stained Fairy Nangong's clothes red.

"It's okay, I can't die..."

Duan Muxi, who was gently lifted up, looked at Fairy Shang Nangong with a slight smile on his face.

"Heroes save beauty, human nature."

Even though he was arrogant and arrogant, in the tenderness of Fairy Nangong, he couldn't help but soften a bit.

Not far away, the other City Lord's Mansion masters who had caught up saw this scene, their faces showed expressions that everyone knew.

Quite wisely retreating.

Soon, they returned to the City Lord's Mansion, not to disturb the pair of talented men and women who were about to get married.

After this encounter, the two have experienced life and death.

I'm afraid that the relationship can increase a lot.

In the days to come, it will surely become a good talk of the two fairy cities.

With the support of Fairy Nangong, Duan Muxi stood up.

"wait for me."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Chen Feng and others who had not left.

"who are you?"

There was also a somewhat proud look down in his eyes.

Even though he was seriously injured now, the young man in the City Lord's Mansion still had a high posture.

Although his posture did not converge a bit, his eyes flickered, but he was preparing to capture Chen Feng, a man of unknown origin.

He has seen everything that happened today.

The person in front of him must be Chen Feng from Jiang Yongnian and Cui Jiuxi.

The Feng Bingyun in front was helpless in his current state.

But Chen Feng in front of him is okay.

It's just a waste of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Even though he has all kinds of tricks, under torture, he does not believe that he does not reveal the truth!

This person, whether it's an enemy or a friend, must first give up his prestige before speaking.

If it is an enemy, remove it directly.

If it is of use value, it can also be conquered.

This is his way of doing things. In his eyes, people like Chen Feng are like ants!

Thinking like this, Duan Muxi walked towards Chen Feng.

At this moment, Chen Feng stopped drinking!

"Don't do it yet!"

It didn't use any cultivation base, and the sound did not spread far.

However, the strange look in his eyes gave Duan Muxi an immediate warning.

Sneak attack?

Duan Muxi turned around immediately and looked at Feng Bingyun in the distance.

But Feng Bingyun remained motionless behind him, quite far away from them.

That would be...


At the moment Duan Muxi quickly explored his surroundings, a long sword pierced his Dantian world directly from behind him!

Time seemed to freeze suddenly.

Duan Muxi's face was pale, and he couldn't believe it.

Turning his face slowly, what he saw was Nangong Ruxue!

She, who was still tender in her eyes a moment ago, pierced his Dantian with a sword at this moment.

Duan Muxi would never have thought that after Jiang Yongnian's desperate blow, he had left himself a more deadly hidden danger.

At this time, another figure appeared in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Duan Muxi understood everything the moment he saw someone appear.

"You are all in the same group!"

It was Zhong Li Yuntian who came!

Until now, Duanmuxi reacted violently.

He looked around, all the masters in the mansion had gone back!

Nangong Ruxue and Chen Feng are also in the same group!

All this is in their plan!

"not good!"

Duan Muxi realized something immediately, and opened his mouth to roar and call back to the guards who avoided suspicion in the mansion.

But how could Chen Feng and the others let him do what he wanted!


In an instant, Chen Feng, Tiancun Beast Slave, and Zhong Li Yuntian surrounded Duanmuxi.

Duan Muxi, who was seriously injured and dying, fell to the ground before he could call for help!

Not far away, Feng Bingyun also rushed over.

She looked at Nangong Ru Xue, and the two women exchanged glances immediately.


Outside the city lord's mansion, where the son and fairy Nangong were, a loud noise suddenly erupted.

The masters in the mansion who had just returned, their complexions changed immediately.

When they rushed back to the scene, Young Master Duanmu was already in a pool of blood!

Next to him, Fairy Nangong was soaked in blood, vomiting blood while struggling to resist.

There were tears in her eyes, and she looked sad and indignant.

The weather spewed out, but helpless, another woman in the Eighth Floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm was even stronger!

Suddenly, the woman gave a palm.

Nangong Ruxue couldn't dodge, she was about to die under this palm!


All the guards worked hard to save the life of Fairy Nangong from the woman!

Nangong Ruxue's breath at this moment is weak.

But her emotions were very agitated, and her chest was violently up and down.

"Kill them!"

Reaching out to Chen Feng and others, his tone was excited and full of hatred.

The guards of the Duanmu family understand everything!

Suddenly, everyone felt extremely annoyed!

In their view, it was their negligence and self-righteousness to avoid suspicion that led to the current misery!

They looked at the four of Chen Feng, furious!

"Kill them! Take revenge for the son!"

With a roar of anger, all the guards surrounded them!

Chen Feng was standing next to Duanmuxi's body.

"Help me block three breaths!"

With a roar, Zhong Li Yuntian, Tianchou Beast Slave and Feng Bingyun immediately got the order.

The three of them surrounded Chen Feng.




Three directions, the sound of bombardment is endless.

More and more guards and masters rushed out of the city lord's mansion!

Even Feng Bingyun, who is as strong as the eight-story building of the Star Soul and Martial God Realm, could hardly resist for too long!

This is also the result of more powerful masters such as Duanmu Patriarch, after being injured and retreating in the projection of strangling the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon!

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