Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5106: Change the main line of the world! Great gain!

And he knew even more that the reason why Cui Jiuxi came to the door at that time was not because he had never betrayed him.

If he had never betrayed, how could Jiang Yongnian easily inform him of these plans!

The reason for appearing temporarily was just for that invitation letter.

Jiang Yongnian was too arrogant, he didn't even want to grab an invitation letter for Cui Jiuxi.

When Chen Feng handed the invitation letter to Cui Jiuxi, he was already very clear.

He and Cui Jiuxi have already torn their faces!

It's just that Cui Jiuxi was too scheming to speak out in person.

But Chen Feng didn't want him to have such a clever man with unparalleled wisdom, calculating himself behind his back.

The last goal of this three-bird strategy with one stone is Duan Muxi!

Using Duan Muxi to kill Jiang Yongnian, and using Jiang Yongnian to kill Cui Jiuxi, Duan Muxi will be seriously injured by that time.

The reason why he and Fairy Nangong can reach cooperation is Duan Muxi!

At this time, Chen Feng killed Duan Muxi and pretended to seriously injured Nangong Fairy.

Such and such, can also be regarded as taking the initiative to carry the pot for Fairy Nangong.

In this way, apart from the four of Chen Feng, no one would have thought that Fairy Nangong was also one of the accomplices.

Naturally, Duanmu Xiancheng will not be blamed.

And Chen Feng happened to absorb Duan Muxi's blood of the gods and demons into his body.

So far, all plans have been successfully completed!

Chen Feng is the biggest winner of this Xuanwu mission in the Thousand Worlds!

In the next instant, Chen Feng appeared on a platform.

There is a clear and misty light all around, looking far away, without seeing the edge.

Silent, like being in a deserted universe.

This is the transitional space for returning to the top of the sky, and Chen Feng has seen it more than once.

Until now, he finally sighed slightly, the whole person relaxed, and began to carefully count the gains of this mission.

The scenes from entering this world quickly flashed in front of them.

The first is to complete the regular tasks, as well as the two additional tasks of the destiny title "God-level villain".

Therefore, many magical power sources and heavenly jade slips have been rewarded by the Lord of Heaven.

In addition, in the auction he planned on the last night, he got the biggest gain from this trial mission.

Hyakki Yakami Reincarnation Scripture and a key to enter the wireless killing all battlefield mission!

Chen Feng liked these two things more than Feng Bingyun's desperate desire for the King Kong Jingang Jing.

"The harvest from this trial mission is pretty good!"

Up to now, Chen Feng has a total of 150,000 heavenly jade slips and 25 supernatural powers.

Faced with such a plentiful recovery, Chen Feng couldn't help but sketch a smile.

The next moment, the voice of the Lord of Heaven suddenly sounded.

"Trial fairy Chen Feng, in the Xuanwu Middle Thousand Worlds mission."

"Punch Duanmuxi! Punish the Duanmu family, the Tang family... some powerful people!"

"With the help of the ancestors of the Tang family and the Patriarch of Duanmu, we will destroy the projection of the King Kong Demon of Great Compassion and Joy, and change the pattern of this world!"

"Chen Feng's actions have a greater impact on this world, causing the main line of this world to deviate."

"Change the main line of the world, so reward..."

Hearing the voice of Heavenly Dao dominating Gujing Wubo, Chen Feng couldn't help but be full of brilliance.

However, when he saw clearly the rewards given by the Lord of Heaven, his whole body trembled!

A hint of ecstasy flashed in his eyes!

"It turned out to be! It turned out to be this!"

He did not expect that killing Duan Muxi and using the powerful people of the two major families to deal with the projection of the Great Compassionate King Kong Demon could actually cause the main line of the world to deviate.

Even more unexpectedly, in addition to the Heavenly Dao Jade Slips and the source of magical powers, the rewards of the Lord of Heaven would have this!

Outside the giant bronze fangs gate at this time, many people were already waiting.

The first to bear the brunt is the person who is close to the immortal who entered this trial mission.

Secondly, it is the person who is guilty of the immortal entering this trial mission.

Such as Chu Pingsheng!

As early as the first time when the giant bronze fangs giant gate was about to be opened, he and some of his followers came to the giant towers of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

The people gathered around gradually increased.

Everyone was chatting, waiting for the opening of the giant bronze fangs gate.

However, there was a faint vacuum around Chu Pingsheng and others.

After everyone entered the huge towers of the heavens and ten thousand realms, they found him there, and subconsciously avoided them as much as possible.

I saw Chu Ping staring at the giant bronze fangs in front of him, his eyes faint.

Chen Feng!

Thinking of this kid, the corners of Chu Pingsheng's lips could not help but rise slightly.

"Boy, the snake seventeen last time, count you lucky."

"I don't believe it, this time, you will be so lucky to survive!"

Since the last time the Snake Seventeen failed, he found this time, but the real Celestial Celestial!

He paid a great price to invite Jiang Yongnian!

"Chen Feng, I have to see if you can come out alive."

Chu Ping was never an arrogant person.

This time, with Jiang Yongnian's shot, ten Chen Feng might not be able to withstand his attack!

Thinking of this, Chu Pingsheng showed a faint smile on his face.

As if holding on to victory!

Soon, the people from the Beidou team also came.

Chu Pingsheng glanced lightly, frowning slightly.

Fairy Yuheng did not personally greet him.

Could it be...

What he thought of, the corners of his lips were even more wanton.

Looking sideways, he gave the entourage around him a look.

Following the order, he immediately took two steps forward.

Chu Ping's appearance here has attracted everyone's attention.

The entourage by his side suddenly stepped forward and immediately became the focus of everyone.

"You must also know that this trial mission at Gate A 12."

"Because an immortal in the sky suddenly appeared, the difficulty was temporarily increased."

"It's up to now, and I don't hide it from you, that's my master's handwriting!"

Hearing this news, everyone present looked at Chu Pingsheng's eyes, and immediately became more jealous.

At the same time, there were admiration and shock.

so amazing!

Unscrupulously inserting a Celestial Celestial in the second level trial mission, during which he needs to use three top magic weapons to resist his life.

Even the ordinary heavenly immortals can't do this!

"Young Master Chu really impresses my generation!"

"Yeah, yeah, such strength and foundation are so embarrassing for me to wait."


For a time, everyone said flattering and flattering words towards Chu Pingsheng.

However, at the same time, everyone quickly realized something.

At this moment, Chu Pingsheng's entourage suddenly announced the news to them, and it must have been his consideration.

Someone quickly thought of it and asked.

"Master Chu's arrangement resulted in a total of four heavenly immortals and nine half-step heavenly immortals entering the trial world together."

"I don't know what effect it will cause."

"Maybe, it will completely change the general trend of the trial world!"

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