Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4976: Star Dan!

After Chen Feng absorbed the power of the stars in the last "meteorite" demon, the corner of his mouth slightly hooked and his right hand spread out.

In the palm of his hand, five sparkling spheres flickered quietly.

This sphere, about an inch in diameter, seems to be true and illusory, and is imaginary.

Inside, there is a bright and powerful force surging!

This power is the power of stars!

"Is this Xingdan?"

Before coming in, Chen Feng heard Yue Xinlan say that there was a great harvest in the battlefield outside the territory.

It is Star Dan.

Killing the heavenly demon, the purest origin star power in the heavenly demon's body can be condensed into a star pill.

The star pill, after being absorbed and swallowed, can light up the star map.

Enhance the strength, the effect is excellent.

Far better than absorbing the blood of those **** monsters.

Chen Feng felt it for a moment and was immediately ecstatic.

It is full of extremely pure star power!

Chen Feng immediately began to absorb it on the spot.

Soon, the five star pill was absorbed.

However, above the star chart, no new stars were illuminated.

"It seems that five star pills are not enough to light up a star."

Chen Feng pondered.

However, the next moment, he was full of energy and ran straight to the distance to kill.

There are countless demons here!

It means that there are countless star pill!

Five won't work, then ten!

At this time, in Chen Feng's eyes, these heavenly demons had become a great tonic!

Although the heavenly demons here are not easy to deal with, if they can kill as many as possible, they will absorb the power of their stars.

Breakthrough again, just around the corner!

Chen Feng ran all the way.

This time, it was not an escape, but an active attack.

He desperately wants to continue killing the demons!

After flying for another half day, the landscape in front of him quietly changed.

No more pits and craters, full of meteorites.

It is like a hill, between the gentle ground, there are hills that are more than ten meters high, and even tens of meters high.

What happened here?

Chen Feng always felt that the shape of these small hills was a bit strange.

at this time.


With a dull loud noise, the earth suddenly cracked!

Chen Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly stepped on a boulder that was about to roll down, using his recoil to avoid the crisis in twos or twos.

The mutation happened too fast!

Suddenly, a huge hole opened in the good ground!

The whole hill is turbulent.

All the towering hills were cracked!

Afterwards, Chen Feng watched the rift valleys with his own eyes, like huge mouths stretching one hundred meters, one after another.

Seems to be waiting for him to fall into it.


Behind Chen Feng, the gully that had just opened, slowly closed again.

A small hill was formed again.

Chen Feng was horrified.

He looked at the ground under his feet, and suddenly had a bad idea.

Was it not a "hill" that was stepped under his feet, but a demon?

This thought just appeared in my mind, and the earth began to shake violently!

Chen Feng's line of sight became oblique at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He paled suddenly.

At this moment, Chen Feng finally understood what the official disciple said.

The demons here are indeed special.

They live under this starry sky, and what they absorb is the purest power of stars.

Unlike those demons, these demon types are more diverse.

For example, the two encountered now.

The "meteorite" demon just now, each one is not extremely strong, but there are a lot of them.

If it weren't for Chen Feng's martial arts with group attack effects, he would definitely die if he fought alone.

The current "Rift" Demon is even more so!

The entire area under your feet quickly lifted forward, undulating from the original hills, and instantly turned into cliffs!

The boulder rolls down, the earth shakes the mountain!

Chen Feng quickly retreated.

Just after quitting thousands of miles backwards, the "precipices" in front of him suddenly cracked huge ravines again!

These gullies are several miles long, and the shortest are only a few hundred meters short.

What is even more frightening is that from those gullies, powerful suction quickly appeared!

Several suctions quickly converged, and almost a moment later, an air vortex visible to the naked eye was formed!

A few hundred miles in the front of the earth, all sand and rocks flew wildly.

Even the clear starry sky has become chaotic and blurred at this moment!

There is nothing superfluous where you can see.

Chen Feng tried his best to resist, but still in vain!

He couldn't find any place to rely on!

This "hills" is still plain at all.

Even, why it was Plain, Chen Feng probably had a guess in his heart.

He lay on the ground, with his fingers facing the ground, struggling to penetrate.

In the face of this special "rift valley" demon, all the martial arts and hole cards he can use are of no use.

While Chen Feng tried his best to resist the horrible suction, his mind was running fast.

Soon, he discovered the details!

The "rift valley" demon behind him was extremely terrifying.

However, its moves are not many.

The main thing is to disguise as a landform, set up traps, and then the current suction.

Therefore, although it is extremely strong, it is only an ordinary warrior level!

If you can resist this suction, it might not be difficult to face this special demon.

The key is how to resist the other party's killer.

At this moment, the earth shook again!

Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness spread out and quickly swept in the direction behind him.

Suddenly my heart burst!


He had a thousand fortunes, but he didn't expect this "rift" demon to move!

Looking from a distance, the complete cliff, for hundreds of miles, moved slowly in the direction of Chen Feng!

There are constantly boulders falling from the cliffs, and they are quickly sucked back into the demon's body.

The scene is too shocking!

Chen Feng lowered his face and quickly pulled his arm.

With his body separated from the support of the ground, he was instantly sucked towards the "rift valley" demon behind him!

It is not wise to fight a war of attrition with such a special demon.

It can absorb the power of the stars and continuously replenish physical energy.

But Chen Feng can't!

That being the case, then break the boat!

If you don't get into the tiger's lair, you will get a tiger!

The distance of thousands of miles is fleeting.

Chen Feng adjusted his posture in the air, and immediately attacked when he was about to be sucked into the biggest gully!

Too on the Heavenly Swordsman Formation!

Forty-nine life and death sword intents quickly condensed into a giant sword in the whirlpool of air current!

This giant knife is bigger than any one he has sacrificed before!

It's still black and white, one side is born and the other side is dead.

But at this moment, Chen Feng felt that he had suddenly entered a very mysterious realm.

No matter how strong the suction is, it can't interrupt his comprehension of the current mood!

I saw Chen Feng's veins violently rise, and he quickly turned over in the air.

The body shape change is unprecedentedly flexible!

He stretched out his hand and held the giant knife tightly!

Then, under the sky, there was a loud roar.

"Break it for me!"

After the roar, the giant knife drove the surrounding void, abruptly cutting off the huge air current vortex close at hand!

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