Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4977: The star chart shines! Light up the first star!

Difficult, but firm!

Cut it with a knife!


The nearby void vibrated.

The vast and majestic killing intent, surging surgingly, hit the biggest rift ravine with a horizontal push!

One knife, one hundred miles!

The suction suddenly disappeared.

Chen Feng fell to the ground with blood.

He gasped, watching the starry sky in front of him.

This knife directly extracted most of his power!

However, it has exploded with great power!

At this moment, Chen Feng was extremely happy.

Just now, he clearly felt that his mastery of the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation had taken another step!


In front of his feet, a dull loud noise continued to sound.

Chen Feng propped up and stood up.

He looked at the mighty "precipice" in front of him.

At this moment, it is falling apart.

He guessed it right!

The flesh of this kind of demon is not even a flesh.

The degree of hardness is almost comparable to the real earth.

The stronger the external defense, the more often it is to protect the fragile internal.

Sure enough!

With this shocking slash, Chen Feng chopped it down when the gully opened the most.

It directly hit the deepest part of this demon.


This time, the "rift valley" demon has completely become a rift valley!

Chen Feng stood in front of a large pile of boulders and stretched out his hand.

The power of countless stars, gushing out of the boulder, was absorbed by him.

Just this celestial demon gathered ten star pill for him!

Chen Feng absorbed it again.

When the fifth star pill was absorbed, the star soul space shook suddenly.

The dazzling light burst out instantly.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, and after opening it again, his face suddenly changed.

At this moment, a star lit up on the huge star map that was originally dim!

Star map, alive!

The first star on the star chart is lit up!

The star map at this moment is quiet but solemn!

It looks like a picture, but it also looks like a world.

One, lonely, desolate, primitive universe!

In this world, everything is cold and dead.

But now, there is a star, and it is vigorously releasing the power of the stars!

Chen Feng looked up and looked far away.

Suddenly, tears flowed from his eyes.

This is not his original intention, but it is a kind of joy for the new born from the heart!

His star map is no longer a deadly "map" from this moment on.

It's the prototype of Xinghai!

He felt that he seemed to have a universe!

He looked at the star map in front of him.

Above, there are at least three hundred and sixty stars!

In other words, three thousand six hundred star pills are needed to light up all of them!

Chen Feng was very excited.

He shouted excitedly in his heart.

"My star map will not be limited to this!"

"I will light up all the stars!"

"I will continue to expand the star map!"

Chen Feng put away his excitement and took out the white jade bottle given by Yue Xinlan.

After taking a pill, he quickly returned to a state of heyday, even a bit stronger than before.

He looked into the distance firmly.

"Devils, wash Lao Tzu's neck and wait!"

Chen Feng's lips curled up, his face was full of excitement, and he set off again!

In the next few days, Chen Feng encountered many demon.

There are also weird shapes and more conventional ones.

However, every head is a general level!

Each has its own characteristics.

Chen Feng kept fighting, harvesting their star power.

Constantly condense the star pill to light up the stars on the star chart.

Seven days later, a blood-covered Chen Feng crawled out of the pile of corpses of the heavenly devil.

After he absorbed the power of the stars, the drop of blood that urged the great Asura to absorb all the blood of the demon in front of him.

Whether it is the power of the stars or the blood, Chen Feng will not waste it.

Chen Feng urged that drop of Asura's natural blood.

That drop of brilliant red natal blood had previously been wiped out by the natal blood of the Great Demon of the Sun and the remaining spiritual consciousness.

Under Chen Feng's guidance, it quickly absorbed all the blood of the demon in front of it.

The light came on.

These special blood is really very useful!

Chen Feng's eyes were full of smiles.

If it can continue to absorb some Heavenly Demon Essence Blood, this drop of Great Asura Essence Blood will have an incredible improvement.

At that time, give the artifact fragments for blood quenching.

Will be able to create a unique magic weapon!

After the corpse of the demon was completely used, Chen Feng looked at the ruins at his feet.

It was another abandoned planet, completely swept away by him.

He raised his head and looked up at the stars.

"Just you."

Focusing on the nearest planet, Chen Feng suddenly stepped on the ground and flew up at top speed.

In an instant, tens of thousands of miles away from the abandoned planet.

Thirty stars in the star chart have been lit up!

Chen Feng looked at the closer and closer planet, still surging with excitement in his heart.

"Don't let me down!"

Whenever he thinks of the stars on the star chart in his body being lit one by one, Chen Feng immediately speeds up.

Almost cut through the void, a bright light was drawn above this starry sky.


Chen Feng smashed and landed on the new planet.

The earth is cracked!

A terrifying giant pit was instantly smashed!

Before Chen Feng could react, a roar suddenly sounded from a hundred miles away.


Chen Feng immediately got ready, taking advantage of the undecided dust, quickly shifted his shape and changed his shadow, and approached the sound source.

Before he could really see it, suddenly, his heart shook.

A strange feeling rose in his heart.

Desolate, lonely, as if traveling across the universe, across the eternal age.

Chen Feng is no stranger to this feeling!

He was refreshed, his eyes were clear, and he immediately accelerated and rushed away.


This was how he felt when he first met the Wu Clan!

The distance of a hundred miles is fleeting.

Chen Feng saw the roaring figure for the first time!

The black robe was added, waving strangely.

The yin and evil aura on the body is strong, and the whole body is full of killing!

They can be seen from a distance of ten meters tall.

It's definitely a witch!

As soon as Chen Feng saw the outlines of those figures, he felt a bit of ancient and wild aura.

That is the feeling different from the demon way and the right way.

Full of mystery, evil and ancient feelings.

When Chen Feng saw them, the witch demons also turned around and saw Chen Feng.

Fierce, cruel, bloodthirsty!

But it feels a bit more heavy and wild!

Chen Feng was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, there are still witches in the battlefield outside the territory!

However, after a moment of surprise, Chen Feng was relieved again.

The witches are descendants of some special races in ancient times, with strong bloodlines and extremely talented.

The cultivation method is completely different from that of ordinary righteous monks.

It's not too surprising to come to an extraterritorial battlefield.

The three Wu clan in the distance saw Chen Feng only one, and they were suddenly excited.

The brutal and bloodthirsty breath broke out.

That kind of paradoxical feeling strongly impacted Chen Feng.

These three witch races all have the strength of the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

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