Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4975: war! Demon!

"You mean, here?"

Chen Feng pointed to his feet.

"Do not."

The disciple raised his arm and pointed at a star field in the sky from left to right.

"It's all one billion li."

Chen Feng smacked his tongue.

He followed the guidance and looked up at the sky.

The countless stars and planetary belts above my head slowly revolve, large and small.

Zhou Tian's eyes are full of stars.

However, the planet here is not extremely far away.

With Chen Feng's current strength, he can see a little more clearly.

There are any terrains on different planets.

All are some deserted little planets.

Deadly silent, yet magnificent.

"Right. The first time you come, you must be careful of the demon here."

"The demons here are completely different from the demons you have dealt with in the past."

Chen Feng's attention was drawn back.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Why is it different?"

"They are too special, in every sense, they are very special."

"I heard that some can even transform the physical body into a spiritual body."

"All the abilities that owe me grief are all different."

"If you are not careful, you might not even know how you died."

The official disciple said so, and quickly left.

Thanks to Chen Feng, he has won a breath of time.

For him, this is enough.

Chen Feng watched him go away, secretly surprised.

On this abandoned planet, we must be cautious and tighten to this degree.

Is this the rhythm of the extraterritorial battlefield?

So fast?

As soon as he flashed away, suddenly, an extremely strong sense of crisis appeared in his unnamed heart.

Before he could react, Chen Feng relied on instinct to change his quirky figure again and again.

A few kilometers away from the original place in an instant.


Taking the place where he originally stood as the center of the circle, hundreds of meters around him are all sunken.

A "meteorite" hit the ground straight.

Where's the meteorite!

Chen Feng was shocked, and immediately looked around.

I don't know, but at a glance, his hairs stand up and his heart is frizzy.

The "meteorites" that were originally "embedded" on the ground, at some point, floated densely in front of him!

The whole piece of void was obscured!

Chen Feng remembered the devastated earth just now.

Could it be that those "meteorites" that fell were not ordinary meteorites.

Is it a demon?

These demon looks very strange.

The body is like a ball, the whole body is gray, and the surface is also covered with pits.

It looks like a piece of meteorite.

At this moment, looking at Chen Feng, all of them suddenly opened their eyes.

In an instant, hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at Chen Feng.

Makes scalp numb instantly.

Is there such a demon?

The next moment, suddenly, the eyes of these meteorite demon flashed like a rainbow!

The extremely tyrannical mental fluctuations burst out!

In an instant, countless spiritual fluctuations, fiercely bombarded Chen Feng!

These meteorite demons turned out to be mental attacks!

The weapon is their eyes!

Moreover, this attack ability is quite powerful!

Before Chen Feng could think about it, he turned and ran.


There are hundreds of "meteorite" demons, to say nothing!

At least every one burst out with the breath of the third and fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

Strong, even reaching the breath of warlord level!

There are dozens of them in the fifth building alone!

Even if Chen Feng fights against a "meteorite" demon at the top of the fifth building, facing hundreds of them, he can only escape!

He ran all the way!

The "meteorite group" behind him followed all the way, getting closer and closer.

Chen Feng couldn't get rid of them no matter what.


Now that the old monster has said it, it is very suitable for experience.

It's not a reason to escape as soon as you come in.

Moreover, the official disciple just said that this is just a trial place for the low-level disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Is he not as good as a low-level disciple!

"I still don't believe it!"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly turned around.

Buddha's angry eyes and roaring power!

The outline of the huge purple-white lion head suddenly opened its huge mouth.

In an instant, countless purple-white rays of light burst out.

Without waiting to observe the reaction of the other side, Chen Feng directly sacrificed the Heavenly Swordsman Formation!

Seamless connection!


Seven seven forty-nine black and white life and death sword intents, across the world, brilliance.

Power is even more powerful!

The giant sword appeared out of thin air, and all of them killed the "meteorite group"!

On every sword intent, there is a terrifying fighting spirit and coercion!

The entire void will oscillate with it!

After Chen Feng finished all this, he didn't even look at it.

Turn around and continue to escape!

Behind him, he heard the sound of heavy objects falling.

One after another.

Dozens of low-level "meteorites" demon of different sizes were pierced by the Heavenly Swordsman Formation and landed.

Chen Feng didn't turn his head back, and ran wildly.

After rushing out for hundreds of miles, he suddenly turned around again, doing the same.

Buddha's angry eyes and roaring power!

Immediately afterwards, once again sacrificed the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation!

Another wave of inferior "meteorite" demons fell to the ground.

There are many more potholes on the barren and vast plains.

So, several times in a row.

Within half a day, when the last and also the largest "meteorite" fell to the ground, Chen Feng collapsed directly to the ground.

He is almost collapsed!

Such frequent, repeated, and continuous use of the Buddha's angry lion roar and Taishang Zhutian sword formation.

The cultivation base in his body was almost squandered.

With a few more such heavenly demons, Chen Feng must take the pill given by Yue Xinlan.

This is the extraterritorial battlefield!

Up there are a few warlord-level demon!

Until now, Chen Feng finally realized that the reason why Pei Chengtian wanted to exile him from the battlefield outside the domain was how vicious he was!

This is just the beginning!

Without time to think about other things, Chen Feng thought of the official disciple.

That disciple took all the time to regain his physical strength, it can be seen that strength is the only thing that can save his life.

Originally, Chen Feng planned to recuperate cross-legged, and quickly recover.

But suddenly, he was keenly aware of something.

He looked up at this vast starry sky.

In the sky, the power of the stars can be sensed.

He looked at the "meteorite" demon that had not dissipated after falling to the ground.

Get up and come to the nearest demon.

Chen Feng reached out.

The pure star power was directly sucked out by him!

Sure enough!

Chen Feng couldn't help showing ecstasy in his eyes.

He had this guess just now.

This place is so close to the starry sky, would the demon here also absorb the power of the stars?

Chen Feng cheered up and went all the way back, absorbing all the power of the stars in the dead "meteorite" demon!

It took half a day to escape and kill.

It took another half a day to absorb the power of the stars back.

Although, in this area, there is no difference between day and night.

No matter when, the world is so blue and gray, neither day nor night.

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