Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4962: Desperate?

"The Immortal Seal of Tianquan Town was taken away by this kid, right."

The smile on Murong Zhe's face instantly solidified.

The cold sweat came down directly.

Shaking all over.

"How did father know?"

Murong Han stared at him coldly.

"If it weren't, how could you run to be the leader of the team for no reason, and provoke this thorn."

Murong Zhe immediately lowered his head.

It seems that I can't hide anything from my father!


He had to answer honestly.

Murong Han looked into the light mirror again.

"After Chen Feng's death, you must retrieve the immortal seal of Tianquan Town."

"Now, go and search his residence first."

Murong Zhe Khan nodded gingerly.

Murong Han sighed.

He flicked his sleeves and turned, the light mirror behind him collapsed.

"Zhe'er, I borrowed the immortal seal of Tianquan Town from Elder Yin."

"He usually cherishes these magic treasures very much. I didn't return them in time, which has caused him to anger."

"If you don't return it, I won't be able to do business."

In a few short sentences, the tone seemed calm, but Murong Zhe was cold all over.

He knows his father better than anyone else.

The calmer the father, the more furious.

Moreover, Elder Yin!

That is a well-known vicious and vicious person, who is not easy to provoke.

"Yes! Father, I will look for it now!"

With that, Murong Zhe crawled around and ran out.


The underground world.

Chen Feng saw an empty place, waved his hand and threw Yun Wan'er out.

"Run by yourself!"

He rushed towards the distance and ran at extreme speed.


Flee madly!

Blood Sea Shura's goal is himself, there is no need to bring Yun Wan'er in again.

Follow yourself, just drag her down.

Before Yun Wan'er could shout, she was thrown far away.

Subsequently, the Sea of ​​Blood Shura rushed over.

Sure enough, he didn't even look at her.

Yun Wan'er's face was pale, and after rolling to the ground, she quickly stabilized her figure.

She looked into the distance and looked at the direction in which Chen Feng was escaping, her face was full of worry.

"Chen Feng, you must survive! Definitely!"

She knew that Chen Feng was trying to save herself.



This battle royale has entered a white-hot stage.

Blood Sea Shura's four blood arms stretched out and shrank, spying frantically at Chen Feng ahead.

The speed is dazzling!

Chen Feng ran wildly while taking the road, while constantly evading his figure.

Can't be stabbed!

Blood Sea Shura's offensive gave him an extremely

Once the Sea of ​​Blood Shura absorbed the essence and blood from his body, it was in a state of ebb and flow.

Everything will only get worse!

The strength of Blood Sea Shura is really too strong!

If the gap between them is widened, Chen Feng really can't see where his hope is.

He now has no other choice but to escape!

The earth trembles constantly, like the end of the world.

Where the two went, the world almost fell apart!

Magma is splashing!

The scorched huge wood was blasted into debris!

Nevertheless, in this tug-of-war, the distance between Chen Feng and Blood Sea Shura is still slowly getting closer.

Suddenly, the other five arms of the sea of ​​blood shrank instantly.

The moment Chen Feng's spiritual sense detected it, there was a violent sound in his heart.

"not good!"

He immediately speeded up.

However, it is still a step slower!

No matter how much his figure changes, in front of absolute strength, all tricks are in vain!

Seeing that the sharp blood arm was about to pierce into the body.

This time, it's hard to hide!

Chen Feng gritted his teeth.


At this moment, I can't care about anything!

Chen Feng turned around and played the strongest offensive again and again!

But it's useless!

Blood Sea Shura did not dodge at all.

All the attacks hit the target, but it was like a punch into the cotton.

It can't cause any harm at all.

Because, Sea of ​​Blood Shura does not have a solid body!

This is its biggest advantage!

The liquid is too inclusive!


Chen Feng's shoulder blade was pierced in an instant!


Shura, the sea of ​​blood behind him, burst out laughing.

The laughter from blood shaking was unpleasant and harsh.

Chen Feng is not its opponent!

The two afterimages that had rushed wildly suddenly slowed down.

Chen Feng's face was pale!

However, he did not give up!

make a prompt decision!

Too on the Heavenly Swordsman Formation!

Forty-nine knives in one!

Baimang passed by, extremely fast.

Directly cut off the part of the blood long arm that pierced his shoulder blade.

His speed has reached the limit, but it is still slow!

A small part of the blood was sucked away.

To make matters worse, the main purpose of Blood Sea Shura's stabbing this time was not to draw his blood.

In addition to devouring the blood, the Sea of ​​Blood Shura can also use the blood to cause fatal attacks on the opponent from the inside!

It uses Chen Feng's own essence and blood to manipulate and transform it into various magic weapons.

Chen Feng's entire left shoulder blade was almost broken!

With this move alone, he was severely injured!

This is the strength gap!

Seeing the sea of ​​blood rushing towards Xiu Luo, Chen Feng forcefully endured the severe pain.

Buddha's angry eyes and roaring power!


Blood Sea Shura dashed over, but did not resist at all.

It's just that this time, it's going to miscalculate!

Chen Feng didn't expect to hurt it with the Buddha's angry lion roar.

What he calculated was that the Sea of ​​Blood Shura did not dodge!

The huge purple-white lion head phantom appeared instantly!

The fine, lifelike giant lion head suddenly opened its mouth in the blood basin and rushed straight to the sea of ​​blood.

The eyes of the purple and white lion head burst out with supreme fierce light.

The power is so heavy, so huge!

Even if it was as powerful as a sea of ​​blood, Shura's face changed drastically for the first time when he felt this supreme fighting intent!

However, it is too late to dodge at this time.

It was hit completely and completely head-on!

In an instant, even the blood and flesh body can neutralize all substantive attacks.

When encountering the Buddha's angry lion roar, the blood sea Shura also stiffened!

Do not listen!

Chen Feng turned around and left!

Without hesitation.

He knew very well that even if the Sea of ​​Blood Shura was stiff at this time, he could not kill him himself!

What a terrifying martial arts!

Sea of ​​Blood Shura was frightened while furious.

Because, while it was stiffened for a few seconds, Chen Feng left it behind without looking back!


It roared violently.

A few seconds passed quickly.

It instantly regains its mobility.

This time, it stared at the direction Chen Feng was leaving.


A hundred li, all turned into ruins!

It burst out!

Three points faster than before!

Chen Feng in the distance, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, immediately felt the aura of being locked in.

In this way, he was hunted and killed all the way for three days and three nights!

Three days and three nights!

During this period, he was overtaken three times, but all three times he escaped with the Buddha's angry lion roar.

It's just that such opportunities are running out!

Although he successfully escaped three times, he would be severely injured every time he was caught up!

Moreover, escaping in such a rapid state is extremely expensive!

The current Chen Feng is close to running out of oil!

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