Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4961: Terrifying Sea of ​​Blood Shura!

All its arms moved!

Suddenly, this world, screams repeated.

Like purgatory on earth!

Chen Feng was keenly aware of the details.

Every time after absorbing the essence and blood, that sea of ​​blood Shura would be stronger.

There is a gleam of light in its body!

If Chen Feng's judgment was correct, it was the blood of the great Asura that was shining.

In other words, the ability of this sea of ​​blood asura is to swallow blood!

It can absorb the essence and blood of all others and turn it into that drop of natal essence and blood.

The more blood it absorbs, the stronger its own natural blood.

Soon, his guess was confirmed.

Shura, the sea of ​​blood, walked off the altar.

Wherever it went, no matter it was the immortal cultivator or the demons who bowed their heads to the court, they were all swallowed by blood.

Six relatives don't recognize it!

It is very likely that it came here to devour enough blood and blood to help it improve!

In the blink of an eye, it has killed hundreds of handyman disciples and demons.

The strength has also reached the middle of the sixth building!

Such an increase in speed is really terrifying!

However, looking at the posture of the Sea of ​​Blood, Shura has no intention of stopping!

The surrounding handyman disciples scattered and fled, wherever they are concerned about tasks.

Life is important!

Shura, the sea of ​​blood, twisted its ugly head.

Immediately afterwards, it stretched its blood arm in the direction of Chen Feng!

This time, it shrank the other five arms!

In an instant, the length of the outstretched arm soared!

In less than a moment of breathing, the blood-made arm turned into a long and thin spear, and instantly pierced a dozen handyman disciples and demons.

However, it is still growing!

The next goal is Yun Wan'er!

At Yun Wan'er's speed, she couldn't escape anyway!

Chen Feng had no time to think about it among the sparks.

He shot out immediately.

Just when Yun Wan'er was about to be pierced, he finally arrived.

Chen Feng moved towards the spear-like arm, and without hesitation, he threw a punch.

Directly blast it into a rain of blood.

At the critical juncture, he just won a very short moment!

Just a moment is enough!

Chen Feng copied Yun Wan'er, held it in his hand, turned his head and ran.

And that rain of blood fell in an instant, and re-coagulated into the body of the sea of ​​blood.

It was unharmed.

Chen Feng only felt like a thorn on his back!

Blood Sea Shura, at this time, noticed him!

His eyes were indifferent and sinister.

It moved in Chen Feng's direction, took a big step, and quickly forced it.

The legs are not long, just like arms, suddenly slender, one step is a hundred meters!

It stared at Chen Feng's back.

Here, when counting the immortal cultivator with the same height of 100 meters, he is most energetic.

For him, this endless vigorous vitality is no less than the biggest temptation!

"As long as I absorb his blood, I will definitely break through the current realm in one fell swoop!"

"Haha, then this trip cost a huge price, so it won't come in vain!"

Blood Sea Shura hissed and laughed wildly: "This is really a good place to practice!"

"So much fresh flesh! There are not so many **** competing with me!"


The voice got closer and closer, and he kept pushing towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had thought of this a long time ago.

Therefore, at the moment he was stared at, he ran wildly without looking back.

At this moment, Tianquan Jianzong.

The shattered bronze mirror burst into a dazzling light.

The surrounding space vibrated.

Then, a figure appeared out of thin air and fell straight to the ground, making a dull physical crash.

It's Murong Zhe!

At this moment, Murongzhe was bloody, messy hair, gray face, broken hands and feet, and smelled of urine.

He fell to the ground and froze for a while.

The whole person was trembling, and he hadn't turned back from the fear just now.

The next moment, his eyes were bloodshot, and he broke down and roared furiously!



But nothing can be done!

The ultimate humiliation!

Murong Zhe, when did he encounter this humiliation since he was a child?

The most broken thing is that in order to survive, he even bowed his head and begged for mercy!

What's even more breakdown is that it's useless to beg for mercy!

He collapsed when he thought of himself like this.

Chen Feng!

Damn Chen Feng!

Blame him!

If it weren't for him, how could I have fallen into such a situation?

His roar echoed in the silent hall.

Suddenly, a shadow blocked the sunlight coming in from outside.


A slap severely slapped Murong Zhe's face.

"How do I usually teach you!"

There was a violent shout.

Hearing the familiar voice, Murong Zhe's roar stopped abruptly.

He was slapped sober by the slap.

"Father... Father..."

Standing in front of him is not his father Murong Han or who!

Murong Zhe finally calmed down.

He looked around.

It is a quiet room where my father usually retreats.

He returned to Tianquan Sword Sect!


Murongzhe's heart just relaxed, and in a blink of an eye he was ashamed to embarrass himself.

Now that he will be teleported here, I want to come, all his last actions will be seen by his father.

All kinds of shameful behaviors made Murong Zhe dead.

However, after waiting for a long time, he did not hear his father's scolding or scolding.

The sleeves flicked and slowly fell.

A warm current was blown into the body.

Murongzhe was seriously injured and was soon healed.

He got up from the ground.

I saw my father Murong Han standing with his hand holding his hand, looking to the side.

The broken bronze mirror reflected a light mirror in the void.

What Murong Han looked at was exactly what was in the light mirror.

"Chen Feng, this kid is already a dead end."

"When people die, there is no need to settle accounts."

"For today's matter, just forget it. But in the future, don't let me see the situation like today."

Murong Han sternly stared at him, saying every word: "I Murong Han, there is no such **** word!"

Murong Han has always been solemn and solemn.

But today, he did not punish Murong Zhe.

No matter how Murongzhe didn't stand up, he was his son after all.

It was already like this, and he couldn't bear to punish any more.

Instead, all the faults are attributed to Chen Feng!

Chen Feng dared to beat his son like this.

How can Murong Han endure!

However, he does not need to start.

Chen Feng is already dead.

Hearing what his father said, Murongzhe followed and looked at the light mirror.

In the light mirror, it happened to show that Chen Feng was chased by the Sea of ​​Blood asura!

Although behind the light mirror, Murong Zhe could still feel the terrifying aura of Asura of Blood.

Look at Chen Feng who is running away.

Murong Zhe laughed.

Happy in my heart!

"It's really Feng Shui turns! Chen Feng, Chen Feng, I didn't expect it to be your turn so soon."

He stared at the light mirror, wishing to see Chen Feng pierced and torn by the sea of ​​blood asura!

At this moment, Murong Han turned sideways.

He calmly watched Murong Zhe.

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