Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4963: "Yanyang" Great Demon Blood!

He was still running wildly in blood.

However, the speed is getting slower and slower.

The time interval for him to catch up is getting shorter and shorter!

At the same time, the essence and blood in the Great Witch's Blood Pool was also consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Right now, only the last point is left!

At this moment, all of Chen Feng's strength was exhausted.


The long arm of blood spied again!

Can't escape!

He clenched his fists and turned around suddenly.

Eucharist of the Great Witch!

The last hole card!

Last time desperately!

In an instant, the last bit of blood in the Great Witch Blood Pool was also consumed!

He gathered all the power into his fist!

The long blood arm and his huge fist struck together fiercely.

When the two collided, there was a harsh sound of metal crashing!


Chen Feng flew out.

His right arm has fallen softly.

Although he was not pierced, his arms are all dead at this time!

The power has been exhausted, and the Buddha's snarling lion roar can no longer be used!

The blood pool of the Great Witch dries up, and the transformation of the Great Witch Saint Body cannot be completed!

Chen Feng fell to the ground.

The huge figure of a hundred meters high, completely collapsed.

Reverted to the size of one person.

At this moment, Chen Feng was blocked by a giant tree, and even unable to get up.

He described it as withered, haggard, and despair in his eyes.

Seeing Chen Feng like this, Shura of the Sea of ​​Blood finally burst into a triumphant laugh.

Three days!

It finally pushed this little thing to a dead end!

Unexpectedly, after I came here, I would encounter such a tricky thing.

But just right!

It will slowly absorb all the blood of this kid!

Let him taste the despair.

His long arms of blood suddenly pierced Chen Feng's chest!

This time, Chen Feng could no longer resist.

He could only watch the blood power of the Sea of ​​Blood Shura enter the body.

It turned into a poisonous snake, and quickly flowed into every corner of his body!

Randomly, a huge suction force appeared in every corner of the body!

"Taste the taste of death and despair slowly!"

Blood Sea Shura laughed again.

The broken gong's throat made a terrible and harsh sound.

"I will absorb all of your blood and blood! It won't be wasted these days."

At this time, Chen Feng's oil was exhausted and the lamp was dead.

A pair of eyes were full of anger and unwillingness!

Is it really that way to die?

He was not reconciled.

He is not reconciled!

This is not his end!

Not even his ending!

There must be a way, there must be a way!

Think about it!

In the golden spiritual world, surging.

Chen Feng's spiritual world was completely plunged into frenzy.

At this moment, the mutation happened suddenly!

Chen Feng's body suddenly burst out with a power that destroys the world!

Almost in an instant, all the blood power in his body belonging to the Sea of ​​Blood Shura was shattered!

Don't stay at all!

Things happened too fast!

Last second, Chen Feng also described withered, as if he would not live long.

The next second, a black and gold color suddenly burst out of his body.

These two rays of light are too strong.

Almost in an instant, it penetrated Chen Feng's body and burst out, illuminating the world!

The overwhelming celestial spirit swept through Chen Feng's limbs instantly!

Chen Feng's heart violently moved.

It's a dead end!

He is saved!

Fierce ecstasy suddenly rushed to Chen Feng's heart.

It's just that he was just agitated, his emotions fluctuated too much, and his chest and lungs didn't relieve himself.

Chen Feng coughed uncontrollably.

This cough caused a sudden pain in the chest and lungs.

Chen Feng internally discovered that it was his broken ribs, which kept stinging his internal organs as he coughed.

This physical state made Chen Feng a bitter smile in his heart.

The power of the cold blood that swallowed his blood was indeed shattered and exhausted.

However, he still suffered from broken muscles and veins, many bones were broken and shattered.

Can't move!

Even breathing is so heavy and difficult.

In this subterranean world that shades the sky, the warm sun will never be seen.

Originally, Chen Feng even thought that this would be his cemetery.

However, he almost forgot one thing!

In his body, there is a drop of Yanyang Great Demon's blood!

That drop of blood, black and gold, was the size of a fist.

There is an extremely noble gold in the black!

In the golden color, there are more strands of brilliant red lingering inside.

Like a bright red lotus blooming!

Chen Feng had already experienced the horror of this drop of essence and blood.

When he challenged Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation before, he had already caught a glimpse.

At that time, he was also in a state of being close to the exhaustion of the oil and the lamp was dead, stimulating this drop of natural blood.

It was because of its arousal that an astonishing power burst out that made Chen Feng rush out of the Xiao Zhoutian Sword Formation in one fell swoop.

The current situation is the same.

Under Chen Feng's gaze, that drop of Yanyang Great Demon's lifeblood moved!

It was faintly beating, it seemed to be getting more and more excited.

Subsequently, the burst of light instantly enveloped Chen Feng's body!

In an instant, Chen Feng's limbs and hundreds of skeletons, all meridians, all felt the majestic power, like a tsunami.

This force is turbulent, fierce, but not cruel!

On the contrary, with kindness!

Wherever the power passed, Chen Feng only felt extremely comfortable!

The broken veins are instantly reconnected!

The shattered bones quickly regenerate, heal, and regenerate!

After a few breaths, Chen Feng, who was almost completely depleted, was reborn and healed from serious injuries!

He turned and jumped up, his figure is agile and energetic!

Before he could tell a few breaths, he fell to the ground, dying!

too fast!

Not only the Sea of ​​Blood Shura in the distance, but even Chen Feng himself showed a look of horror.

This drop of blood of the Yanyang Great Demon is really unexpected!

Chen Feng looked inside again, looking at the drop of black and golden blood in his body.

Suddenly, his face changed.

Change again!

The drop of blood that had been hidden in the body suddenly rose up!

All the blood qi of Chen Feng himself boiled with this drop of essence and blood!

It slowly moved its position, slowly moving out from Chen Feng's body.

The light of black and gold is getting more and more dazzling!

Then, it slowly appeared outside Chen Feng's body.

Suspended in front of Chen Feng's chest!


When that drop of essence and blood appeared in the body intact, a powerful wave of air immediately spread out with Chen Feng as the center!



And with the supreme sacredness and honor!

Even the Sea of ​​Blood Shura, when he felt this breath, his heart was shocked!

What exactly is this?

Why does it instinctively feel fear?

Blood Sea Shura stopped subconsciously, not daring to act rashly for a while.

The subconscious let it escape immediately.

But it looked at Chen Feng and was a little unwilling.

After chasing the fat sheep for three days and three nights, just let it go, somewhat unwilling.

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