Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4920: Keep it closed, you will break your own arm!

He Qiu Ruhai, he must die today!

Qiu Wuji was right.

Allowing him to self-determination is to give him the last decent.

Chen Feng followed Qiu Ruhai's eyes and looked at Feng endlessly.

Not far away, the seal was endless, standing among the elders and deacons.

He stood with his hands in his hands, his face as usual.

He didn't even look here.

Chen Feng had already noticed that these things today are still the instigators of Feng endless.

He smiled slightly:

"Tudie Goupeng, you dog, sad enough."

Chen Feng's voice was extremely soft, and the auditors a little further away might not even be able to hear it.

However, Qiu Ruhai, who was very close to him, could hear clearly.

His eyes were instantly bloodshot and turned red!

Rabbit dead dog cooking!

In an instant, his murderous spirit soared.

Qiu Ruhai moved!

Everyone became vigilant.

Because Qiu Ruhai looked like he was going to fight a trapped beast.

He laughed without anger!

Qiu Xun's eyes are bright.

He also thought that Qiu Ruhai was going to make the final struggle and was ready to take action.

Qiu Ruhai raised his hand.

The muscles on his face twisted and he shouted sharply:

"Today, I am dead."

"But you need to know, I was forced to do it without stopping!"

"This matter, it's impossible to escape the relationship!"

After all, he slapped his forehead with a palm.

Qiu Ruhai lost the light in his eyes.

The corpse fell straight down.

Qiu Ruhai, die!

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

too fast!

Everyone has no time to react.

Including endless!

When he heard Qiu Ruhai's last words, he shouted in his heart, no.

But it's still too late!

Qiu Ruhai judged himself, too fast, no one could stop it.

But the last last words echoed above the entire floating mountain.

Keep it on, keep it on, keep it on...

The name is particularly harsh.

Everyone looked at Feng endlessly, and then at Qiu Wuji.

On the floating mountain, it was so quiet that even a needle could be clearly heard.


Everyone wanted to see how Qiu Wuji would react after hearing these last words.

How will he deal with endless bans?

Qiu Wuji felt the sight from all directions.

At this moment, standing in front of Chen Feng, he was in a very bad mood.

He forcibly suppressed his anger and looked at Chen Feng.

Do not hide the emotions in my eyes.


"Are you satisfied?"

"Is this treatment enough?"

Chen Feng looked down, looking at the dead body lying on the ground.

He spoke lightly.

"not enough."

Qiu Wuji didn't react.

Nobody reacted!

Even Zhong Li Yaoqin and Yue Xinlan were stupid when they heard this answer.

This Chen Feng is too courageous!

However, no matter what others thought at the moment, Chen Feng met Qiu Wujie's sight without fear.

He said every word.

"Deacon Qiu also said before he died, he was asked to do it by the endless elder."

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Chen Feng, actually still has to continue to hold the elders of the Star River Sword Sect, the endless responsibilities!

That is the star elder of the dignified Galaxy Sword Sect!

Although the position is between the elders, the suzerain and the sect master, it belongs to the bottom.

But it also dumped countless streets for ordinary disciples.

Which disciple was not polite to him all the time?

And now, Chen Feng seems to be going to pursue it!

Is he still trying to kill him?

This is the subconscious reaction of everyone.

Qiu Wuji has also been intolerable.

With a sullen face, he reminded Chen Feng: "Young man, you have to forgive and forgive."

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled slightly.

Slowly speak, the voice is clearer and stronger, full of firmness:

"Elder Qiu, you just heard that Elder Feng asked him to do it."

He looked towards Feng endless:

"Folding endlessly, did you also release the soul-splitting sky thunder on the ancient starry sky road?"

Chen Feng didn't mean to back down.

It was going to be liquidated to the end!

"it is good!"

Qiu Wuji took a deep breath, and suddenly his voice became quiet.

However, it carries a more terrifying power than before.


Among the crowd, Feng endlessly trembled.

He looked at Qiu Wuji in disbelief.

"You have broken your arm, so apologize!"

"That's it!"

Qiu Wuji didn't want to delay any longer.

He was extremely irritable.

Just want to end this matter quickly.

His eyes fell on Chen Feng.

Everyone's eyes also fell on Chen Feng.

Whether this matter can be settled or not depends on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sighed softly.

His eyes flashed.

He knows that what happened today is already the ultimate!

It's hard to hold on to it!

Qiu Wujie is enough to give in.

Further investigation is to slap him in the face.

He slowly nodded, smiling at Feng Changchang: "Elder Feng, do it!"

Feng's face was embarrassing to the extreme.

However, he is also a very deep-minded person.

Soon he calmed down.

He knew very well that Elder Qiu was already protecting him.

This is already a lot of face.

Feng Fuxi did not hesitate at all and made a decisive decision.

The hand knife slashed down.

In an instant, the left arm flew out, and thick blue blood splattered out.

Hand up the knife and drop it, breaking an arm!

In the next moment, the meridians will be sealed endlessly, and no bleeding will occur.

He clutched his broken arm, his face pale, but he dared not make a sound.

Everyone is silent!

Chen Feng actually forced Qiu Ruhai to die!

Forced to be sealed off and broke oneself!

Zhong Li Yaoqin and Yue Xinlan looked at Chen Feng not far away, with brilliant colors.

They suddenly felt that Chen Feng's cultivation was far inferior to them, but he gave people a very tall image.

He is tough, calm, and capable.

Zhong Li Yaoqin and Yue Xinlan looked at each other, and suddenly both felt a little dependent.

Tianshu Sword Sect needs such a person!

The birds and beasts screamed, and they were far and near.

On the floating mountain, no one dared to make a sound for a long time.

Now everyone is really aware of it.

Chen Feng is very uncomfortable!

He has the blood of the ancient gods and demons against the sky, has the power of ninety-nine and eighty-one stars, and can successfully challenge the small Zhou Tianzhu Divine Sword Array with the cultivation base of the nine-star Wudi peak.

Moreover, Chen Feng is by no means an idiot who complains with virtue, he will never let it go.

In addition, he speaks and does things, but he is justified and not humble.

Hard enough!


Stand up!

Such people are the most difficult to deal with!

If there is no grudge, it is better not to provoke him.

Of course, in the hearts of the elders of the four sword sects present, Chen Feng's biggest trump card——

Is the master of the door.

As we all know, the Galaxy Sword Sect has five major sword sects.

However, above the five sword sects, there is only one sect master.

The past sect masters all came from one of the five great sword sects, but once they were selected to become the new generation of sect masters, they would issue the Star Soul Oath.

It has nothing to do with the original Jianzong!

The master of the Galaxy Sword Sect does not belong to any Sword Sect.

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