Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4919: You can judge yourself!

Qiu Wuji said indifferently: "Then, don't apologize yet."

Qiu Ruhai's heart sank suddenly.

Want him to apologize to Chen Feng?

What a shame!

"Elder Autumn!"

Among the crowd, Feng endlessly stood up: "After all, Qiu Ruhai is the deacon. Let him apologize to a disciple. Isn't that right?"

Qiu Wuji didn't even look at Feng endlessly.

Ignore it completely.

He just looked at Qiu Ruhai: "Didn't you hear it? Apologies!"

Feng endless face is extremely ugly.

However, there is no alternative.

Qiu Ruhai reluctantly came to Chen Feng and said lightly: "Sorry."

Very perfunctory.

Chen Feng didn't seem to see him, just continued to look at Qiu Wuji.

"He wants to kill me."

He repeated it again.

Everyone suddenly felt frightened.

This Chen Feng, dare to be dissatisfied?

Qiu Wuji's face was deep, but at the thought of the master's instructions, he forced his anger down.

He reminded in a deep voice: "It's okay."

Everyone understands what this means!

This is telling Chen Feng: "It's okay, don't get into an inch!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Chen Feng turned and left.

Qiu Wuji's eyes burst into anger.

"what do you really want!"

Chen Feng turned to meet his gaze, not to mention too much.

"He wants to kill me."

He repeated it a third time.

Qiu Wujie was shocked.

He finally clarified what Chen Feng meant.

With a low growl: "Do you want to kill him?"

Chen Feng replied in a cold voice, "What's wrong with killing people for life?"

Qiu Wuji looked at him deeply.

The whole assessment world was silent.

Everyone is stupid!

Chen Feng, is this going to kill Qiu Ruhai?

Give him life?

how is this possible!

Everyone just found it extremely absurd!

All the deacons who can be in the Sword School are the elites and outstanding ones among the disciples of the year!

A few hundred disciples may not be able to have a deacon!

And Chen Feng, actually going to kill the deacon Qiu Ruhai?

Many people want to laugh loudly and laugh at Chen Feng's overweight and arrogance.

But by the way, Qiu Wuji's silent and serious expression is telling them all: This is not funny!

Qiu Wuji's expression shocked their hearts!

"Elder Qiu, actually seriously considering what Chen Feng meant!"

There was a long silence.

Everyone is silent.

"Is it necessary?"

For a long time, Qiu Wuji broke this silence.

Everyone shook together!

Qiu Wuji, Elder Qiu, he is the special envoy of the master!

Why is this!

Everyone felt that their thoughts were about to explode, and their hearts would explode uncomfortably!


Is he about to compromise Chen Feng repeatedly?

Regardless of other people's reactions, Chen Feng made loud noises.

"It must be so!"

Qiu Wuji closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had made a decision.

He looked at Qiu Ruhai, his face already extremely ugly.

However, he still spoke.

The voice was calm, but with unquestionable power.

"Jiu Ruhai, I will give you a decent one."

"You, do it yourself."

Everyone held their breath unconsciously.

His eyes were full of shock.

Especially closed.

To him, everything that has just happened is full of unreality!

how come?

But this is the fact!

Feng endless suddenly became cold all over.

At this time, he deeply felt Chen Feng's special.

No one could tell that Qiu Wujie was extremely dissatisfied at this moment.

However, he still did.

He compromised with Chen Feng!

what does this mean!

It means that someone ordered Qiu Wuji to do this!

In other words, the attitude shown by Qiu Wuji is actually the attitude of the master!

Chen Feng, this kid, knows the master?

Then why take advantage of Tianshu Sword Sect to take the trouble to participate in the assessment?

Since there is a relationship with the sect master, there is no need to work so hard.

With the status of the sect master, only a word.

Ordinary disciple, who dares to have an opinion?

Why is this!

There was a feeling of regret in his heart.

"I provoke Chen Feng, is it wrong?"

In the distance, Qiu Ruhai was stunned when he heard Qiu Wuji's words.

He turned his head subconsciously and looked at Feng endless.

"It's useless to see anyone."

The order of Elder Tianhe was also the order of the special envoy of the master.

What's the point of looking at a star elder?

Qiu Wuji looked cold.

He was extremely dissatisfied, but he had nothing to do with Chen Feng and had to face Qiu Ruhai.

Not far away, her face was extremely bad.

All the people of the Galaxy Sword Sect at the scene actually knew his relationship with Qiu Ruhai.

However, the people of the Four Great Sword Sects didn't think they knew.

But Qiu Ruhai looked over now, could he still expect him to pay a big price for him?

Qiu Ruhai is just a deacon.

Not even the elders of the stars.

If you try to protect him, I'm afraid I will get the fire up.

Besides, if you shoot, can you keep it?

He, in front of Elder Tianhe, the special envoy of the sect master, is he a fart?

It's not much higher than Qiu Ruhai's weight!

Thinking of this, Feng endlessly didn't even look at him, his face was neither happy nor sad.

Such a dull reaction caused Qiu Ruhai's heart to sink.

It was cold.

He was abandoned!

There stood the entire Galaxy Sword Sect and five elders.

Everyone looked indifferent.

Proposing to make things difficult for Chen Feng was also a joint decision of the other four Jianzongs except Tianshu Jianzong.

And Qiu Ruhai was just the last moment, a little chess piece on the chessboard.

Qiu Ruhai stood there blankly, not accepting this reality for a long while.

He was given up by everyone!

Because of Chen Feng!

No one from the Sword Sect is willing to stand up for him.

In the eyes of the sect master and the sect master's special envoy, he is not as valuable as a Chen Feng.

In the eyes of the Feng endless that he had fawned for so long, he was even more worthless.

Not to mention other people...

The whole floating mountain fell silent.

The fairy clouds gradually gathered again.

The surrounding floating mountains reverted to the lingering appearance of fairy mist.

However, at this time.

This beauty is like a fairyland, but it's all dead.


Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Qiu Wuji had a bit of coldness in his voice.

His expression was even worse, staring at Qiu Ruhai.

The monstrous aura suppressed Qiu Ruhai, and he dared not have a fluke mentality for a moment.

"Are you going to let me do it myself?"

Qiu Ruhai shivered violently.

He can hear it.

Elder Qiu is already extremely impatient!

The master envoy has the power to live and kill.

Qiu Wuji's cultivation base is extremely terrifying.

I don't know much more than him.

A finger can crush him to death!

Qiu Ruhai looked at Chen Feng, shaking slightly all over.

He has regretted it, and he doesn't know how to write the word regret.

"What is the point of what I have done?"

"I thought I could please me in front of endless bans, so I took the initiative to invite you."

"Unexpectedly, it ended up like this."

However, no matter how much regret it is now, it is too late.

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