Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4921: Distribute the Hall of Beasts! Handyman disciple!

Not partial or directed.

They have only one duty, and that is to control the entire Galaxy Sword Sect.

To some extent, the sect master belongs to the role of supremacy and suppression of the five sword sects.

Because he must be the one with the highest cultivation level among the five sword sects!

In the face of absolute strength, even if the five major sword sects wanted to make some small movements, they couldn't find any storms in front of him.

The current generation of sect masters is even more special.

He has held the post of master for many years.

No one knows the five great sword sects, he is indifferent like a thousand years of frost and snow, and he is immersed in practice.

Don't try to make him biased.

He is fairer than any generation!

Even, sometimes, it seems a little impersonal.

It is such a powerful, cold, and absolute master who is now showing his favor to Chen Feng!

This is what makes the Four Sword Sects most jealous!

Chen Feng's perverted talents can be particularly noticed by the master, this is terrifying!

Qiu Wuji coldly snorted, "Is it enough?"

Chen Feng smiled and bowed his fists: "Thank you Elder Qiu for being fair!"

Chen Feng's voice just fell.

Everyone was faintly relieved.

Even the endless autumn is the same.

The tension on the floating mountain was instantly relieved.

At this moment, Zhongli Yaoqin's eyes looked at Chen Feng, already full of appreciation.

However, she suddenly thought of something.

Looking sideways at the doormaster's special envoy, the elder Tianhe Qiu Wujie.

Qiu Wuji came here as the special envoy of the master of the door, surely not just to help Chen Feng hold justice.

He must have some sect master's will that needs to be conveyed.

I just don't know whether the master's command is what she wants to hear.

Qiu Wujie stood with his hands under his hands, facing the gully, it seems that because of Chen Feng's trouble, it has become a bit deeper.

This one is hard to make!

Thinking of the master's instructions again, Qiu Wuji's heart that had just loosened, hung again.

But, no matter what, the meaning of the sect master must be conveyed.

Thinking of this, Qiu Wuji gave a dry cough.

Everyone's attention was focused on him again.

One after another, everyone reacted.

Zhongli Yaoqin walked towards the endless autumn.

"The special envoy of the sect master is here, presumably what the sect master wants to convey?"

She simply said it.

Chen Feng also looked towards Qiu Wujie.

Qiu Wuji met Chen Feng's gaze, and his momentum suddenly rose again.

He said loudly: "The master has orders, Chen Feng is a very talented person, and has the potential of a **** and demon body refiner..."

Hearing this, the supervisory elders, star elders, and deacons of the four sword sects of Tianquan, Tianxuan, Kaiyang, and Tianji.

Including Qi Zhuoyang and others, their faces sank.

The sect master really knew enough about Chen Feng.

But when Qiu Wuji's speech was over, the conversation suddenly changed.

"But because there are too many killings and too much trouble."

"And, after all, there is no fairy root."

"Chen Feng, you can join the Galaxy Sword Sect, but punishment is inevitable."

Chen Feng's face was calm, neither sad nor happy.

He quietly asked: "What punishment?"

Qiu Wuji looked at him and said every word.

"In the'Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts', I am a handyman disciple, not an official disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect."

Qiu Wuji's voice was not loud, but it was clearly conveyed to everyone on the scene.

Like thunder, the whole floating mountain was in an uproar again.

"Handyman disciple!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Isn't this just a distribution?"

Qi Zhuoyang and the others, upon hearing the decision made by the master, their complexions instantly improved.

"Hahaha...Chen Feng, Chen Feng, such a tossing, nine deaths, not just a handyman."

"Not even an official disciple."

Chu Qianzhong smiled gloomily.

The handyman disciple is the lowest rank among all the Galaxy Sword Sect disciples!

When Si Konghao heard this result, his face was a little unsightly.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with this result.

Chen Feng is too strong!

Such a genius wasted to raise monsters, it is violent!

However, even though Sikonghao's appearance is five big and three rough, he is extremely rough, but his inner heart is as fine as a hair.

He swept towards the elders not far away.

Immediately, it was discovered that things might not be as simple as these new disciples thought.

The supervising elders of the four sword sects, without exception, their expressions changed drastically!

Tianquan Jianzong Sun Botong looked at the three supervisory elders nearby.

Both saw the same shock in each other's eyes.

Those disciples may not know, but they are clear.

The current master of the Galaxy Sword School was born as a horse-raising boy back then!

Now, he specially sent someone to give instructions for Chen Feng to go to the Ten Thousand Beast Hall to raise monsters.

Does the meaning mean something?

If this is the case, it would be terrible!

Several supervisory elders looked at Chen Feng again, completely changed.

Unlike others, Zhong Li Yaoqin let out a sigh of relief when he heard the results announced by Qiu Wuji.

She knew that what she had done before was really useful.

Time, going back one day ago.

In the Galaxy Sword Sect, in a deep and dark hall.

There was a fierce exchange of words.

One man and one woman.

The voice of the woman was full of excitement.

The two argued for a long time, but there was no ending.

It seems that the man still refuses to let go.

The woman was silent for a moment, and suddenly, a cold voice sounded slowly.

"My master, back then, if my father hadn't saved you desperately, could you still be who you are today?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin has already spoken for this!

The highest point of the hall.

In the gloom, the doormaster was silent.

Of course, he is too forgiving.

He was harsh and cold.

However, after all, he still did not forget something.

Back then, he was indeed rescued by Zhongli Yaoqin's father.

It was also because of Zhong Li Yaoqin's father that he had a great opportunity and a great epiphany.

There is also today.

Later, the death of Zhongli Yaoqin's father was also due to the recurrence of old injuries at a critical moment in his cultivation.

And that old injury was left behind when he was rescued.

When Zhong Li Yaoqin said these words at this time, even he could not be indifferent.

Zhong Li Yaoqin's voice softened.

"In these years, the ancestors have disappeared, and the sword sect of Tianshu has declined."

"I am not the temperament to manage affairs, but I also try my best to support it. In my hands, the Tianshu Sword Sect is increasingly declining."

"It's been a few years, confiscated a disciple."

"I'm just trying to receive a disciple who looks good."

Before Zhongli Yaoqin, he never took his father's things back then to change favors.

This is the only time.

But Chen Feng brought back Zhongli Changfeng's token for her, which left a trace of ancestors' thoughts.

Just this trace of remnant thought can solve her hidden illness that has been entangled for a hundred years, and even make Tianshu Sword Sect become stronger again.

In the darkness, the doorkeeper spoke softly.

"In that case, why not participate in the assessment according to the rules?"

"He has no fairy roots."

At that time Zhongli Yaoqin didn't know Chen Feng at all.

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