Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4918: He wants to kill me!

The man spoke, his voice calm.

Chen Feng held his mind and answered in a deep voice, neither humble nor overbearing: "It's me, disciple, Chen Feng!"

"Old man, I am the special envoy of the master of the Galaxy Sword Sect. Autumn is endless."

Seeing Chen Feng's neither humble nor overbearing attitude, Qiu Wuji was quite satisfied.

He glanced across the crowd and smiled slightly:

"My Galaxy Sword Sect has another peerless treasure, gratifying!"

"Chen Feng, this son, can pass Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation, the future is unlimited!"

"Although there is no fairy root, it is harmless."

"Chartered to join the Galaxy Sword Sect!"

The whole house was shocked when he said this.

In a word, the special envoy of the sect master determined Chen Feng as a disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect!

Even if he has no fairy roots, so what!

In the face of strength, everything is not a problem.

In particular, the special envoy of the gatekeeper conveys the will of the gatekeeper.

For a long time, the sect master has always been indifferent to recruiting new assessments.

However, it does not mean that he is not qualified.

Now, the doormaster's envoy spoke.

Whether he is the Heavenly Power Sword Sect or Kaiyang Sword Sect, he is not qualified to say no!

When Zhong Li Yaoqin heard this, his face was happy.

Originally, she was still having a headache.

Tianshu Jianzong declined.

Although, she had promised Chen Feng before.

If he can pass the first two items of the assessment, he will fight his face and win him a place in the Galaxy Sword Sect.

But her current status and circumstances are destined to take a lot of effort.

The special envoy of the sect master solved this problem for her in a word.

Chen Feng, became the candidate for this assessment, the first to officially become a disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect!

There was a rare look of joy on her face.

However, when she looked at Chen Feng, she found that Chen Feng's expression was not right.

After Qiu Wuji said this, he looked at Chen Feng.

In his opinion, even Chen Feng is not grateful.

At least it will be overjoyed.

But everyone guessed wrong.


The next moment, Chen Feng stepped out.

"Sorry, Galaxy Sword Sect, I will not join anymore."

This remark shocked everyone again.

"He's crazy?"

Among the disciples participating in the assessment, some people exclaimed.

They were too envious of this great opportunity, and Chen Feng turned it down!

"This is Elder Tianhe, Chen Feng dare to talk to him like this."

"Chen Feng is so bold!"

There was an uproar around, everyone was talking.

Qi Zhuoyang and others looked at Chen Feng, their noses were burning.

Jealous to twist.

How come this kid is so in the blessing and not knowing the blessing?

In the distance, Feng endless was first taken aback, then shocked, and then ecstatic!

"Unexpectedly, things will turn around here!"

"This kid is looking for death!"

Chen Feng's collision with the special envoy of the doormaster like this, with Elder Qiu's temperament, would definitely be violent.

When everyone was shocked by Chen Feng's words, he quietly winked at Qiu Ruhai.

Qiu Ruhai knew instantly.

"Chen Feng, you are so bold! You dare to disobey Elder Tianhe!"

"The special envoy of the sect master recruited you to join the Galaxy Sword Sect personally. You dare to be so shameless!"

"I'm really the Galaxy Sword Sect, so I can't bully!"


As he said, he stretched out his hand and patted Chen Feng.

Actually used all my strength!

This is to punish Chen Feng in front of everyone!

Chen Feng stood still, motionless.

He didn't even look at Qiu Ruhai.

Ignore it completely!

Qiu Ruhai suddenly felt cold in his heart.

It's like being poured down by a basin of ice water in the cold winter!

The attack with all his strength was instantly stunned by a look!

Elder Qiu gave him a cold look, extremely cold.

At a glance, he was like falling into an ice cellar.

It seems to experience life and death in an instant.

This is the strength of Elder Tianhe!

"You idiot!"

Where did Qiu Ruhai dare to make a move.

Shivering immediately, he almost knelt down.

How could this be?

How could Elder Qiu not be angry?

Look again, not only was Elder Qiu not angry, he even looked at Chen Feng in his eyes, which was quite polite.

"Since you are here to participate in the assessment, why are you suddenly reluctant to join?"

Having said that, Qiu Wuji gave Qiu Ruhai a special glance.

"If there is any internal cause, you can tell it."

"I'll be fair for you."

As soon as this remark came out, it caused an uproar like a rock falling in the water.

There is only one reason for the words of the master envoy!

That is, this person, regards Chen Feng extremely seriously!

As for why they value Chen Feng so much, they have no way of knowing him.

In fact, Qiu Wuji himself was surprised at this question.

Because this is not his intention.

It's the meaning of the master!

It was the master who told him personally that he must keep this person.

Qiu Wuji just looked at Chen Feng carefully.

He did not understand.

Even if he could pass through the small Zhou Tianzhu Divine Sword Formation, he had the blood of gods and demons, but...just now in the Supreme Palace, the attitude of the sect master was too special.

But these are not what Qiu Ruhai and others can know.

Chen Feng smiled slightly.

All this was in his expectation.

"The Galaxy Sword Sect is finally a discerning person."

His voice faintly sounded: "Indeed, I originally wanted to join the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"From the beginning, I will do whatever the rules are."

"But, to the second level of the second assessment, on the Starry Sky Road."

"I don't know who it is, controlling the magic circle, and hurting me as a killer."

"If I were not physically strong enough, I would almost be killed."

Chen Feng's voice slowly rose.

"When I was about to break the record of the ancient star road, I ended the assessment ahead of schedule!"

"After that, this Qiu Ruhai, not only did not announce the results, but also drove me away, and even killed me several times."

"If it weren't for that, I wouldn't take the risk and challenge Xiao Zhou Tianzhu's Divine Sword Formation."

Having said that, Chen Feng stopped talking, just looked at Qiu Wuji and said lightly:

"You said, Chen Feng, what do you do to join this sect?"

"Do you feel uncomfortable for yourself?"

Both Qiu Ruhai and Feng Fuxi had a cold sweat.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng was so courageous!

He stabbed all these things directly!

Everyone looked over.

Qiu Wuji actually knew what was going on at a glance.

He didn't care much about what Chen Feng said.

But now I have to be patient.

"What do you want?"

Chen Feng also noticed the true attitude of Elder Qiu.

He said nothing else.

He just pointed to Qiu Ruhai and said: "He wants to kill me."

Qiu Wuji took a deep breath.

Although he was quite dissatisfied with what Qiu Ruhai did.

But, after all, he is the deacon of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

If this matter is spread out, it will have a slight impact on the entire sword school.

He looked at Qiu Ruhai and said lightly: "Do you know what's wrong?"

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped.

Obviously, Elder Qiu is compromising with Chen Feng!


What is Chen Feng's background?

Qiu Ruhai was dumbfounded.

Elder Qiu unexpectedly wanted to help Chen Feng get ahead.

However, he can only answer.

"Subordinates know their mistakes."

Qiu Ruhai trembled.

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