Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4878: The power of eighty-one stars!

This time the self-abolishment of the cultivation base happened to be the practice again from the beginning.

Huahua was already asleep, and her purring sounded quietly.

On the one hand, Xu Jun was practicing the sword, moving extremely slowly, like a huge stone hanging from the tip of the sword, and it took a while to move an inch.

There is an indescribable ancient clumsy.

Even dead still.

The stars are sparse in the night, and the galaxy is brilliant.

The world is lonely, and the cold wind is blowing.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly realized something in his heart.

Boundless profound meaning rushed to my heart.

Once again, he cultivated the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Vipassana, and he had a new understanding.

Chen Feng whispered softly in his heart:

"That's the case, I used to practice the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Vipassana."

"Too eager for quick success!"

"Even missing, these many subtle and mysterious essences."

"The most important thing is that I didn't realize that before, that heart!"

Vigorous, but sad and lonely!

Life and death intersect, but there is great joy in sorrow, great vitality in despair, and great freedom in shackles!



Two completely different emotions merge into one.

Before, Chen Feng couldn't realize it.

But now, his body is withered and dying, but he is in desperate spring, full of hope.

It was Wan Muchun who was in front of the diseased tree. This feeling made Chen Feng instantly realize.

Chen Feng's heart was filled with endless joy.

The Golden Sutra of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is running, practicing fast and continuously improving.

The foundation is stronger, the strength is broader!

Even the power of the stars in this Fang Xuan Huang Zhong Thousand Worlds was drawn and began to condense into Chen Feng's body.

The night passed by.

The sky in the distance, the big sun rises.

Chen Feng shook his hands vigorously, and the power of three stars had already been condensed in his body.

Brighter, stronger and thicker than before!

"This time, if you practice again, you will definitely be able to condense the power of eighty-one stars!"

"Wait until I have condensed the power of eighty-one stars."

"Promote to the Star Soul Martial Emperor Realm again."

"Facing the young man in black robes, there is no need to use any hole cards."

"You can kill with one blow."

for the rest of the time.

Chen Feng is practicing the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Vipassana every day.

Every time, there is a deeper understanding.

Six months, fleeting.

Chen Feng looked more haggard.

As if the wind blows, it will die, dying, hanging down like old age.

The oil ran out and the lamp died.

"Chen Feng, we can reach the Galaxy Sword Sect tomorrow!"

Xu Jun was a little bit happy: "You have to hold on! It will be here soon!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and nodded slowly.

Now, he seems to be described as haggard, but in fact, infinite vitality is brewing in his body!

Almost reached a limit!

The second day.

The sunrise is shining.

Hua Hua galloped between the desolate mountains, and she could not feel the slightest shaking on her back.

Chen Feng's body was shocked!

The power of the eighty-first star is directly condensed!

Chen Feng almost couldn't help laughing out loud!

"Haggard for half a year, rebirth!"

"I abolished my cultivation and suffered all the time!"

"At a huge price, I abruptly postponed the task three times in a row. Finally, I got everything I wanted!"

"The power of eighty-one stars, the condensed star soul!"

"Absolutely, yes, shock everyone!"

Chen Feng, extremely excited!

Now, as long as he thinks about it, he can immediately restore the nine-star Wudi cultivation base.

Moreover, it is the nine-star Wudi with the power of eighty-one stars, surpassing all other nine-star Wudi!

However, it is not the time yet.

At this time, Xu Jun's surprise voice sounded: "Chen Feng, Galaxy Sword Sect, here it is!"

Xu Jun took Chen Feng and finally arrived at the Galaxy Sword Sect after half a year.

Even if Chen Feng has been to many worlds, he has seen many holy places.

He couldn't help being shocked by the scenery in front of him, and his face showed an indescribable surprise.

The Galaxy Sword Sect, before the mountain gate, is a huge lake.

This huge lake can even be called the sea.

The blue waves are rippling, and the spirit lingers.

Under the lake, spirit fish and spirit beasts swim, with a fairy-like atmosphere.

At the end of this huge lake.

There is a huge waterfall, gushing down from the nine heavens!

If you look closely, you will find, where is this huge waterfall?

This is clearly a huge river from the nine heavens!

This is a true sky-reaching river, leading to the depths of the sky, the unknowable depths of the universe!

Like the nine-day Milky Way falling into the world!

"Our Galaxy Sword Sect, the most important thing is this one!"

"Jiuxiao leads the sky!"

Xu Jun proudly introduced him next to him.

Chen Feng looked up at the immensely huge one, not knowing where it came from or where it led to!

I don’t know how long it is!

I don’t know how huge the width is!

It's like a river where the Milky Way falls in nine days.

It was so huge that it took up the line of sight, and there was no end in sight.

It was countless times wider than the most expansive sea on the Dragon Vein Continent.

Chen Feng was full of admiration and whispered softly:

"This Nine Heavens River, is it really flowing out of the stars?"

Xu Jun smiled and said: "I don't know this, but I heard that once, there was a star that fell into the Nine Heavens Tongtian River, down the current, and came to the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World!"

Chen Feng's heart trembled fiercely again!

This kind of power is almost beyond his understanding!

On both sides of the Jiuxiao Tongtian River, from bottom to top, there are countless floating mountains scattered!

It fills the vast sky.

These floating mountains are big and small.

Between each other, there are bridges, corridors and cloud bridges.

Spiritual birds such as cranes fly in it.

Clouds and mists, there are countless small waterfalls hanging down.

This is simply the fairyland in the legend.

Xu Jun looked very proud:

"My Galaxy Sword Sect has five sword sects."

"Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Kaiyang."

"I belong to the line of Zhongli Changfeng Master Zu, but Tianshu Sword Sect."

"At the beginning, it was also the first sword sect of my Galaxy Sword Sect."

"Unfortunately, since Shizu disappeared..."

Xu Jun didn't say anything further. Obviously, the current Tianshu Sword Sect was afraid that the situation was a little bad.

"I'll take you to meet the descendants of Master Zu, and give her the token."

"You have to tell the descendants of the master, the whole process, all the details, without missing a bit."

Xu Jun shook his head, suppressing these messy thoughts.

Invigorated, took Chen Feng to the depths of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Constantly flying over floating mountains.

The waterfalls and springs are picturesque, just like a fairyland.

The disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect are also very temperamental and extremely powerful.

Anyone who came out was better than Chen Feng now.

Chen Feng was also shocked when he saw it.

Worthy of being a first-class fairy gate!

"Oh, isn't this Senior Brother Xu Jun of our Tianshu Sword Sect?"

"Why? Bring back a little junior? It's not easy!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, only one-star Wudi? It seems to be dying!"

"Such a person is also worthy of my Galaxy Sword Sect?"

"Such junk goods, that is, your Tianshu Jianzong will only accept it?"

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