Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4877: Self-abolishment! Withered and dead!

The star-robed youth couldn't help but move.

"Later, it was a long wandering and cultivation."

"So, hundreds of years have passed."

"Until recently, my cultivation base has reached the Emperor Wu realm, and I can complete the last thing my ancestors gave me."

"According to the legacy of my ancestors, in order to retrieve the supreme inheritance of the family, I arrived in a deserted world."

"But there, I met Zhongli Changfeng's suicide note, and got him some benefits."

"Leave these two tokens and let me return them to the descendants of the predecessors."

Chen Feng said lightly: "And said, after the token is returned, you can make a request to the Galaxy Sword Sect."

Chen Feng asked, "Is it possible?"

The star-robed youth nodded calmly.

"I originally went to the Galaxy Sword Sect to return the token."

"Unexpectedly, he was hunted down halfway."

The star-robed youth looked at Chen Feng with solemn eyes, his thoughts turned.

Chen Feng's words, he has already believed nine points.

There was even a move in his heart: "Could it be that the people from Taiyi Immortal Clan were chasing him to **** that Galaxy Supreme Order?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the best possible.

"Presumably, they want to **** the Galaxy Supreme Order and force me to do something with the Galaxy Sword Sect. My Galaxy Sword Sect will naturally not submit."

"But it will inevitably ruin the reputation of my Galaxy Sword School."

Seeing his change, Chen Feng knew that what he said had effect.

He just wanted this person to feel that Taiyi Immortal Gate was chasing him for the Galaxy Supreme Order, not for other reasons.

In this way, Chen Feng's secret will not be exposed.

But if he said such things himself, this person would definitely not believe it.

Let him guess it himself.

Chen Feng whispered in his heart: "This brother, I lied to you today, it is really helpless, and I will surely get back in the future."

However, the star-robed youth still had a doubt in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly showed pain on his face.

There was a roar like a roar of a beast.

Extreme pain.

The whole person, curled up into a ball.

This time it was not pretending, Chen Feng really felt that he was going to be hurt by life!

The breath on his body declined at an alarming rate.

Jiuxing Wudi!

Eight-star Emperor Wu!

Qixing Wudi!


Almost instantly, he fell directly from the nine-star Emperor Wu to the one-star Emperor Wu.

The whole person's original healthy and full flesh and blood shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body's breath is fading, most of his appearance.

The hair that was originally healthy, black and shiny, became withered and not shiny.

The skin on his body has lost its color and become like old age.

It seems to be decades old all of a sudden.

The star-robed youth was also stunned by Chen Feng's changes.

A touch of decisiveness flashed in Chen Feng's eyes!

"It's now! Now, is the best opportunity!"

"Doing this now will not only be protected, but also just to corroborate what I just said! It will not arouse his suspicion!"

That's right, Chen Feng chose to be at this moment!


The cultivation base will be descended from the nine-star Wudi to the one-star Wudi!

Chen Feng sweated profusely on his forehead, and his face was helpless:

"Come, here again."

"It's like a nightmare."

"Every time I think my strength will not regress, it will appear."

"Even if I inherited the supremacy of the family, it is inevitable."

The star-robed youth looked at Chen Feng's appearance and let out a long breath.

He already believed everything Chen Feng said.

The star-robed youth looked at Chen Feng with a solemn expression:

"I will take you back to the Galaxy Sword Sect and return the token to the descendants of the master."

"As for your strange disease, I have no way to cure it."

Chen Feng could see that this person's heart is not bad, and he has no intentions.

It can even be said to be simple.

Because it is strong, and the road is smooth.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and said indifferently:

"It's okay, I will be able to practice again soon."

"Anyway, I'm used to this kind of thing."

"It's just that I don't know how long I can support it."

He raised his eyes to look at the star-robed youth: "I hope to rush to the Galaxy Sword Sect as soon as possible.

He abolished his self-cultivation base, directly from the nine-star Wudi to the one-star Wudi.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to abolish his own cultivation base and practice again.

Condensing the power of ninety-nine-eighty-one stars.

It's just that I've been in a dangerous situation before and dare not do it at all.

Now that I meet the star-robed youth, with the protection of this youth, I can sit down and earnestly believe in the star-robed youth.

Really a godsend opportunity.

The star-robed youth nodded slightly:

"In that case, I will take you back to the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"I will take you to meet the descendants of Master Zhongli, then you will say everything again."

"Based on this Xinghe Supreme Order, if you make any request, if it is not excessive, the sect will agree."

"But if you are asking the sect to treat your strange disease, I am afraid it will be a little difficult."

After all, with a whistle, a giant wolf came from a distance and stopped close.

It was actually a monster in the second floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, which was equivalent to a powerful person in the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

It is ten meters long, and the body is actually covered with various star patterns, with special power surging, strong and mysterious.

It is not evil or vicious, on the contrary, it is somewhat cute and attractive, tilting its head and looking at Chen Feng.

"This is my mount, Huahua."

Xingpao youth laughed.

Chen Feng almost laughed out loud, this powerful monster beast actually had such a name.

Huahua seemed to feel Chen Feng mocking him, rolled her eyes and turned her face away.

The star-robed youth took Chen Feng on his back.

It was flat, like a thick blanket, and it was uncomfortable.

Huahua immediately ran toward the west direction.

The speed is unimaginable, it is several times faster than Chen Feng's full force, and it is extremely stable and comfortable.

"My name, Xu Jun."

"Zhongli Changfeng is my master."

"You bring back the relics of the master, you are the great benefactor of my line."

Xu Jun warned carefully: "As long as it is not an excessive request, I believe that the elders will not refuse you."

Chen Feng's heart also moved slightly, but he didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

It just so happened that he directly met Zhong Li Changfeng's disciple and grandson.

Chen Feng said solemnly: "Thank you Brother Xu Jun."

That night.

Xu Jun did not continue on the road, but took Chen Feng to rest in a safe place.

He also took out a few healing pills of the Galaxy Sword Sect and gave them to Chen Feng.

It is Chen Feng at this moment, describing it as withered, declining in anger, and seems to die at any time.

Chen Feng did not shy away from practicing by the side.

From the surface alone, there is no way to see Chen Feng's practice.

It is even more impossible to see the special features of his practice.

Chen Feng is practicing the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Vipassana.

The Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva at Freedom is infinitely mysterious.

In the past, Chen Feng always felt that he had never really mastered the essence of the Golden Sutra of the Bodhisattva Vipassana.

It was too hasty to practice.

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