Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4879: Sect Master of Tianshu Sword Sect!

When passing a floating mountain, on the side of the Tianhe River, on the cliff, a few disciples in star robes were tasting their own tea.

Seeing the two of Xu Jun, the corners of his mouth suddenly showed disdain.

Chen Feng now probably understands that the countless floating mountains of the Galaxy Sword Sect go from bottom to top to the sky.

Distributed in a huge space of up to 100,000 miles, the lower the disciples, the lower the floating mountain they live.

The position of these three people is not very high.

Constantly too common, but it's just medium to low.

Looking at each other, he laughed unkindly.

The three got up, floating in the air, and stopped in front of Xu Jun.

The expression on his face was scornful and contemptuous.

Xu Jun's hands clasped tightly.

His eyes were slightly red, and he stared at the three fellows who stood in front of him.

On the forehead, there are raised veins.

"You guys, don't go too far!"

There was a low growl in his throat.

"What? Didn't we say something wrong?"

The three disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect laughed loudly.

"Or, are you going to discuss with us?"

"We don't mind to learn the kendo of Tianshu Sword Sect again."

The three Galaxy Sword Sect disciples all looked at Xu Jun provocatively.

As for Chen Feng, he was directly ignored.

What is a stubborn ghost of Emperor Wudi of only one star?

A single finger can kill a hundred and eighty.

Xu Jun clasped his hands, loosened, and clenched again.


After taking a long breath, he walked past the three Galaxy Sword Sect disciples without saying a word.

A cold color flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

Tianshu Sword Sect, it seems that it is in the Galaxy Sword Sect, which is really bad.

Xu Jun just returned to the sect, and when he met three ordinary Galactic Sword Sect disciples, they all dared to provoke him.

The Sword Sect of Tianshu was actually fading like this.

Chen Feng remembered.

At the time, Zhongli Changfeng’s senior brothers and nephews were all head teachers of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Chen Feng scanned the faces of the three Star River Sword Sect disciples and didn't really care.

These three people are not as good as Xu Jun.

One-on-one, Chen Feng beheaded easily.

One to two, it takes some means.

In a one-to-three match, all the cards are out, and if you fight for your life, you have a chance to win.


Behind him, three disciples of the Galaxy Sword Sect laughed.

Xu Jun paused slightly, trembling all over.

Chen Feng could clearly sense the intense murderous intent from him.

But, in the end, Xu Jun did not turn around.

Provoked by three people who are not as strong as him.

It takes more courage to hold back without making a move than to make an angry move.

Chen Feng didn't choose to forbear until Xu Jun's temperament was fierce and impulsive, presumably, he had suffered a big loss before.

Then there is only one explanation: the backer is not as good as others.

The three Star River Sword Sect disciples behind them laughed triumphantly, not surprised by this result.

Chen Feng's eyes were surprisingly bright, and he quickly lowered his head to hide the sharpness in his eyes.

"The Tianshu Sword Sect is within the Galaxy Sword Sect, the more desolate the better."

"In this way, I can take advantage of the Galaxy Supreme Order to grab more benefits."

"It also allows me to plan calmly and plan even bigger!"

"Control the Tianshu Sword Sect, and even control the entire Galaxy Sword Sect."

Countless thoughts flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

He has too much on his shoulders!

To find Taiyixianmen to report this revenge!

To avenge the extinction of the faction for the Yuxu fairy gate!

Relying on one's own power, wanting to do it in a short time is just dreaming.

It's hard to protect yourself.

However, if you use the power of the Galaxy Sword Sect, then everything will turn for the better...

Chen Feng already had a complete plan in his mind.

However, his face is still haggard.

Going all the way up, I met many disciples of the Galaxy Sword School.

Most of them are indifferent and just ignore them.

Some people are even more cynic.

Not only to Xu Jun, but also to Tianshu Jianzong.

"The Tianshu Sword Sect is really the shame of the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"Don't say they are from the Galaxy Sword Sect, I don't recognize it!"

"The Tianshu Sword Sect should be removed!"

"Haha, don't worry, it won't take long, maybe it will really be expelled, you forgot, pass by..."

Several people gradually moved away.

Lines of mockery, like a sword piercing the heart.

Xu Jun's face was pale.

Anger, sorrow, murder, all kinds of emotional changes.

Suddenly, Xu Jun stopped.

Feeling low, he bowed his head and said: "Here is the place."

Chen Feng shook his head: "Xu Jun, his character is still not enough, but his nature is good."

Looking up, there is a huge floating mountain in front of him.

A hundred times bigger than what I saw all the way.

Xianhua Yaocao is in full bloom, and all kinds of fairy beasts are walking in it, and the clouds and mist are misty, like a fairyland.

However, this floating mountain is not at the highest point.

There is still some distance away from the floating mountain at the top.

This is very abnormal.

The sect masters of the five great sword sects are already living in the highest point of Fukong Mountain.

The place closest to the source of the Jiuxiao Tongtian River, the purest and strongest power.

Chen Feng frowned: "No, the Sect Master of Tianshu Sect is also a descendant of Zhongli Changfeng, don't you even have the qualifications to live in the highest floating mountain?"

Xu Jun turned his head and said to Chen Feng:

"You wait here, don't walk around."

"I'll report to the lord."

It was a long time before I came back.

After taking a deep look at Chen Feng, he led him to a valley.

In the valley, a waterfall falls from the sky.

That waterfall is somewhat similar to the Jiuxiao Tongtian River that I have seen before.

It's like a scaled down version of Nine Heavens Tongtian River.

The water poured down like stars in the sky.

When Chen Feng saw it, he was shocked!

What's flowing inside is the most original and purest star core power!

"These powerhouses directly extract the core power of the stars to practice!"

"So scary!"

A slender and graceful figure is standing in front of the waterfall.

The red clothes are as fierce as fire.

Chen Feng frowned.

He felt a breath of lifelessness!

That's right, it's that life is about to end, and the time is running out, the kind of death radiating from his body.

It is difficult for others to perceive.

However, Chen Feng benefited from the incomparable mental power and was extremely sensitive.

"It shouldn't be!"

Chen Feng looked at this woman, this kind of breath is usually only due to aging and death.

But this woman, at the same time, gave Chen Feng the feeling that she was extremely powerful!

Far better than Fairy Yuheng, and even not much worse than when the Night Watchman was at its peak.

At the same time, the vitality is extremely strong!

"This person is the descendant of Zhongli Changfeng?"

"Sect Master Tianshu Sword Sect?"

"The strength is unimaginable!"

Whether his plan can succeed or not depends on the person in front of him.

But by this time, Chen Feng was exceptionally calm and his heart felt like still water.

"Disciple Xu Jun, meet the master."

The person in front of him is the Sect Master of Tianshu Sword Sect.

Zhongli is a descendant of Changfeng, Zhongli Yaoqin.

Zhong Li Yaoqin didn't turn around, his voice was faint:

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