Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4815: Another well-crafted lie

Let him get countless benefits.

He believed that this time, it was no exception!

You Xiong Jie slowly turned around, staring at Zhan Xiu.

The weird thing is that Xiong Jie is not yet angry.

Just staring at him, saying word by word: "tell your reason."

"If you can't convince me, I will tear you up today and feed the witch beast."

Zhan Xiu stared at You Xiong Jie and said: "Soon, the right way will increase in strength, and even fight back."

"And bear the brunt, the first to be unlucky is you."

"Because they have already received help from the sect of Yingzhou Continent!"

"What? Yingzhou Continent?"

When Xiong Jie heard this, his face suddenly changed.

This time, he was really surprised.

The Fallen Witch World, so the old legend says that their continent is just a part of the Fallen Witch World.

In the endless ocean depths outside, there are other continents, Xianshan.

One of them is called Yingzhou Continent.

It is said that the powerful native natives are not inferior to them, and even stronger.

This legend has been circulated for many years, and everyone is convinced.

Countless people even went to explore the Yingzhou mainland.

But for some reason, those who went to explore did not come back, and there was no news.

Everyone knows that this ocean is dangerous and difficult, so they dare not try again.

Legends will always become legends.

These human races with weird origins came from the mainland of Yingzhou?

However, Xiong Jie is also one of those who are extremely wary, and can even be said to be an old and cunning person.

Where can I believe it so easily?

Looking at him, he said lightly: "Speak clearly."

Zhan Xiu knew what to say before he came.

Even when the person connected, Xiong Jie would ask what he would ask, and he guessed thirty questions, making him memorize the answers.

Any reaction from Xiong Jie can be handled calmly.

He said lightly: "In fact, Yingzhou Continent is far less powerful than the legend."

"The natives there don't have any martial arts civilization yet, they just have a tyrannical body."

"And the martial arts civilization of Yingzhou Continent also originated from your continent."

"After your peak power here has passed, you have left a lingering vein over there, complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses with the local aboriginals, passing it on and multiplying for thousands of years."

"Up to now, it has grown tremendously, with as many as 10,000 people."

He raised his arms, looked at Xiong Jie, and turned around.

"There is Patriarch Xiong, you must have seen these days, we are quite different from the martial arts in your continent."

Xiong Jie nodded, he naturally understood the difference.

It's not clear, but it's very obvious.

"Because all of us are the blood of that mainland native."

Zhan Xiu continued: "And this time, our Zongmen crossed the sea for a major event."

You Xiong Jie interrupted him suddenly: "Who is your ancestor?"

Zhan Xiu's heart jumped: "Sure enough, there is this problem!"

However, he was prepared early and uttered three words: "Zhou Taijia!"

Xiong Jie's heart jumped instantly!

When Zhan Xiu said the name, he suddenly believed 20% more in his heart.

Zhou Taijia!

This name was very famous in this world tens of thousands of years ago.

One party is powerful and extremely terrifying, and it can even be said to be the first person in the right way.

More terrifying than any strong man in the right way now!

He was born in the fairy gate of Mieyun, and was regarded as the only heir to the leader of the fairy gate of Mieyun.

However, it was just the night before he was about to inherit the head of the Immortal Gate of Mieyun.

But it disappeared mysteriously and disappeared.

On the second day, his younger brother inherited the position of the head of the Mieyun Immortal Sect, and it has been passed down.

Now, Mieyun Immortal Clan is flowing down from his junior brother.

And no one knows why Zhou Taijia disappeared that year. The most widely spread theory is that he was conspired by his junior.

For this reason, the whole right way is secretive about this name.

On the right side, there are only some top-level existences who know this, the head of the martial arts.

Ordinary monk, it's impossible!

This person can say this name, which means that what he said is very likely to be true!

Xiong Jie waved his hand: "Go on."

Zhan Xiu continued: "This time, the sect came to fulfill the last wish of Grand Master Zhou Taijia."

Xiong Jie said leisurely: "I'm afraid you are trying to destroy the Immortal Gate of Destiny, right?"

"Really not."

Zhan Xiu shook his head.

Xiong Jie said, "I would like to hear the details."

Zhan Xiu's eyes flashed a stern sharp: "You don't know, our sect is now divided into main veins and branch veins."

"The main line of the sect was passed down by the second disciple of the ancestor master, and the branch line of the sect, that is, our line, was passed down by the big disciple of the year."

Xiong Jie felt that a secret was about to unfold in front of him.

"Patriarch Zhou Taijia doesn't say much about his situation back then."

"But his two disciples know clearly."

"The eldest disciple is very upset for the master. He knows that the master is being conspired by the traitor, so he wants to avenge the master."

You Xiong Jie had already guessed something, and suddenly became short of breath.

Zhan Xiu was full of anger, gritted his teeth and said: "But I don't know what the ancestor thinks, and finally passed the mantle to the second disciple."

"The second disciple has inherited the position of head, and doesn't want to avenge the ancestor. Only those of us who have passed down from the big disciples back then can truly take care of this matter."

"For thousands of years, we have split into the branch of the sect and the main line of the sect.

He swallowed, and then said: "This time, thirty of us came across the sea and experienced difficulties and dangers."

"If it weren't for the chart left by the ancestor, I'm afraid I would die on the road."

"We went first, but the right way."

"Here, it is fertile and fertile, and its aura is much higher than that of the Yingzhou Continent. Why should those who killed our ancestor master steal the treasure?"

A touch of greed flashed in his eyes.

Then he said: "There are a few people with the main line, staying over there, they are in the Baigu Peak camp."

"We are here on your side. Let's take a look at your strength. If the strength is enough, our sect branch will cooperate with you."

Xiong Jie said, "What is the cooperation?"

"Cooperation destroys righteousness, we want half of their territory!"

"Mieyun Xianmen has a radius of 500,000 li, and it will be given to us."

Zhan Xiu said loudly.

Xiong Jie instantly understood.

I already know why Zhan Xiu and others came over.

To put it bluntly, the line passed down by their big disciples must have been ostracized among their sects, and their lives are very unsatisfactory.

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