Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4816: After half a month! One thousand strong!

After coming this time, seeing how rich this place is, I thought that Lai would not leave here.

Just to help them destroy the right way and occupy the right way.

Xiong Jie sneered and said, "What revenge for Patriarch, is this your real goal?"

"Don't care if this is our real goal, anyway, we have the ability to help you do what you can't do."

"Or to be precise."

He leaned forward: "It is to help you have Xiong."

Xiong Jie's eyelids twitched.

He was talking about the Xiong clan, not the Witch clan.

You know, within the Witch clan, the struggle for power is extremely serious.

The Xiong clan is just one of the powerful forces.

"If I can do the work of destroying the righteous way alone, no, I will even go for the next best thing, there is no need to destroy the whole righteous way!"

"As long as we can make persistent efforts and break the White Bone Peak camp, then we will be able to make unparalleled feats!"

"It is the greatest contribution of the entire Wu family in the past five hundred years!"

"At that time, it will definitely be the prestige among the Witches!"

Thinking of this, my heart is fiery.

Slowly raising his head, looking through the big tent, looking at the blue-black sky in the distance, he sighed:

"Next year, it will be the year of election by the Wu Clan high priest."

"I will break through the power of the Jiuyin main peak and the White Bone Peak camp, and ask the Witch Clan high priest! It's not impossible!"

You Xiong Jie stared at Zhan Xiu, and said sharply, "How much help can you provide us? It's just you people?"

You Xiong Jie looked at Zhan Xiu, and said boldly: "Three months later, all the strong in our Zongmen branch will arrive here at the same time."

Xiong Jie immediately asked: "How many people are there?"

Zhan Xiu stretched out his right hand: "There are five thousand people above the level of the master of martial arts."

"Among them, there are one thousand in the point star realm, one hundred in the broken star realm, nine people in the condensing star realm, and one more is!"

He slowly uttered four words: "Stars!"

Xiong Jie listened, and his eyes suddenly showed shock.

The power of this sect branch is not weaker than the Xiong family!

After talking with Fang Wanjian, he was about to leave.

Suddenly, Chen Feng looked towards the right side of the big tent if he felt something.

There was a small quiet room, which looked like a place to practice alone.

At this time, the curtain opened.

Chen Feng saw a small statue in the secret room.

There is also incense in front of him.

The moment Chen Feng saw the statue, his whole body was shocked as if struck by lightning.

In an instant, he actually stayed there.

The Tiancun Beast Slave's heart jumped and whispered: "Big Brother, what's the matter?"

Chen Feng is Chen Feng after all.

Although the extreme shock just now made him almost gaffe, he still adjusted in an instant.

Smiled and said: "Nothing."

He knew that the more he covered up at this time, the easier it was to be suspected.

He simply turned around and looked at Fang Wanjian, pretending to be curious: "I don't know what this statue is. I have seen something similar to it on the side of the Wu Clan."

Fang Wanjian said solemnly: "This statue is the ancestor of my righteous path!"

Chen Feng nodded slowly, did not ask any more, and walked out of the big tent.

Chen Feng suddenly raised his head, squinted, and looked up to the sky.

The sun is shining.

A smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"With the scene I saw just now, it seems that there is a hole card, and I can prepare to open it."

"Unexpectedly, it turns out that that mission has such a deep relationship with this world!"

The two went to rest.

The undercurrent surging, never stopped.

The names of Yan Changfeng and Tiancan were passed on in this Baigu Peak camp almost in a short time.

Rise to fame, no one knows!

After Xiong Jie was shocked, he was ecstatic.

If these five thousand strong come, Xiong's strength will be doubled, and it will definitely break the Bone Peak camp.

"No way."

He shook his head suddenly: "We will wait less than three months."


"Now, we have the advantage of taking the lead in breaking the main peak of Jiuyin and attacking here."

"Other clans, haven't reacted yet."

"But after three months, all the other ethnic groups will have come. By then, Baigufeng Daying will be fat in everyone's eyes, and our family can't eat it."

Zhan Xiu was overjoyed.

This sentence was also in his expectation.

Before he came, in the few answers that the person asked him to back, there was a response to Xiong Jie.

Zhan Xiu admired that person even more.

The expression was indifferent: "There is Patriarch Bear, then you want us to show sincerity now?"


Zhan Xiu smiled: "Okay, no problem, I can show you a great sincerity now!"

Some Xiong Jie asked: "What sincerity?"

Zhan Xiu smiled strangely: "Are you trying to break the White Bone Peak camp?"

Xiong Jie nodded: "Of course, I want to dream."

"Then I ask you, what is the most difficult thing to break the White Bone Peak camp?"

"Of course it is breaking their formation."

Xiong Jie did not hesitate.

The witches attack the right way, and the most difficult thing is always to break the opponent's formation.

The body of the Witch is stronger than the right way, and the martial art is not weaker than the opponent.

There are also some extremely powerful and terrifying hole cards.

The overall strength is far stronger than the right way.

The main reason is that losing in the formation is far worse!

The attack on the main peak of Jiuyin took decades, but only with the help of spies.

The reason is those powerful formations.

These powerful and terrifying formations can be said to be the most powerful means of the right way.

As long as it can break the formation, the Wu Clan will win 80%!

Zhan Xiu continued to ask: "What is the most difficult point in breaking the formation?"

Xiong Jie said solemnly: "At the front of the eye."

Zhan Xiu smiled: "Then what if, I wait, can I help you destroy those eyes when you attack the White Bone Peak Camp?"


You Xiong Jie's face was extremely shocked.

Even if he heard about the Yingzhou Continent just now, he was not shocked to this extent.

The next moment, those eyes became extremely excited and hot.

"Can you break the eyes of the White Bone Peak camp?"

Zhan Xiu whispered: "This is our method."

He immediately asked: "How to prove?"

Zhan Xiu didn't hesitate, because this problem was already in that person's expectations.

"Give me a thousand strong, and within half a month, I will prove it to you!"

"it is good!"

You Xiong Jie stared at him and agreed without hesitation.

This is undoubtedly a gamble.

If he wins the bet, he breaks the White Bone Peak camp and can win the Wu Clan high priest!

The bet was lost, and a thousand clan warriors were lost.

For him, the thousand strong, although they accounted for 30% of the existing strong in the clan.

But he can afford it!

Xiong Jie promised to be so refreshing, and Zhan Xiu was also taken aback.

Then there was a touch of admiration in his eyes.

It is worthy of being a man and a top man who can stand in this troubled world.

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