Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4814: You are in distress!

Chen Feng had thought about it for a long time, and did not hesitate: "First, after the matter is done, I want to read the highest martial arts classics of the Immortal Gate of Destruction!"

Fang Wanjian did not hesitate either: "Impossible."

Definitely, there is no room for negotiation.

"Sure enough, it is a wishful thinking to obtain the highest martial art of the right way with this little merit."

"Sure enough, trickery is also limited."

This had been expected by Chen Feng, anyway, he was just trying.

He immediately stretched out three fingers: "One, I will need 300,000 great merits."

Fang Wanjian didn't hesitate: "Okay, here you are."

He instructed Ji Manhao: "Later, you go and tell Kuisha by yourself, just say that I said it."

Ji Manhao nodded solemnly.


Before he finished speaking, Fang Wanjian said indifferently: "There are only three things, so cherish these three opportunities."

Chen Feng smiled: "Don't worry."

"Secondly, all the blood of the Witch Clan demons killed will belong to me."

When Fang Wanjian heard this, he was taken aback, then his brows wrinkled.

He could probably guess what Yan Changfeng wanted the blood of the Witch Clan demons.

After all, he came from the Witch Clan demons, so there must be some special use.

It's just that the blood of the evil spirits of the Witch Clan is also a great wealth for people in the right way, and it has always been of great use.

Fang Wanjian pondered for a moment, and said, "Of course I can't give it to you before."

"Well, from now on, all the blood of the Witch Clan evil spirits collected by my White Bone Peak Camp will belong to you."

"it is good."

Chen Feng smiled: "Third, I can go in and out here freely."

"Of course."

Fang Wanjian agreed without hesitation.

"In addition..."

He looked at Chen Feng and said: "That thing is not called the blood of the witch race evil demon, but the blood of the great witch divine vein!"

Chen Feng laughed: "It's all the same."

Ji Manhao frowned and thought.

At this time, Chen Feng and others were almost finished talking, but he suddenly shouted: "How do I know that you are not a spy?"

"How do I know that you are not a witch demon who deliberately sent over to sell some information, so that you want to get into our spies?"

Before Chen Feng had finished speaking, Fang Wanjian had already covered his forehead and couldn't bear to look at it.

My subordinate is really stupid.

I'm afraid that the secrets of the deadly hall are of the highest level in the entire witch clan demons.

To them, the significance is extremely significant, and it can even be said that the value of the entire White Bone Peak Camp is nothing compared to Jue Ming Tang.

On the side of the Witch Clan demons, how could they be so stupid to send them two to deliberately sell this information to themselves?

Wouldn't it be easier for the two of them to pretend to be idle warriors to mix in here?

No need to reveal the big secret.

When Ji Manhao asked, he knew he had done something stupid.

Chen Feng didn't get angry, and smiled faintly: "It is normal for the general to have this question."

"However, at most half a month, you will know, General, we absolutely did not lie to you."


Fang Wanjian and Ji Manhao both came with interest: "Why?"

When Chen Feng looked at Fang Wanjian, he suddenly smiled, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Your Excellency, you know, you are in disaster at the White Bone Peak Camp!"

"As the patriarch knows, you have the Xiong clan, and disaster is imminent!"

It was almost at the same time that Chen Feng said this sentence.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, somewhere in a simple and solemn big account.

There was also a person who said this with a smile!

Three hundred thousand miles away from Baigufeng Camp, a huge city.

Here, it used to be a big city for people in the right way.

At this time, it was already occupied by the Witch Clan demons.

Inside the city wall, burned to white ground, and built a powerful formation outside, turning the entire city into a barracks.

Very strict and tidy.

A group of people stepped into this camp.

However, they are different from the others in the camp, they are actually a group of human warriors.

The group walked into the camp of the evil demons of the Witch Clan, and wherever they went, the evil demons of the Witch Clan were all looking at each other.

Even more witches spit on the ground with a sigh of disdain.

Even more provocative and looking for trouble.

But this group of people is not easy to provoke.

Each one is strong, brave and ruthless.

Immediately several people came out and ganged up with these provocative Wu Clan evil demons.

It's hard to distinguish between.

More people looked at them thoughtfully.

It turned out that this group of people suddenly appeared on the battlefield a few days ago.

And they are people who claim to be defectors from the right way, and they are not allowed to be on the right way.

I had been chased by the right way before, hiding in Tibet. This time the Wu clan attacked in a big way. They looked at the opportunity and came forward.

Where would those witches and demons powerhouses who met them first listen to these nonsense?

Even if you want to do it, kill this group of human warriors.

As a result, they did not expect that their strength was not weak.

There was a lot of noise, and it alarmed the strongest Witch Clan demons this time, including the Xiong clan chief: Xiong Jie.

This wording is full of loopholes and cannot stand scrutiny at all.

These high-level witches naturally did not believe it.

But they didn't expose them, but instead contained them, acquiescing them to enter the Witch Clan demons camp, forming a team of their own.

Directly under the command of Xiong Jie!

At this time, the evil demons of the witch race aggressively attacked, and it was just at the time of employment.

Although the Witch Clan demons have strong individual strengths, they are few in number. Although the origin of these people is unknown, each of them is extremely powerful and very skilled in cooperation.

At the same time, there are all kinds of weird magical techniques.

There are some powerful things that make Xiong Jie palpitations.

You Xiong Jie didn't ask for the source, but kept them.

Anyway, as long as they can do things for the Wu Clan now, as for the future, I will talk about it later.

When these righteous people are eliminated, there are ways to clean them up.

After this group of people came back, they came directly outside of You Xiong Jie's big tent to ask for a meeting.

After a while, the order came out and one person was taken into the big account.

If Chen Feng was here, he would definitely be able to recognize it.

The person who entered was Zhan Xiu, who had previously deliberately integrated all of them.

Zhan Xiu entered the camp of Youxiongjie, and the first sentence he said was this game.

Suddenly, Xiong Jie was shocked and shocked.

You Xiong Jie is a burly old man. Even though he is over three hundred years old, he is still very burly, with broad shoulders.

Standing there, like a mountain, possesses extremely terrifying power.

Even Zhan Xiu and others, even if they were pretentious, couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring and cautious when facing him at this time.

However, he remembered what the man told him before he came.

Suddenly, the courage strengthened again.

It has been a long time, and that person's judgment has never been wrong.

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