Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4776: coincidence!

"What's the use of cultivating painstakingly? Killing people for treasure, strengthening yourself, is the kingly way!"

Some people have cold eyes and are full of scheming.

"The task with twenty people participating, this time I'm afraid it's quite difficult. After I go in, I have to work together and draw calculations. It is bound to be the last laugh."

But there is also a black-clothed boy with his hands on his chest, a face pure like a child, looking only seventeen or eighteen years old.

But those eyes were extremely deep, revealing indescribable thoughts of the city.

It seems to have infinite wisdom shining in it.

He looked up at the sky, as if he had seen something through, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Chen Feng suddenly moved in his heart and realized something.

Yang Tian shouted: "Heaven is dominating, then with the delay of three days, will the difficulty of this mission also increase?"

The indifferent voice of the Lord of Heaven sounded: "The difficulty of the task, raise one level."

Chen Feng nodded slowly, this was not beyond his expectation.

At the top of the sky, it has always been like this, and one point pays one point in return.

After three more days, the difficulty increased.

"Is it more difficult?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Not only there is no fear, but the more excited.

"The increase in difficulty is a good thing for me."

"I remember that when I left the top of the firmament, someone threatened me, saying that he would kill me during this mission!"

"If the difficulty of the task itself increases, then the force I can use is stronger!"

"For me, it's more like a fish in water!"

Chen Feng now finally deeply realizes the weight of the four words Son of Heaven.

Presumably, on the top of the sky, the chosen children are extremely rare.

The top of the sky will carefully cultivate him to give him more time to prepare, but it will also increase the difficulty of the task for him.

In this way, more painful and powerful training is obtained, and a real strong person is tempered in the blood and fire!

After a while, the green light around Chen Feng's body suddenly dissipated.

In front of him, a cyan light gate appeared.

One foot stepped in, the next moment, the world revolved.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, countless flowers rushed toward his face, and a very beautiful scene burst into his eyes.

The hills are undulating, and the palace is dotted among them, which is the blessed land of Beidou.

Chen Feng opened his arms, feeling the power of the stars rushing toward his face, and his body was unspeakably comfortable.

Although Xuan Huang Zhong Qian World also has the power of stars.

But that is a world after all, too big, far inferior to the top of the sky, pure and dense.

There was already a burst of cheering in my ears.

"Brother Chen Feng!"

Chen Feng opened his eyes, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia leaped towards him with joy.

The two of them were full of anxiety, and they waited here early. After seeing Chen Feng at this time, they were all extremely happy.

Chen Feng left the Longmai Continent to fight the Nine Star Conferred God War, and they knew exactly how dangerous it was.

When Chen Feng left, there was no more news, and they were worried.

But they also knew that since the three of them belonged to the top of the sky, when the mission arrives in March, as long as Chen Feng is still alive, he will definitely come.

Today, the two of them came here early to wait.

Seeing Chen Feng at this time, my heart almost exploded with joy.

Especially Mei Wuxia, with a soft cry, threw directly into Chen Feng's arms and hugged his waist tightly.

The little face was buried in his chest.

In an instant, Chen Feng felt that his chest was soaked.

Mei Wuxia only felt that the tense string in her heart, once it was loosened, her emotions could hardly be controlled.

She knew she shouldn't cry, but she couldn't help it.

Chen Feng patted her back lightly: "Don't cry, am I back?"

Fairy Yuheng has also rushed over.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Mei Wuxia seemed a little embarrassed, and quickly broke free from Chen Feng's arms.

But still wiping tears beside.

It's just that smiles are all over his face.

Fairy Yuheng glanced up and down at Chen Feng, then slowly nodded: "Sure enough, he has entered the Zhongqian World, which is completely different from the past."


Chen Feng smiled and said, "What's the difference?"

Fairy Yuheng smiled and said: "You used to be strong enough, but it feels like you have a trace of twilight."

"Moreover, the eyebrows are more anxious and confused, as if they can't see the way forward."

"In a cage, I have been stuck for a long time."

"Now, it is full of vigor, and the future is full of direction."

Chen Feng laughed: "It's true."

Several people entered the hall and seated separately.

Then, Chen Feng told everyone what happened during this time.

Since breaking through the Nine-Star Conferred God Array, entering the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World.

But when Fairy Yuheng heard the six words Xuanhuang Zhongqianshijie, she was shocked and couldn't help exclaiming.

Mei Wuxia was surprised: "Sister Yuheng, what's wrong?"

Chen Feng saw it, but his heart moved.

Then, the look on his face became very strange.

Excited, gratified, and even more unbelievable.

"No way, sister Yuheng, could it be said that you turned out to be..."

Fairy Yuheng showed a bitter smile on her face, and shook her head repeatedly: "I really can't believe it."

"Chen Feng, you went to my world!"

Everyone was shocked when he said this!

Fairy Yuheng turned out to be a person of a thousand worlds in Xuanhuang!

She turned out to be a native of Xuanhuang in the thousand worlds!

Fairy Yuheng took a deep breath, stretched out his right hand, looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "Chen Feng, meet again."

"Xuanhuang in the Thousand Worlds, Eastern Desolate Immortal Territory, Lancangjiang Family, 479th generation prostitute, Jiang Yuheng!"

Chen Feng was taken aback, and then laughed.

Sister Yuheng is really interesting.

He stretched out his big hand and shook her slender, soft, soft squeeze: "No name, no faction, desperate arena, and he was hunted down, Chen Feng!"

The two looked at each other and both laughed.

Fairy Yuheng sighed lightly, looked at Chen Feng, her eyes were closer, only to feel that the relationship between the two was closer.

It seems to be in a different place, meeting old friends from hometown.

It's really a great opportunity.

The Tiancun Beast Slave asked, "Is this very rare?"

"Very rare."

Fairy Yuheng said: "The universe is empty and vast."

"The world under the sky, like the Ganges River, how many?"

"The Great Thousand World is more than three thousand."

"Zhong Qian World, more than tens of millions of billions?"

"The top of the sky is mysterious and unpredictable. It is extremely rare to select strong people from different worlds and come from the same world."

"I entered the top of the sky and met so many people, but I have never met a person who is also in a thousand worlds."

She said solemnly, "Of course, it's also very likely that everyone is in danger on top of the sky, and they won't tell the truth to each other."

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