Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4775: Advanced task for twenty people!

The next moment, Chen Feng suddenly trembled all over.

His eyes showed extreme excitement!

The excited face was flushed, the heart was beating wildly, the blood flow accelerated, and he could barely control his emotions, so he wanted to yell!

Just to identify what this hand bone is, you have to pay a full 100,000 chalcedony pieces!

So, if this thing is to be bought, how much will it cost?

one million? Or ten million heavenly chalcedony?

I'm afraid it will not stop!

"Heaven is the ruler!"

The joy in Chen Feng's heart could hardly be restrained, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then turned into a wild laugh.

My heart surged with ecstasy: "What kind of supreme treasure I got accidentally?"

Chen Feng took a deep breath and calmly waited in this mysterious space.

Didn't wait long.

Suddenly, there was a huge shock.

Then, I heard the voice of the Lord of Heaven.

"Beidou team, the two who participated in the advanced mission."

"Tried the fairy Chen Feng, and tried the fairy beast slave, all arrived."

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "It turned out that it was the two of us who participated in this advanced mission."

This is also normal, and the advanced tasks are assigned according to the power of the Trial Immortal.

The Beidou team, this time only Chen Feng and the Celestial Beast Slave were promoted to the Trial Immortal, and naturally only the two of them participated.

The two of them are not yet qualified to participate in the mission with the official team members such as Fairy Yuheng.

The mission that Fairy Yuheng participated in was a serious reincarnation mission.

Chen Feng felt like a flame was igniting in his heart, full of expectations: "I don't know what the mission this time is?"

"What great benefits will it bring me? What dangers will I face in it?"

Chen Feng has never forgotten the words that he was threatened before leaving the top of the sky last time.

In this mission, I am afraid that there is a great danger

But he has always known that wealth is in danger.

The great danger is accompanied by great opportunities.

In the next moment, Chen Feng saw that there was a mist of blue light falling from the sky.

Then, amidst the azure light, dozens of tracts were separated and scattered to inexplicable places.

Through space, I don't know where to go.

Then, the great and vigorous voice of the Lord of Heaven sounded.

But this time, it was not in Chen Feng's heart, but in this void.

As if to explain something to a group of people.

"This time I participated in the trial of advanced missions, there are a total of 20 people from six forces!"

What I participated in before was a trial mission.

After the trial mission, become a trial immortal.

And now they are participating in advanced quests. After completing three advanced quests, they can become official immortals in the sky.

For example, Fairy Yuheng and the others are all immortals in the sky.

Chen Feng frowned.

This time there are as many as 20 people participating in the mission. It seems that there will be a big fight next!

Suddenly he moved in his heart and looked at the cyan light that diverged from the sky.

These cyan lights, except for those spilled on oneself, are exactly nineteen.

"Presumably, these glaring lights should have been scattered to the other nineteen immortals who participated in this advanced mission."

"Then why, is it separated from me?"

Chen Feng felt something was wrong. Under normal circumstances, he should not be separated from himself, but should be drenched with blue light from the Lord of Heaven and land directly on the various immortals participating in the mission.

Then, he didn't care about it.

The voice of the Lord of Heaven rang out again.

"After three hours, the mission will start."

"Please reach the giant tower of the heavens and ten thousand realms in time. If you fail to enter in time, it will be deemed as a failure of this mission."

"Failure penalty!"

God dominates, spit out cold words: "Erase!"



"There are still three hours of preparation time."

Chen Feng sighed lightly: "In this case, my plan will be greatly affected."

Chen Feng had planned to do a very important thing before this mission started.

But three hours is obviously not enough.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, the magnificent voice of the dominion of heaven rang in Chen Feng's heart.

"Due to the trial of the fairy Chen Feng, he is the son of the Chosen."

"Therefore, the preparation time for this trial mission has been extended from three hours to three days."

"All the immortals participating in this mission will go on for three days."

The sound fell like thunder.

Chen Feng was shocked and immediately stupid, the next moment he tasted it.

Then, there was a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

What he was ecstatic was not just that the time to participate in the mission was pushed back three days, allowing him to do something with ease.

more importantly……

"It turns out that the status of my chosen son is so high! There are so many benefits!"

"It can be abrupt and delayed for three days!"

"This means that the identity of my chosen son, even if it is the top of the sky, has to be taken seriously!"


A few thoughts flashed in Chen Feng's eyes: "Can you do something with this in the future?"

"However, those are all things to follow."

A smile was drawn at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "With these three days, what I have always wanted to do before can be done!"

But soon, Chen Feng realized the murderous intent.

If someone else knows the identity of one's chosen son, then I am afraid that there will be endless troubles.

Fortunately, he quickly distinguished it, and these words sounded in his heart.

He suddenly moved in his heart: "It seems that the Lord of Heaven is very careful to protect the identity of my chosen son."

Then, the voice of the Lord of Heaven sounded again: "Something has changed, the task time is postponed to three days later!"

At the same moment, on the top of the firmament, that is inexplicable, like everywhere in the depths of the universe.

There are also nineteen other people, each in a space.

The space they are in is much smaller than Chen Feng's.

Where Chen Feng is, like the vast universe, there is no boundary.

It seems that countless stars can be seen in the distance.

But what they are in is just like a small pale room.

The bluish light sprinkled on the top of the head was just a very thin strand.

The voice of the Lord of Heaven is also mechanical and indifferent, let alone answering their questions.

At the same moment, they all heard the words of the Lord of Heaven: "Something has changed, the task time is postponed to three days later!"

Suddenly they were shocked.

"Something has changed? What happened?"

Some people show their thoughts and their thoughts are deep.

More people are quite happy.

"With these three days to prepare, I have a greater chance of completing this task!"

There was a wild giant with totem patterns all over his body, bloodthirsty and crazy laugh.

"This time it's a task with 20 people participating, I can kill it! Hahaha..."

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